Wednesday, July 04, 2007

So That Didn' Constitute The Police?

Okay so today(I haven't been to bed yet) But July 3rd I was in downtown Victoria BC after an appointment.On the intersection of Douglas and Johnston Street close to 4pm a young man it would appear had some kinda of huge breakdown. Out of nowhere he began just freaking right out. He first started to yell and jump on his backback which got people's attention sure enugh. But then he decided that whatever had him pissed should get the drivers invoved, he began to unpack his backpack and throw all the items from it onto the road into the intersection, just hurled them. Everyone just stood around and watched. Calling 911 guess what their response was? Well we're kinda busy down here maybe some nice citizens will take it upon themselves to pick up his stuff off the road. Too busy? leave it to our citizens? Holy crap woman. Whatever...
I did after he left and had picked up maybe a couple papers and left everything else including his backpack behind, decide to try and clear the road of some of his stuff. Some fricken lady came up to me like I was fuckin crazy and asked if I needed some help with something.
I turned to her and said I am taking it upon myself to try and get some of this crap off the roads that some pisshead left on the road. Maybe not in those words but grr that pissed me off. What the hell is wrong with people? I did take pics.
On June 30th at Tillicum mall when we came out from Silver City we also ran into 3 fire trucks I believe being there. Apparently there was a small brushfire. Apparently there is forever being brushfires there.Oh to Joy....

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Mega Catchup

60mins show has me wondering what is ur side on this pill?
11:11pm Monday, Jun 18
On 60 minutes The Memory Pill produced by Shari Finkelstein has me wondering what your morals have you saying about the debate in this new pill some people want to put on the market. My side is yes yes yes.I would take it I would so take it if it would end my PTSD. I would so let my kids take it. It is short term it is such a great break in medical tests I just think more tests need to be allowed to happen. This pill needs a chance in this world today.The pill is called PROCLANILOL I may have spelt it wrong but pretty sure it's spelt right. How it is explained is that this tests has showed that it can stop memories from forming into long term traumatic events. Apparently it has been shown in tests in rats that adreniline rushes to our forefronts and is what makes our memories because stronger and more active when a traumatic event happens. When the rats were shot with this med it stopped the adreniline and the memories were cut off. In human tests short term tests showed they worked as well. Later they did tests on some people who have had long term Post traumatic stress disorder and in at least one case her memories were no longer traumatic and destroying her life like they were before. This was not just with the medication but with suggestions and a movie ect. You really should watch the documentary to get the whole gist of it. However when they wanted to do long term tests apparently the FDA pulled it and said no.Some people say memories are what make us who we are. That this drug could become abused and overused. If a guy has a bad date and makes an ass of himself well hell I will just take a pill. Or a girl dumps you and it hurts real bad just take a pill. This is the other side of the fight keeping the drug from being used. I say this happens with many medications in today that are used. This is always a possibilty this is the caution of doctors. It does not erase the memory, you still have it, just not the pain that comes with it. You can go on and leave a productive happier life than you may have before use with this medication. So what's your view. Curiousity lets me ask you the question yes or no and why?
Being A Black Sheep & Other Thoughts...
6:43pm Saturday, Jun 23
I have not being well lately so not been blogging. Anything I have written is on here, but no worries, I will copy and past to my other journals all these past entries when I am back to par if that ever happens; and when my dad brings me finally a new computer. I just wanted to mention how right now I am thinking about how other people deal with being a black sheep #1- in their plutonic family, #2- external family, and #3- people in life. Growing up I always felt of the 3 kids my brother and I were both black sheep. However I felt darker than he for I was always blamed for him being a dark sheep. Somehow how he was a reflection of me as an older sibling, not a reflection of my parents. I still hold that pain with me today and can't let it go. However my siblings seem to have easily let go of the pains and darkness in our childhoods. Now we are all adults and somehow as one sibling now is a workaholic and lifes will is all about money and the other has suffered pains no one should go through now makes them both pure sheep and I a disappointment to them and to the world. I guess in someways I am a disappointment to myself. No one grows up wishing for disabilities and mental disorders. Those make me somewhat less. However I am extremely outspoken. I do not belief my lifespan will be very long. I believe I have suffered more than one should. I kept strong friends because I wasn't. Somehow over time I learned to speak my mind. I learned to stop being quiet cause I had had enough of hiding behind my friends. If you have dirty laundry too damn bad, maybe you should have thought about those actions before you took them. When did it become okay for anyone to tell anyone they needed to learn their place? When did it become okay for anyone to scream in someones face? Did it suddenly become okay to hide the fact that you feel afraid sometimes when your being yelled at? The whole fricken world knows I am so not a puritan. I was a teen mom. I have always been jealous, and an emotional wreak. Those close to me know I HATE CLEANING! I have no issue with admitting I like to be lazy, thing is maybe that caught up with me, because now I have osteoarthritis in my spine, now it hurts to lift, it hurts to be overly physical, it hurts to go out for hours, it hurts to hike. I love to hike, I love to camp. When I was young I swam, was in the jogging club, jazz dancing, I walked all the damn time till in my 20's when I was so overweight I couldn't. Which I did something about. Ya know? I don't know why I am the way I am but I am. I hate being so sick. Who gets this sick? It's ridiculous and I always laugh and say the devil doesn't want me and neither does God, so I am just gonna suffer with every medical disorder. Lucky me!!!I won't hide things I know, I won't shut up. Threaten me go right ahead I will still write about it. I will also write your threat. I am done with people thinking they can walk on me. Nope journals are awesome, it helps me think to myself, it helps me talk and get answers I can't maybe sometimes come up with on my own. If you think that makes me evil screw you! Secrets are something I grew up with. I try very hard to have my kids not do the same. Because no one needs that in their life! Secrets are bad, they make you sick and they will hurt you! They say my sign is the sign of sex and death. I used to be someone who was hugely sexual being sick pretty much has killed that part of me for the moment but death, I think about it alot. I never thought being sick like this was going to come to my adult life. Not with how active I was when younger:( Oh and as for me being spiteful. When I was with Michael when he hit I used to break his stuff, throw dishes, glasses ect. We were both so out of control. Calling nonstop, walking for hours to get to his place. I think now looking back we both were bad to one another. Doug, I was more spiteful with him in the way of putting up a website about him, leaving ,essages galore. He actually taught me how to relax my ass. Even told me himself that me over everyone had changed more than anyone he knew hands down. I no longer yelled or anything, between him and my youngest I went to the other side. Silence. When I can't keep it together anymore. I shut right down. I journal shit you say? I journal what I feel and how I experienced an experience, but people need to realize that it is how I FELT about it. The other side can see it differently and I have always said that. Anyhow whatever, maybe...
(Dermatillomania/CSP), OCD, Self Mutilation, and Skin Picking
7:00pm Sunday, Jun 24
My OCD tendencies lately seem to be at an all time high. I hate it. I wish people could have it for a day and understand what it is like to do something and even when made contious of it can't stop it. I have done skin picking for all my life. I have also done alot of self mutilation, but have through therapy gotten better with at least the cutting issues. They say OCD is also related to Terrets syndrome. I do it more when I am feeling, stressed, out of control, hurt ect. I also have an aversion to using certain utensils and dishes but can't explain why, I just can't use them it makes me want to throw up. I also save EVERYTHING! I have had so many fights with my mom, and guys in my life over saving everything and them throwing shit out. I get panicked that if I throw something out I will end up needing it or wanting it and then what? When everything is neat too I struggle more to find things, makes no sense to anyone else but it does to me. It's a daily struggle.My mom, my neice and I all have the skin picking issue. My kids have all done it but seem to have learned how to control it. One is a little less controlled than the other two and I think will always have that tendency now. My therapist had put me on celexa which I still take hoping it would calm my OCD down but it hasn't. I have not yet heard of a drug that can cure OCD. That would be so great if there were cause I hate it. I hate if I don't do it I panic, I feel sick, I feel shaky. It is a soother for me. Can't explain it, don't really understand it myself but it really does feel lonely. I think more studies and tests need to be done with people who have OCD. I would easily participate in a study, if it would stop it altogether. It would be such a freedom. Anyhow that is my rant for today. As you might well guess from reading this I am more violent to myself than to others. I am mouthy and bitchy to others, but when it comes down to physical altercations I would rather do it to myself!!! So there ya go!
Pissed & Frustrated With Getting FIFA U20 Tickets...
11:43am Wednesday, Jun 27
So Sarah and Phil's sister were bought tickets to go to see the FIFA U20 soccer games here in Victoria. I wanted Phil to be responsible for it because it was dealing with his family and involved being a gift for his sister. He didn't like it but did go put the payment on it. We were able to get them through the club Sarah is in. However we had to get these vouchers until the tickets came in. Lately we been on pins and needles waiting for the tickets to come in. Well I get an email today saying the pick up date was yesterday. I call Phil and he didn't know anything about it said he got no email about it. So I give him a number to call that was not on the email hoping this lady could help us track the ticket bearers down. Then I go to his email he got the email about tickets not on the 25th like me but on the 23rd!!! OMG I lost it. It says on his it is the ONLY pick up date. Has a different lady's name. So I emailed who I could and am now waiting for responses. Gave him numbers and he is waiting. I sent them our numbers but have appointments today. Phil says see you should have dealt with it. OMG I am ready to fucking scream. We better get those tickets because one little girl is going to be balling her eyes out if she can't go it is all she has talked about. She was upset we weren't gonna get the vouvhers into tickets. I don't want to see her heart broken....
We got the tickets, Phil's my Hero:)
12:42pm Thursday, Jun 28
He was determined as hell to get our tickets despite that we missed the pick up date and trust me when Phil is determined you don't want to get in his way. He's my hero. The tickets are in our hot little hand. My kid is happy and all is well whoo hoo
So Confused
1:22pm Today
I can feel the emotions and I believe they are real, but once burned how do you go beyond that. Do you try to trust again? Scared and unsure. What do I do?
Thoughts I Need To Write...
6:31pm Today
Having running thoughts right now, so need to write...It's canada day and I am kinda moody. Confused. I am tired of feeling betrayed and lied to. Why do I always feel like the last one to know the truth about everything? Especially when it comes to the subject of men, and more so when it is men I care about? I used to break things, smash things. Really all that does is leave you feeling worse and empty. I was in a therapy group where I had to actually go through a session of how I acted when a guy got me to that place. They got out trash cans and dishes ect and I went through the clingy don't leave me crap and smashing and swearing at the placebo person. We spent the afternoon that day going through it. I don't think I ever felt so centered out and wanting to hide as much as I did that day. It was really hard to deal with. I ended up in a corner and just balling my eyes out. I don't think I have smashed anything since then or held on to anyone physically like that again. I mean where does it get you? I think I have ripped a few posters and letters but on the whole I try not to do anything physical. However I do have the issue still with physically hurting myself. However I do have the picking issue with is an OCD disorder and is made owrse by stress and upset and I have struggled with cutting but worked so hard on not cutting myself. No one has any idea how hard that is to deal with, but I do find breathing and counting and meds do help. I do know I get alot of griping at me about my meds and it really pisses me off. I don't like taking them, it's fricken a pain in the ass and sometimes I want to puke them out but I can so tell when I don't take them. I talk faster and people especially my grandmother and Phil get on me that I am agitating them by talking too fast and changing subjects too fast. Doug actually seemed to like me that way, thats why we get along so well. He flows with my moods and knows when I am agitated, when I am up, he is so tooned into me it's awesome, I love how he is like that! That has been a rarity in my life.Actually Jo-Anne seemed to be really good at sliding with my moods as teens. I think my teen years would have been dramatically different had I been diagnosed as bipolar at that time. It explains so very much. I was very jealous of friends. I was hyper sensitive. Very moody. Always tired. So much more. But it is hard to diagnose teens and alot of anti-depressants are not very good for teens it can actually make them worse.I see the dermatologist this week, and gonna go get that blood test and stomach test. My doctor believes my stomach is bleeding and so I am on these meds to help at least slow that down. I should be getting that scope soon as well.My hamstring is healing but I pulled it again yesterday-grr that fricken hurts.Went out with DJ on wednesday we had lunch at the Brass Duck, he had fish and chips and calamari. I had the Clubhouse. Then we went and watched Knocked up. Holy moses can we say swearing overload and female nudity galore AND alot of drug use, not your everyday movie.Then yesterday Phil and I went to Kelsey's can we say the food was REALLY BAD we sent it back. Got New York Fries at the movie theatre and watched 1408. Wow buildup to that was not as good as the actual movie itself. Not a movie I would watch a second time around! So I been feeling pretty good about having my kids around me but wish I was the everyday kind of mom. That is not something I can ever be. I am proud of the kids they are. Ya know Dj is doing so awesome in school and he is in Sask right now visiting Crystal and I gave him some money to spend there. Mary is falling behind in grades but wants to do better and she keeps herself clean with her friends. She is such a beautiful girl. Sarah is so awesome in soccer and strong willed. All my kids are strong willed. No one is ever gonna keep them quiet like wow, wish I could have been fighters like them, and opinionated like them, and refused to keep quiet like them. You won't ever see them keeping secrets and they fight omg they fight and are strong like hell. When I was younger I feared my dad and kept my mouth shut. I have never been a fighter. Of course I am a little different now. I tell all, I speak all, I won't hide anything and I will get in your face. I think it's because everyone seems to hate me anyway and I don't foresee a long lasting life so I might as well stand up and stand strong and say what I have to say and if you don't like it BITE ME!!!!So anyhow that is me fornow, had to get the thoughts out, hope everyone has a great Canada I believe we're 140yrs old, and we are the country that rocks whew hoo.....

Monday, June 11, 2007


Well Mary is coming home in less than 2 weeks. I am excited, but nervous. We bought the girls cell phones early bday presents from all of us. I just feel safer with them having them. I would like to see if I can get them engraved.I was out the other day and my back hurt so bad I mean so badly like never has it hurt this badly before. The pain was so bad that I passed out from the pain. Does osteoarthrtis really get this bad? two days of that kind of pain. Was so bad I couldn't even cry. I think I took a little more of my painkillers than I meant too because it hurt so bad. It's pointless to go to hospital because with chronic pain it's not really anything they can do. What bugs me is when I get put down for being in pain. Like any of us grows up to say yeah when I grow up I want to be disabled. I hate being on disability. I hate chronic pain. I hate that it kills me to try and carry a few groceries only 4 blocks home, that takes everything out of me. I'm 34yrs old I should be healthy and vibrant. I'm not. So being told no one else would want you if they really knew you kills me. Maybe they wouldn't but do you have to yell that at me and make me feel that much worse?Anyhow it turns out I have this hernia that is blocking my stomach and reflux which is why I am constantly puking. This is what is making eating a problem. So my surgeon wants to go in and have more of a look with the scope. I'm sure I will get the date for that pretty quick. Oh lucky me another scope. He wanted to give me pariet but that shit has done nothing to alleiviate the problem. So I said no. What is the point if it is doing nothing? More drugs I don't need. Yes me saying no to more drugs. As much as people think I like all these meds I don't. I am sick of all these freakin meds. One does get tired of swallowing pills day in and day out. I wish it could all be done with a shot once a month that would be great!I envy people who are healthy and happy and never in pain. Envy people who never have to know what depression/bipolar is like. I do have to say though seeing all my old friends on here. Having people remember me and know that people out there do care all because of facebook, that has done more than anyone realizes. Odd how something so little in life can make such a big difference to a life in reality!

Friday, June 08, 2007


Watching the Movie "In God's Country"-Kelly Rowan, Richard Burgi, (2007)star in the tale of a woman's efforts to rescue her 16-year-old daughter from a polygamous community.(drama, 120mins)I am from the United Church so I do believe in being with only 1 man for myself. However I do not understand why if someone wants to be in a community where they all understand and share that they not be allowed to live that way. Who are we to say it is wrong? It just makes me so damn angry. I do not though understand them allowing the girls to marry so young. I am glad that in these days most people are older now when they marry. So anyhow I saw the dr. apparently I have sometype of hernia and also have some reflux. He also thinks I may have built up scar tissue that may have to be lasered away. So he is going to do a scope-oh the joy. At least this is getting things looked at and I know finally something is being seen. I feel alot more relieved now I saw specialist:)Not sure why but my back is hurting so damn bad I cannot even begin to to tell you had badly it hurts. I've had osteoarthrtis in my spine for years now but some days I feel like it is just breaking apart. I do not tolerate pain well.One thing I have had only last 2 days and have no idea why & not told dr yet is very very very dizzy and if I try to look at something it is hard to look at even like looking in the mirror everything is like on an angle. Messed up.... ...and no I don't do drugs!!!


Watching the Movie

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Wednesday, June 06, 2007

So I finally got into the xray to have my Upper GI Tract tests done. NOT A FUCKIN FUN TIME! I hate swallowing that chalk. That doctor had me moving around so much I thought I was gonna puke like being on a rollercoaster. However did appear that I may have a blockage leading into my pouch, which would explain why I have been suffering when I try to swallow solids. It also appeared to me that there were some lumps that are not supposed to be there.It's funny when my dad was driving me there I was telling him how the doctor thinks I have irritable bowel syndrome. He was like "is there anything you don't have?" I was like "it is my mission in life to have an illness for each letter of the alphabet lol, just kiddin dad" I personally don't concur with that diagnoses, but whatever!So I see Dr.Amson on friday and he will probably order a scope and hopefully the CT scan the other doctor had recommended. Well While I was writing this my doctors office called. Surprise surprise they want to see me. That is the fastest I ever got a callback from them. Wow I am actually crying now. I don't want another surgery, I am so fricken tired of surgery. Phil is going out after work so pretty much here on my own to sit and stew on this. I guess it couldn't happen to a better person right? I mean I must have some huge ass bad Karma out there cause bad things just always seem to happen to me. Yes if I feel attacked I can be a huge assed vengeful bitch. If you attack me as a mother or go after the one I love God save your sorry soul because I have a bad habit of acting and saying things first and thinking later. I am not the best mom in the world. I started young and I made some huge assed mistakes but I love my babies. The ones I brought into this world and the ones I lost but never stop aching over losing.I am trying to be strong but I am angry at those who have been telling me this has all been in my head. Probably because I am bipolar-screw you. I know when something isn't right in my body!!!RIGHT NOW I AM SCARED I just want to know what this is and how we fight it!For now that is all I have energy for...

Monday, June 04, 2007

Guys Do It All The Time...

So this month has been just a sheer heartache for me. I feel like I have let go of anything tangible and have nothing to grab onto. Last night I couldn't sleep. I am exhausted and tired today. So tired that I want to cry and I can't. You know just over a week ago I found out Doug had lied to me about everything for 10 long years. Which really shouldn't matter because I have chosen to be with Phil and not Doug. So what's the dif everyone says? Regardless it still hurts like hell. I truly, deeply, madly loved and trusted Doug. He was someone I could tell anything to, so yeah it hurt regardless of the fact we were no longer together. He had just recently asked me to choose him over Phil. So lately I had been questioning myself "what if"Then in the last few days I find searches on Phils computer for porn and teen porn. I find a picture of a ladies naked breasts on his phone which he says he never knew was there. Then to top it all off the lady who has text messaged my phone before about Phil cheating on me once again texted me today and said he is still at it and has a kid on the way and won't leave her alone and wants him to leave her alone but won't and the sex sucked with him. This is the 3rd instance of her texting me. Everytime Phil says he has no idea why she is doing it. He doesn't cheat ect. I don't know what to believe. He yells at me when I ask about it and calls her a cunt and me a bitch for believing it. I don't know maybe she is just causing trouble. Maybe I should just believe it. I am so confused *tears*

Monday, May 28, 2007

Miss Universe, Miss USA, Inspiration to Children

Well wow I have never in all the years I have watched Miss Universe have never seen any of them slip and fall. Well Miss USA did just that tonight and wow I was just shocked. I couldn

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Friday, May 25, 2007

I Totally Support Rosie O'Donnell

Ya know I have loved Rosie from day one. By the looks of things alot of people have a hate on for her. Screw them. Why cause she's not some skinny little big breasted blonde? Get real. I think it's low that Donald Trump went onto Nancy Grace and totally slammed her. He may not like her but the way he slammed her was abusive and cruel. I wish I could reach out and give her a hug. If she did do some inappropriate things I know she did it from embarrassement and upset. Not an excuse but totally understandable. She is being dragged through the mudd for all the world to see. I really feel for her right now. I may feel for her more because I know how much I have been hurting by the crap I have had to deal with in parts of my life, the last few days and being told today to learn where my place is. I have always had friends. I am happy to see all the friends I have on facebook, I have a deep depression I deal with. Seeing everyone on facebook has made me realize even though I have slowly become somewhat of a shut in I really do have alot of people who I can reach out to, you all have no idea how much that means to me. I have always stuck by friends who do my fighting for me. I have raised kids who were like the friends I have always kept. I didn't want them growing up fearing other people, adult or kids. They are opinionated, strong minded and can't be told who or what they should be doing or hanging with. I am very prtoud of that. I am a stronger personality now but still suffer with depression. I always will I have bipolar. Wish I had known that in school, life probably would have been 100% better. I still take alot of crap from men not women though. Anyhow yeah Rosie is someone I totally adore.Another that no one basically agrees with who I support and adore is Roseanne Barr she rocks. I love her strength, her ability to laugh and not be afraid of anyone elses opinions. Anyhow I feel like crying so I am off for now, God bless you all, sweet dreams goodnight....

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Too Mucvh info, insides overblown

Well anyone who has been a friend of mine in the past 10yrs or so knows about Doug. They know my whole world was wrapped up around him and his words were gospel to me. That my love for him was deeper than any love I thought I would ever have again. That he even has been an issue between Phil and I, that I have struggled with staying with Phil to go back to Doug. That Doug has said he would change if I went back to him and dumped Phil. But that I did choose Phil over Doug. Last night I found out all those years Doug was also with Kath. That he was not sleeping on the couch. That they were only ever really broken up for very short spurts. I learned a ton more but it's really not worth writing it all out. I mean just what I have written right now is enough. How does a guy get away with that for 10yrs? Now he is going to put someone else through it? How can he live with himself?I think Phil is happy just another thing to throw in my face to prove he is better than Doug. I hate how he uses shit like that to throw in my face. As for other things, Summer is getting closer I can't wait for it to finally get here. I picked up haircolor so I can finally get my hair done. Picked up some new summer clothes for Sarah. I picked up some sweet red dress shoes for myself. When Mary gets here I am finally gonna go buy myself all new pants mine are all too big. Mary is awesome for fashion sence and I am not so I am saving that for a girls day out thing. We got 2 new fish we named them twinkle and lady:)Anyhow I shall go for now, hope everyone is doing well, tatta:)

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Friendships, Changes, & Medical...

Well I have been on an emotional high finding old friends. Being a military brat we moved so finding old friends means alot to me. Finding and sorting out family has been fun for me and my daughter as well. Facebook is an awesome site, I swear everyone is on there:)Looks like some changes are coming to my life, new beginnings and old endings, probably for the better, but will need emotional supports I think to get through them. Saw docotor today I am staying on pain meds 4 times a day and she ordered a breath test something to do with ulcers, more blood tests, more stool tests, an upper GI test and getting hold of doctor Amson to have him look me over and do more tests. I am getting so sick of all these fricken tests! Why can't they figure out what is going on...
Last week it was the Baldwins, this week David Hasellhoff drunk and eating a burger off the floor shot by his 16yr old daughter. Your not safe from the drama even if your a celebrity. What is going on with so many dad's and why are celebrity kids turning in this stufdf about their dads? That is harsh

Friday, May 04, 2007

Too Close To Home...

The article below the source is from The Province BC Canada
Teens with toy gun face charges after school locked down
By Matthew Ramsey, The ProvincePublished: Thursday, May 03, 2007
Chilliwack - Two teens who brought a toy gun to Chilliwack Middle School on Thursday afternoon have some serious explaining to do.A teacher at the school called police at 2:30 to report seeing the two young people with what appeared to be a handgun.That call prompted a massive police response which included dogs and an RCMP helicopter. Police locked the school down and searched it until they found and arrested the duo without incident. The two were in custody Thursday afternoon and will be charged. It was not clear whether they are students at the school.The police treat these matters very seriously," said Const. Bert Paquet. "Bringing these items to school is not a smart move. Paquet said said staff and students were not at risk.
This scared me. I felt scared and helpless as I couldn't do anything but pray my daughter was and would be ok. My middle daughter lives in Chilliwack and goes to the middle school. They already had a threat of guns on the 25th of April and she stayed home that day. Being in Victoria a ferry ride away all I can do is wait and listen for more news. I am relieved that they were toy guns and I hope those two kids suffer imeasurably, what the hell were they fricken thinking? Thankyou God for watching over my kids. Funny my youngest said her sister would be ok cause she has a connection with her sister and if something was wrong she would feel it. Is that not the sweetest thing? I love when my kids talk like that about one another, cause me and my siblings did not get along growing up. I still can't get along with my drama spoiled princess sister. My brother we have had our moments but we always get over our anger. He's one of the strongest people I know!

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

I Hate The Darkness...

Ok firstly yes I am bipolar, yes I am on meds, obviously I need to go back in and once again have them adjusted cause I am shutting down. I am just so tired of having to go back in and see a fuckin psychiatrist. It makes me feel stupid and unworthy. Ask Phil he'll tell you you only have to see one if your psychologically fucked up and stupid :'( As for the pain I have been having buscopan seems to be helping with that but makes me even more tired than I already am. The xrays as I said showed that my bowels on the right side are very backed up and I may have irritable bowel syndrome which my mom and possible middle daughter has :'( Today was my ultrasound once again they found something. I had a hysterectomy due to endometriosis and today they found on my ovaries my eggs apparently are not flushing out but attaching to my ovaries which somehow grow? Make like sores and a couple are about half the size of my ovaries. My guess is the dr may choose to now take out my ovaries and that is upsetting cause all I need is menopause added to my already emotioal being. I really thought my ovaries would be fine and dandy. I now apparently will also be having a CT scan just to make sure nothing else is going on. I feel like my brother is right I am gonna end up in the hospital hooked up to machines barely living. I am barely living now. I barely get out of bed right now. I am exhausted and emotional and hurting. I am tired of being yelled at and now Doug well he just put the last knife in my heart.
I was coming home today and what did I see oh yeah broadcasted on a sign for the whole world to see, thanks Doug thanks for that true scorpio revenge you had to do because I chose Phil not you. what 2nd time now I chose Phil and so we can't even be friends? I wanted to talk to someone today usually I talk to Doug because he's always been there but now he is not talking to me out of spite. I want to be angry and spite him back but I can't, it hurts. I know I love Doug and Doug loves me but it just doesn't seem to be. we're both in relationships and I want him to be happy. I stuck with him through Kath, through Michelle, through a few women which he says he didn't consider cheating yeah we have been on and off almost 10yrs now? Always kept best of friends. Just seemed to always miss one another with relationships, one of us always seems to be with someone when the other is not. But we have always known and saidf we loved one another. But when it came down to being with him or Phil I stayed with Phil. I know that hurt, but it hurt me when he stayed with Kath over me so long ago. Not to mention my tat is a permanent mark of my devotion to him even when not together. So yeah his little vengeence trip right now that hurts, I miss my best friend.
Phil came home from work today with flowers, carnations red, yellow and white. No card though. He was really moody though and went out right away. Not sure where and the mood he was in I could careless. He was more concerned that another of his transformer toys didn't get here today.
I need to make friends. I used to go out alot now I never leave my room. My brother says I am turning into a shutin. No one in my entire life ever would have considered my life to turn this way. I didn't like being yelled at in front of my friends so eventually I just got together with people less and less, and now never and so when I feel like I feel right now I look at my phone and I have no one to call. All the numbers are Phil's friends and he has tons.
I was thinking alot today about ontario. God how I miss it there. I have never ever liked it in BC. It doesn't feel like home, only reason I stayed here is for the kids all their family is here. Phil refuses to go to ontario. IF I had the money and means I think I would seriously consider moving home to ontario. That's home, that's where I miss. My middle daughter has been there she loved it. I don't know, I am supposed to go visit next summer and see Barb in New York which is one thing the only positive thing I hold on to right now. And my middle daughter seeing her this summer. I miss her so much. I just worry about her and Phil, they so do not get along :'( Anyhow I have thought what if I go to ontario next summer and don't want to come back? I really wish I could just say hey I have the money and means I am off to ontario. Clean slate, new life. Happiness, but life doesn't work that way does it? I hate life, it keeps ya down....

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Life Is Hell, Why Live It?

I had xrays done, blood work and urine samples oh how fun. Turns out my stools on the right side are hugely backed up but all clear on the left side. So she wasn't sure but thinks I could have irritable bowel syndrome, oh lucky me. But we still have to see with ultra sound and ct scan. They shot me up with toridal and gave me a high dose of ativan and sent me home with a prescription for buscopan and we shall see how that all works out for now. So that's the story for now...

I hate having emotions. I am hurting and scared and angry more than I am my old bubbly happy social self. I hate this darkness and I want to stop feeling. I just want the world to go away, how do I make that happen? I am tired of the darkness and spontaneous tears. It takes all I have just to sit up in bed right now...
Everyone seems to find a reason for getting up everyday, how do you do that? I seem to have lost my way. Phil told me today apparently most of his family dislikes me or hates me now partially because of that video I uploaded online. I wish I could apologize but I'm not sorry. I am so tired of feeling like no one understands what I go through and even with the video still it got turned around, this is why I hate life. I hate everything. I wish to cease to exist. Obviously I am unworthy in life and in love. *tears* I guess I deserve afterall to be yelled at and called down so here I am world kick me till I am dead...

Saturday, April 21, 2007

My Thoughts on Virginia Tech/ Politics of Plenty Of Fish & Angus

No I have not gone to hospital yet, so yes still very sick. More if I get up. I feel not so bad if laying still. I don't want to go through a million tests:( AnyhowI want to say God bless the families and friends of those who lost angels who made their way to heaven this week when Cho shot up Virginia tech on monday. However I do have opinions that are not so popular with anyone. I have sat and watched a million memorials and they most made me cry. I think what the one teacher did should never be forgotten he was brave. The memorials I like best though are the one who included Cho, because yes I believe he too is a victim. A victim of so much and being victimized even more now. His family I can only imagine the pain they are going through listening to how everyone talks of their son. I am angry about how the media has tried to report on things they do not know but think they know and not just on what they know. Trying to make speculations. Also about making such a huge ordeal about the mental illness. Hello I am mentally ill does not mean I am gonna kill a school of people. In fact I am more a danger to myself then to others. I have a sharp tongue but that's all. I feel so bad for Cho also seen him named as Daniel. If you look at his video he looks tired, he looks sad, like he really didn't want to do this. I really do feel something or someone pushed him over that edge. Someone out there knows why this went this far and I hope your sorry ass hurts for what has happened. I have cried for Cho as much as I have cried for the victims. I do have to say though, hands down Virginia Tech has handeled this situation better than anything else I have ever seen. They are not acting like this is all they are. They have been strong and joined as one. Their community spirit is one that if the world could be like them would be a much better place. We could be a better world if we took a lesson from the people who were at the forfront of this situation. God bless you and your families. You are so strong and I adore your strength, I wish I had what you had, I wish we all did. God bless you!
Now my other issue right now is Plenty of fish not sure how all the other cities run on that site but Victoria seems to have alot of politics running on it. It is sad and disgusting. I am only on it just for kicks. Doug is on it and I think he is only on there to see how many more women he can piss off and hurt. He gets hurt by alot of women himself. So he has this thing with going to the gym so women will see him get built and be a god. I think he's fricken crazy it's making him sick not a god. He has become Mr.Popularity on there. Anyhow he makes one person feel like she is everything meanwhile he is telling someone else he is with her. So he has this "drunk" guys name Angus as his excuse for being an ass. I think it is crap because now quite a few people have been hurt and lied to. I agree I am one of them that has been lied to. I lost my glass slipper, told one thing when really the story was something else. I guess I should have known better. I mean Phil does the same thing all the time:( So now Angus is on this kick to break hearts all over POF and that works for him how? You would think one would learn a scorpio will always sting a scorpio especially if they feel your not giving them what they want, revenge is sweet I suppose :'( I am just not getting why I had to be hurt in the process...
As for the copycats since virginia tech, their out there. Look at the domestic shooting at Nasa yesterday and my middle daughter her school has had threats apparently of a shooting on the 25th. I mean that is so ridiculous and california had that one guy threatening to make VT look mild. He turned himself in. My heart goes out to the columbine families in their anniversaries.
Oh I did write down Dr.Demian Yakel who worked on alot of the VT patients in hospital damn he was a good looking doctor huh?The convocation for virginia tech was beautiful and I watched the whole thing. Strong people and very well spoken and done. Also watched the candle memorial and cried when they sang we all need somebody to lean on.
I do want to say yeah for the law passed in the USA this week for further ahead fetusus no longer able to be aborted-yeah yeah yeah. Absolutely yes I agree.
I do want to say 2 Dr.Phil Shows got my attention-Anna Hogan needs to go to fricken hell leave Anna Nicole alone I think she is such a bitch putting out the book Train Wreck-life and death of Anna Nicole Smith she just wants money. grrr bitch
I also wanted to say the family who came on the show Wrongful punishment April 18/2007 the first family on with teen boys totally felt for them and have had that kinda stuff in my house. I was really into that show, thanks for sharing your story...

Thursday, April 19, 2007


getting sicker everyday. Weaker and fainter everyday. Feels like something is draining inside me everyday in a way I can't describe it's kinda like a cold stinging wierd sensation in my abdomen that kinda penetrates into my back. I get hungry but I eat and I want to hurl it all back up within minutes. Still feeling hot all the time. Doctors kept asking about diahrea had non well hope their happy that finally began today, pills to stop it aren't working :'(. So weak, so shakey, so feverish and headachy. God make this end... Gravol doesn't help the nausea, T1's don't stop the pain or headaches. Just want it to end... would love to be your internet friend.Please check out my profile and photos at:,LadyIllusions

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

It IS That Bad

Well it is a kidney infection, which sucks but at least I can deal with at home. Kinda odd though because I feel like everyday I am getting weaker and weaker. In fact yesterday I fainted in the bathroom and woke up an hour and 20mins later to the phone ringing. Which sucked cause I had been called by the school to go pick up my kid. When I came to i GOT My brother to go get her. I hate fainting. I actually have a fear of fainting. Seriously I do, not sure why but it scares me the thought of fainting :(
I went out saturday night with Sherri. We didn't stay out too late I was so not well enough to be out. Doug was out too, he was sitting at a table with a couple girls. His friend Laurie well after listening to her I had enough and that's when we left. Some people need a fricken life!!!
Yesterday Phil was holy crappy mood it was like he had saved up a bagful of the nasties and unleashed on me. I was just too faint to fight back. Then this morning some chick text messaged me about Phil. Remember a couple months back some chick did that and he told me she was lying well here is some more, not all of it is here cause I think a couple were deleted by Phil, but here they are oh and Phil says they aren't true it's someone trying to raise bull between us. I don't know what to believe. "plus one day I babysat the kids. So they could go out his clothes didn't look neat like they did b4 they left hmmm i wonder what they were doing. ask erica. troublem makin piece of shit.the more than once like last weekThey were gone for a good long while, goodbye just telling you what a slimeball ur not with is like I have been there sometimes when he called he can't deny he wants 2b with a real woman who can have kids ask.
She's ur friend 2 special needs ask him y 3 of Chris's kids r blond she's not goodbye Im done just had to inform ya that he is still ca" She also said something about him doing a strip tease for them. Phil was fit to be tied. OMG he yelled so harshly when I asked him about it.
God I wish I was feeling better. I feel so nauseated and weak, I actually am shaking. I hate being sick! I just don't have the energy to deal with this right now.
God I am so selfish there are tons of families mourning right now.33 people dead and many more injured from the shooting at Virginia Tech yesterday. Cho Seung-hui went a shooting rampage and in the end killed himself. They had a convocation this afternoon and will have a candlelight vigil tonight. My best wishes and blessings go out to the families and friends dealing with this tragedy at this time. I have to say I am very impressed with the community there and how wonderful everyone is at Virginia Tech. I don't think I have ever seen so much wrmth and love and togetherness as I have seen in this community. God Bless you all *hugs*
I do question how this man was able to kill so many people before police got involved. Where were the police? How did he get so far? I don't get it!!!

Friday, April 13, 2007

Doctors Appointment

I saw the doctor the day before yesterday and then yesterday again. The doctor thought I might have appendicitis and a kidney infection on the right side. So I had a blood test it did not show positive for appendicitis. But called me back in for more tests. This doctor thought still I might have appendicitis also won ders if I might have gallstones in my liver or a liver infection or and kidney infection and also wondered about a bowel blockage. So I went back in for another blood test today and am waiting for tests to come back AGAIN. My temperature is all over the place but am super faint and tired and still not real hungry but am thirsty drinking alot of tomatoe juice and water.
Phil is frustrated with me I guess cause seems like everything I do and don't do is pissing him off he has been yelling at me non stop. I feel like I can't do anything right by him :"(
Doug has been pretty supportive, he has called to check in on me and asked me to call and let him know how things go with tests ect. I am actually surprised by that because normally he hasn't really been there for me when it comes to shit like that. When it comes to the real things in life Doug has never really been there. It's hard to explain the friendship he and I have I am often confused by it. Not really sure where I have fit in his world, never have been sure. Sometimes I think what Phil says about how Doug feels about me is true and that hurts ALOT!
Sherri has been pretty supportive too. She checks in on me time to time. She is trying to get me out and get my life moving again. She might be moving to New Brunswick this summer which is sad for me but I understand it completely. She will be moving there to be next to her daughter. Mary told me I deserve it because then I know how it is to be seperated from my friends. I told her to grow up. I was seperated from my friends my whole life I was a base brat. Sherri and I spent most of our friendship apart writing letters and calling long distance. But I guess Mary can't see that. She is just angry being with her dad away from her friends here right now :'(
I see Anna Nicoles mom is supposed to be having rights to the baby what the hell is that about? Whatever. I think Anna is rolling in her grave. But whatever...
I want to quickly say I think things have gone to far with IMUS , NBC has now fired him? WTF? It's not like he goes off on racial issues all the time. The fact he said nappy headed ho's one time and laughed once and now it's gone this big is ridiculous. I feel so bad for the man. Girls come on he apologized don't let this be his career killer that is horrible. Worse has been done, way worse :(
Anyhow, not sure what tests will say but am sick of being sick and in pain, but I guess I deserve it...

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Nonstop Tears

So surprise surprise I am not feeling well today. Once again have the shakes and am hurting all over. I feel like everything is dying from the inside out. Last few days I can't seem to stop from breaking down into spontaneous tears. It has been my experience in the past that sometimes when I cry feeling the way I do now someone has had tradgedy. Like I cried like this for 2 days before Tara died and cried like this a day or two before Alden died. It hasn't always been the case but it always worries me that some horrible thing could be coming this way. I pray it is wrong, that I Am just an idiot who can't contain my stupid emotions.
Last few days I haven't even hardly been able to get out of bed. I don't want to eat, my chin is more itchy by the day and my insides hurt like hell. It has gotten bad enough that I have called the doctor and I have an appointment for tomorrow. I am going to get them to do a full blood work up and see if there isn't something that could be running deeper than any of us realize.
Ya know I have said alot of the crap that I hate Phil does like his persistant yelling and put downs. But I do have to say through all my sickness and depression he has put up with alot. He tries to keep thi He helps me out with Sarah when I just don't have the energy to deal with her. And in the last couple months when I have been really weak he has even cooked when I couldn't. Including bring me soup and crackers and gingerale to me in bed. Now if he did all that without putting me down for being sick and making me feel somehow less than everyone else and worthless. If he did it without yelling at me about everything he would be my hero, he truly would, because I cherish how much those moments mean to me. But it feels like there is an emotional pricetag that comes with it and that cost is high :'(
Oh he went and got my bracelet exchanged that he bought me for easter. It a fragile gold bracelet with a tiny heart cut out of it. Too fragile to have my name engraved on it:( It's a beautiful little bracelet I love it. I will have to get a bigger stronger one one day though cause I want one with my name on it. They said this one is too thin it would break :'(
I was thinking today about my kids. This weekend when something was said to DJ and he told me. I immedietly wanted to come to his defense but he asked me not to. They knew I would have completely lost it. It took all I had to respect his wishes because he was so upset he couldn't eat and he had been saying all night he was so hungry. When I was in school I was never really the popular kid. I was known and I had big friends but it was my siblings and friends or BF's who stood up for me. I usually stood behind them. IU have raised my kids to stand up to people and don't back down. I am very rpoud of them for their strong personalities and 2 out of the 3 generally won't back down. I am the parent who is very protective and I am loud and out there if you attack someone I love or my kids. DJ is a special case I am even more strongly opinionated with him because I don't feel as if I have given him enough of my protection in life and I owe him that back! Teachers generally know me well. Other parents get to know me especially if you try to attack my kids. Don't cross me!!! Phil and I have had some huge arguments over how strongly I come onto people when it involves my kids. My brother not so much argued with me but we've had some strong conversation cause he says I am making up for the teachers and people who did me wrong as a kid. I told him I will give him that but that won't change the way I feel. Teachers have a job to do and some take advantage of their authority!!!
My fricken rings are all sliding off, I don't get how much more weight I can loose from my damn fingers. Grrrrr!
Oh I am so glad finally the DNA is back from Dr. Michael Baird PH.D and 99.9999% Larry Birkhead IS the father of Anna Nicole's Baby girl Dannielynn. Howard Stern's speech brought me to tears. I think he was wonderful about it. Just you 2 PLEASE KEEP VERGIE AWAY FROM HER!!!!
K I am off got a roast cooking:)

Monday, April 09, 2007

Home From Salt Spring Island

Well Sarah has another video uploaded you can see it here:
Before I go on with my blogging check out this beautiful love letter it will bring a tiny tear to your eye lol "ur a fuckin cow...why the fuck would u post that shit of phil getting mad at u on u tube are u fuckin retarded...even after I already asked u to shut ur mouth...and stop airing ur dirty laundry about MY family ur a stupid bitch with a warped mind who noone likes FUCK YOU" Wow I sense some hostility there. Isn't it a good thing I am not out looking to win a miss popularity contest? I do not feel bad for putting up that video. I put up that video because I am fuckin sick of him always denying he yells and gets like that with me. I was trying to prove a point. I won't be making any more videos it was a one time deal to try and make a statement. Actually the member who wrote this sweet letter I have adored her since I met Phil's family and I am sorry she feels this way but I am not going to apologize for how I deal and have dealt with thins. I am tired of laying down and taking crap in life. I know she loves Phil and I understand why she feels the need to protect him but I have my own side too and I am not going to stop doing what I do to deal with my own pain!
This weekend for example was hard to deal with. I got into it with Phil's mother and Phil felt the need after some time of arguing to step in and say something on my behalf. I listened but later upstairs I told him I can fight my battles and I love him for sticking up for me but I am not a child and I could handle the fight on my own. I probably shouldn't have gone this weekend I still feel super sick. I went to the wedding and tried to go to reception but after Phil's mom degraded my son and he was so upset he couldn't eat I was just too upset and too ill I needed to leave. So phil brouth me back to Aunty Jo's and I crashed right after I got home until about 10"30pm when a few people got home and I guess I crashed again cause I don't remember Phil getting back at all. The wedding was beautiful we went to Chocolate Island Springs I could camp there would be very romantic and nice. I did save a shell from there :P
Dj had a cruddy time he told me he is never going again that upset me. All because he was made to feel like he was a bad kid :'( Sarah I think had fun. Oh yeah DJ told me on friday that he is going to get adopted by his foster parents. That was like a big sharp hot piercing knife through my heart. He also wants to take their last name. That is hurting me so bad right now that I know I am hyper sensitive to everyone else and what they say. Doug says he can't see it happening and Phil has been pretty supportive too. Still I am worried and still hurts more than words can say. It feels like anything I love or get close to in life always leaves me and so I feel like I have to keep everyone at arms length because if I let them in and they hurt me I just want to die :'( I have lost so much in this lifetime and I just can't take one more loss. I don't know how my brother goes on everyday having lost his daughter and his wife. Had that been me I would be dead.
Oh yeah Phil got to see his older half brother Robert in Vancouver. That was a big moment for him. I think he looks alot like Phil, same eyes and nose I think. Now if we could find his biological dad:)
Our filter for the fishtank died and so did three of the fish :( So we need to get on top of that!
For easter Phil bought me a signet bracelet it is gold with a cross so pretty. I have ALWAYS WANTED ONE!!! But it's a childs one :'( :'( I want one I want one I want One :'(He says he is going to go get me an adult sized one. I hope he does that soon cause I am just so excited to have one.
Ya know I thought I have been struggling with the flu but someone pointed out how stressed I seem to be lately which could explain my chin problem and irritate the ulcer the dr's are sure I have. I seem to get ulcers very easily. They took out a ton of them when I had the gastric bypass.
Anyhow enough for now LATERZ....

Friday, April 06, 2007

Happy Easter To All

I did put another video up it's of Phil
I think it speaks for itself.
Anyhow he found my ring recently it was in the washing machine. I have recently felt like I am dying. I have had this horrid flu. ^The first day I couldn't even sit up. My neck and back would not even move. I was screaming in pain and crying for my mom. I never felt such painful agony. Omg I really thought that I was going to die it hurt so bad. But I am slowly coming back from it. I slept a couple days through it. Not able to eat, trying to keep fluids down it was just agonizing. Doug has been suffering through it for quite some time. I am sure his bodybuilding has not helped him heal any faster!
That chin issue I was having is growing out of control again. I am wondering can it be an allergy to something cause this is the worst breakout yet. If I am able to post the collage pic I will. It is in my pics on my msn space, It is very painful and itchy and nothing I use seems to help. It is itchy and painful. I wish it were not on myt face I hate that so much. I guess I will finally have to go get it checked when I get back from salt spring this weekend.
I have a confession to make. I have the serious hots for Nick Simmons, Yes Gene Simmons son on KISS omg he is so articulate and funny and down to earth. He seems to have it so together I love his personality. Why can't all guys be like him? He is seriously funny. Gene and and Shannon make me cry they love one another so much. Their relationship is the kind of relationship I want to have. When they had their plastic surgeries I was like laughing and and just so envious of how much they love one another. They still act like newly weds ya know although he says unwed for like 23 yrs or something like that. Still I want what they got it is so cool. Their kids are awesome too like who wouldn't want to get to know their kids? I can't wait to see what their surgeries turned out to look like. I know Nick was very against it:)
Oh I also watched recently an interview with a serial killer which was Jeffrey Dahmer. K I have always felt sad for him. I know what he did was so wrong. What I like is he was open about what he did, he spoke and answered everything he was asked. I think his mother denied too much and I understand it had to be hard to be the mother of of a killer. I like that his father supported him. I hate how he died, I think they knew that would happened and they did nothing to protect him and I think that was crap. I don't know why I have such an interest in killers but I do. I think it's that I know everyone is someones child and something in their life led them down a road most don't go down and why did they do that? Especially since so many of them were so smart and could have had such brilliant wonderful lives. What was the thing that took them off that hbright career in life?
Apparently Anna Nicole Smith and her son Daniel are both being chopped up to being accidental deaths. I don't believe it. I think it is very sad that it is being let go so easily, but it figures their just gonna let it go with that. Makes me sick. She also got a bad shake in life. I hope her daughter will get better! if your on facebook add me I am on there as Angela Howland, seems to be one of the next big sites online now:)
I'm still pretty emotional about the scary night I had a few weeks ago. I just feel like the people involved could have handled things so very much better than they did. I am so scared what if I am out and by myself again and no one is around and something like that happens again? I mean this has only happened to me once but still I feel a little traumatized from one night of being scared because of something that happened due part in partial to my being bipolar.
Ya know I hate hearing all the time how I do not need my meds I want to take my meds. I can train myself not to take my meds. Why do people who take cancer meds or diabetic meds get to have their daily meds without harassment and bipolar people and shizo people get harassed and told it'sd all in our heads. We are just manipulating the systom. Then a certain someone else I know needs meds they have issues and needs counselling and they absolutely refuse to believe it even though the dr says yes they do. Neither the meds and counselling will work if they insist it's the world forcing them on them is why they are on them. Good God. It just frustrates me so much. When I don't have my meds I can't slow down my thinking, I can't sleep and I do things that are erratic. I apparently also talk really fast and really loud. Does anyone else have people get on them for talking too loud and too fast? I get so irritated by that? Excitability :(
Man I need new clothes. Phil has been buying himself a whole new wardrobe, meanwhile my clothes are falling off:( and I can't find any of my more sexy shirts, they all seem to be missing which is odd. I have looked everywhere and it is pissing me off:( I am going to a social thing with Sherri next weekend. Sherri is getting me out more. Doug and I are talking more. Haven't seen him though for awhile he's been super sick:(
Anyhow I should sign off for now, laterz....

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Alot of Thoughts Today

It is a beautiful sunny day today and the windows are wide open allow the fresh air into the place. Phil cleaned up the downstairs and he did a most wonderful job. I have been rather lazy the last couple of days with a migraine that just won't go away. He has gotten on my case about eating. My brother is gone to San Fransicisco. Hopefully he is gonna remember to get me a button:) He and Phil have really gotten on my case about my lack of eating. They think I am not eating enough food in the last couple of months. I say I don't look as if I am starving so leave me alone :(
Question out there would you people out there like to add to my button/pin collection? I have been collecting them since I was in grade 3 and I would love it if you would add to my collection and they are not to expensive to send me. I would love you forever if you sent me some. You can email me for info on how to send them to me They are pushback buttons and pins any will do. I actually want to get them hung up again I need to get some cork boards to get them hung up again. Actually any soccer stuff sent here would be awesome too especially beckham stuff, my daughter would go crazy. I wish we could authenticate the one picture we got iut is suppose to be his signature but I somehow think we might have got ripped off. I can't find anyone to authenticate it. Does anyone know if it is true he is coming to Vancouver BC canada? If he is when, where? How long? For what? I would love to get her close enough to see him:)
Last night we were told that Anna Nicole Smith died of drug overdose. I cried. I am not sure why I feel so close to her story. I just feel so sad for her. She apparently had a concoction of 9 meds. in her system. topomax, valium and ativan were just a few. Also chloral hydrate.She had absesses on her buttocks from needles. Obviously someone was giving her shots. I also have had shots, no way I could do that myself. I am not convinced it was not foul play :'( They did say she would have went to sleep and felt no pain died peacefully. I am glad she had at least that. I do wonder about the bruises they found on her shoulders, which they explained away by falling on her back the week before. Something doesn't sound right to me there. I don't buy that excuse. I can't believe they would. I think people just don't care and so they are allowing this sloppy investigation slide. My heart aches for her it really does. Now the investigation on her son Daniel is on and I bet they let it pass quickly too. Oh they also say Anna had a bacterial infection influenza. It's all just so sad.
A new Season of Gene Simmons Family Jewels has begun. I love this show. I so wish I had money. They are having an auction on ebay to win time with them I want to meet Nick Simmons. I am not usually into young men like him, but he is funny, and charming and cool, very down to earth. I love how he teases his dad. I admit I have a huge crush on him. Just one kiss from him would make my life:) :( I wanna win the auction :( I hope Shannon Tweed is pregnant I think it would be cool for them to have another baby. I hoped we would find out this first new show but we didn't :( Grrrr AETV your killing me here....
I have to say I got alot of people who answered my last post Society and Mental Health thanks so much for writing me and answering me. I don't want to say what happened to me and for you my readers I know that is something your not used to from me. I am usually quite open about my life but this was especially hard for me.
I am curious what people think about me sharing as much as I do here online. Because my brother thinks it is an aweful lot to share. Phil absolutely hates that I share so much. My friends they keep up with me by reading my journals. Phil thinks I twist things alot. However What I am doing is not twisting it. It is how I feel and how I see it and think it and view it. How he might feel and view it might be different that doesn't mean what I say is wrong. Does it?
I have a question for my audience out there. Phil has never known his biological family as his 2nd dad adopted him and then he was raised by the dad he has now. He is now 36 and more than ever would like to piece that part of his life together. He would like to find his father Richard Osterlund 1931 July, Robert Osterlund his son , sisters Crystal and Wanda, other family: Winnie & Anthony Emmerick(Osterlund) & Genie White(Emmerick). If you think you might be related or know any of them please email me at
Sarah now has a video of her telling her favorite joke online:) 'Thats A Worm Son'
Sherri and I went to Moxies for dinner I had mushrooms and teraki chicken rice bowl, Sherri had a burgery. Then we went to the Sticky Wicket. She showed me Big Bad Johns. Wow that is a naughty place. How is that a place worthy of a halth code inspection. If I had a sweatshirt on I probably would have left my bra but I had a low cleavage shirt on so I didn't. I did get a picture of me there though:) We phoned Doug and asked if he wanted to come out but he was on his way to sidney. Roger came and met us for an hour or so. I had a 2 shark attacks and a rum and coke. There were alot of preppie people there. Not used to being around preps much. We went and checked out an irish pub, that place was pretty cool:)
Sherri and I are planning on going to a POF function with Doug soon I am looking forward to that. Doug says it could get ugly but I think it will be just fine. I mean we're all grown ups not children right?
Man I need a massage like so damn bad. My shoulders neck and back are just killing me. Phil is not really into massages and for some reason my feet and calves are back into being really stiff and hurting again. It's like my feet want to curl up it is just a pain I can't really describe but a long massage helps but most people are not into giving feet massages ya know? I also need to get more tiger balm. I swear by that stuff.
http:// wow what a distubing commercial. The girl is majorly putting herself down and it says something about a majority of 10yr old being on a diet. What is going on with out kids today?
I don't know why my ex Michael doesn't get it but he is feeding Mary chocolate and peanut butter all the time and oatmeal to go bars at 300calories a bar and 3 bars in a go 3 times a day she is gaining weight big time right now. I know he can eat till the cows come home and not gain weight but she has weight in females on both sides of family and he had me gain alot and now her. She is only 14 and I hate her having issues with weight already I didn't think it would happen :( What do we do?
One day, the father of a very wealthy family took his son on a trip tothe country with the express purpose of showing him how poor peoplelive.They spent a couple of days and nights on the farm of what would beconsidered a very poor family.On their return from their trip, the father asked his son, "How was thetrip?""It was great, Dad.""Did you see how poor people live?" the father asked."Oh yeah," said the son."So, tell me, what did you learn from the trip?" asked the father.The son answered:I saw that we have one dog and they had four.We have a pool that reaches to the middle of our garden And they have acreek that has no end.We have imported lanterns in our garden and they have the stars atnight.Our patio reaches to the front yard and they have the whole horizon.We have a small piece of land to live on and they have fields That gobeyond our sight.We have servants who serve us, but they serve others.We buy our food, but they grow theirs.We have walls around our property to protect us, They have friends toprotect them."The boy's father was speechless.Then his son added, "Thanks Dad for showing me how poor we are."Isn't perspective a wonderful thing? Makes you wonder what would happenif we all gave thanks for everything we have, instead of worrying aboutwhat we don't have.
I am using a calendar which reminds me of my friends birthdays.Could you complete my calendar, I don't have all of your details. Just use this link: I guess that is it for now, until I write again.....

Thats A Worm Son

Sarah tells it like it is...

read more | digg story

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Society & Mental Health

Well I had a scary moment happen to me this week and it was the result of my being bipolar. I won't go into what happened but I will say what I have taken from it is that people in this world professional and unproffessional need to learn alot more about mental illnesses and what to do in a manic situation. To be able to notice it and get them the help they need instead of traumatizing them more by contributing to the confusion more. I have to say mental illness because I am sure it goes beyond being bipolar and into many other things. They need to recognize the signs and realize YOUNG and OLD get confused and lost. I think this can be accomplished with public service announcements, education and courses for professionals who are likely to be contacted to deal in these situations. I would love to become a part of getting that message out and talking about it. Just wondering who to call and where to go to have that heard and who will have the drive to say yes heres where we get started... Especially now that mental illness is becoming more spoken about. People are being told it's ok to be on meds for bipolar and schezophrenia but if you have a bad day and have a bad experience chances are that experience may set them back and may make them not feel ok about being mentally ill. Does anyone get that? Am I making any sense?
I have to say here on my bad day I was happy to hear Doug and Phil actually spoke nicely to one another holy shit to wonders never cease to amaze me. Also I have never been so happy to have someone pull me into their arms and tell me it was ok I was home, I was safe and it was all going to be ok. Phil and my brother were so supportive and both say everyone has a bad day. I still get teary eyed. I just feel so stupid and I was just so happy to see my brother. He really seems to always be there when I need him, he always has. And I am supposed to be the big sister :( But yeah Phil did hold me until I stop trembling and did what he could to make me feel safe.
The next day I cried ALOT, as I usually do I reached out to Doug and as usual he had me laughing my tears away. He told me a story of his own where he felt stupid and it made me laugh, somehow he always finds a way to make me smile. I still smile when I think about one of the things he told me. I swear that man could make the most miserable person laugh. Anyone who doesn't have Doug in their life really are missing out on a gem of a man. And I am just so glad he and Phil didn't fight when Phil called him. That says alot to me.
Tonight I am going out with Sherri, dinner and the club. I doubt I will drink though. Just starting to feel better and I am just happy to be going out with one of my best friends. She is my longest and best friend. It's Saturday night....
Oh and Phil's dad has had his second surgery and is doing well. Angels I tell ya are watching over that family. Can't wait till easter weekend going over to salt spring island for a wedding on Chocolate island. I am excited just to be going to an island with that name lol, and 2 out of my 3 kids will be with me so that rocks. Lots of family will be there.
Alrighty then off for now...

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

I have a dream

So you wanna know what my dream is? I have lots but this one is one I cry about dream about, wish about. I am happiest laying down cause then I look so skinny. I want plastic surgery I need to get rid of this excess skin. in some places it truly hurts so badly. I need my arms done, my thighs, my butt, my back my stomach and neck and face all done and breasts lifted so as not to weigh on my back. I have 15lbs more till I would be at the heaviest I would have been in highschool. I told Phil that and he yelled and said no your not how can that be if I weigh what I weigh? I wanted to cry. I was thinking how fricken fat do I look if he said that? I went from feeling really proud of how far I had come to feeling like this fat horrible thing again. I should just starve myself. I mean if I look fat to him I must look really fat to others. I really need all this excess skin removed. My daughter said I'd probably loose the weight I need to loose if I could get the skin removed. I bet my back would feel better for it too. Oh God that would be great. The excess skin hurts so bad sometimes I HATE IT!!! If you feel like making a contribution to my dream come true please do :) :) :)
In the last couple of days I made roast and steak for dinner. On the weekend Sarah had her championships sat they won 6-3 with sarah scoring half the goals, then the second game 3-0. But the kids swarmed her 5 onyop of her so she could never score in that one. Sunday was held off till this upcoming saturday. Which kinda sucks but I am sure we will kick butt again.
We spent saturday night at Phil's parents place. So sunday I did some laundry and I scrubbed and cleaned off the shelf I have in my kitchen. My brother noticed right away, Phil still hasn't said anything. Then yesterday I spent over an hour working on the livingroom and did 4 loads of laundry. I cleaned off the computer desks, pulled them out, fed the fish. Didn';t say anything about that either. I guess he doesn't need to say it. I mean I'm not 3 right?
He just came home ate the dinner I made and went to the bar. Somewhere I haven't gone to alone to since I have been with Phil. Because like Phil has said to me time and time again people are flirty and drunk and don't care if you have a ring. Even when your there with someone they'll hit on you. He has said that himself. But apparently that's different now. I should just trust*tears* Should I just trust him? I am so fricken messed up right now, I don't trust and part of that is the past lies. I really hate the drunk aspect even if he's not. Not to mention hello people slip stuff in drinks at bars. Man Here I go crying again. Let's move on to something else...:'(:'(
Oh the blood tests show I am not in menopause whew hoo, but she figures I am gearing up for menopuase and so yes have the symptoms and they will gradually get worse over the next 2 years :( :'(
Oh ya know growing up I always thought people were talking behind my back. I am sure my teen friends from school would remember that. It cause me to have many fights. I took that into adulthood cause I still think people do. Now I know that is somewhat of a bipolar issue, but it is also because I have have caught peoplke doing it but don't generally tell them, depending on the situation and who it is. Alot of times I will cry and then go see them later. My mom was famous for it and still is.Phil is famous for it.
I hate when I find out people who say encouraging things to my face really say not so nice things when their behind my back. One day I was laying in my bed and 2 people I care about had a good 10 min conversation about me and none of it was good. I just layed there and cried. I in that moment wanted to die.I felt so stupid and unwanted and lied to. I really feel like there is no one who thinks anything good about me.It hurt ALOT! I don't get why on earth I need to be living here on earth, what gives?
In my next life I wanna be a bear lol:)
"If it's what you love it's worth fighting for"-RG"In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure."-Bill Cosby"Success isn't a result of spontaneous combustion. You must set yourself on fire."-Arnold H. Glasow MENtal illness, MENstrual cramps, MENtal breakdown, MENopause............ Ever notice how all of women's problems start with men?.........And When we have real trouble it's HISterectomy!!!!
A Friend Is Like A Good Bra... Hard to Find Supportive Comfortable Always Lifts You Up Never Lets You Down or Leaves You Hanging And Is Always Close To Your Heart!!!

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Today Is ANother Day

Today I did all the new questions on my Tickle account. That was fun, haven't done that for awhile and did my mood Swings thing. The answer was no surprise moody and down, gee omg really? noooooooooooooo...I have a doctors appointment tomorrow see what the blood tests say. Need to get some meds for bladder infection too odd to joy :PI made steak today with potatoes. I am guessing my potassium is low again because I am on a potatoe kick again. I don't get why I get low on potassium at times. But I do know I don't want to go and have an IV and I refuse to eat bananas so hopeful this potatoe thing is working. Soccer championships is this weekend. keep the positive thoughts that we kick some butt this weekend:) I also did a quiz on Chatelaine this was the result:Quiz: What’s your secret strength?You've got strengths that you don't even know about. Take this quiz and let your inner invincible woman fly you to new heights of success and confidenceBy Stacey S superpowers are:passionPassionLike a chili pepper, your intense red-hot energy kicks it up a notch. You are rarely reserved—instead, you let your emotions steer your big bold reactions. You are enthusiastic and exciting to be around, trusting the fire of your desire to lead you. Dedicated to living everything to the utmost, you give yourself wholeheartedly to the people and projects you believe in. Pump up your power Sure, some may struggle with your drama-mama tendencies, but many others will find all that out-in-the-open emotion intriguing and inspiring. Fan this flame. Take on various leadership roles and become a motivational maven.Superpower sucker When your mood turns stormy, let's face it, you can be a lot to handle. To avoid overwhelming others, keep one eye on the context and the other on your volume. Ending all your comments with exclamation marks isn't the only way to be heard. This is no surprise to me either is it it to any of you readers of my blogs? They said I could make it better if I added some flexibility, oh gee ya think? I guess I can at times be a little 2 faced. I don't like looking like a bitch in public but behind closed dooors yeah I can yell and say bad things, hurtful things. However I do HATE HURTING ANYONE, anyone who knows me I would hurt myself before I would hurt anyone else. I wear my heart on my sleeve and I hurt deeply. It kills me to see anyone hurt. Always has and I know it always will. Being yelled at in publkic has always and will always bring tears and shame to me. That's all I will say about that for the moment!oh I am curious how people thing about women who get it on with guys who are just legal enough to sleep with. I myself have always always always been atractted to men my age or since about my 20's older men. The oldest being Doug who was 10yrs older than me. But I know people attracted to 19, 20 21 and say I don't know what I am missing, are they right? Cause my response was but my son is 16yrs old only 3 yrs younger. They said don't think of it like that. I mean I am not saying it's wrong either way I am just curious how many feel the same as the ones who have told me it's great?TO MY READERS AND THOSE WHO ANSWER MY BLOGS THANK YOU SO MUCH YOU DO TOUCH ME SO MUCH, YOU REALLY HAVE NO IDEA HOW MUCH! IT'S NICE TO KNOW PEOPLE CARE I AM OUT HERE YA KNOW?

Monday, March 05, 2007

Trying To Be Alive...

So yesterday I made cajun chicken, stuffing, potatoes and corn. Cleaned up my basement floor again. Folded up the blankets and put a load of laundry in the wash. I also had some fun with Sarah last night on FLIXTER. Seriously you can have some fun on that site doing the trivia with your kids as there is alot of kids movie trivia, teen movie trivia extra. We spent about an hour playing. You gotta check out the site and join here is my invite url: Today I made pork chops, potatoes, and corn and I picked up some pecan gooey buns for dessert. My brother was a bad boy he ate one before dinner. I cleaned up a big part of my bedroom and cleaned the inside of one of my shelving units in the livingroom. Called the school and got some forms for sports for next year. Also did some emailing with someone who is interested in starting a cheer group here in Victoria which would be awesome. I contacted her first as she does cheer in ontario.Also contacted a family member in ontario about family reunion next summer trying to organize that as I talked to my friend Barb/Phoenix and I have decided to go to visit her in New York next year. OMG I am so excited. I would like to try and see her for at least a week this year as well. I apparently need to get my passport done and then get some funds together and see if I can get s cheap flight there. Damn I wish I had more access to money:( I wish I could go now. I so badly just want to go away :'( I am so glad she is as excited about me coming out though as me wanting to come out. OMG she is so much fun to be around. BARB I MISS YOU CAN'T WAIT TO SEE YOU *jumps up and down* anyone wanna help me get out there? Man I would love ya forever seriously. I hate being poor :'(Oh man did ya see CSI NY with Criss Angel playing a Bad Magician that was so cool he did an awesome job. What I wouldn't do to see that man perform. He really is a wonderful illusionist. I talked to DJ for quite awhile today he made my mom cry yesterday. He really has turned a cold shoulder when it comes to my family. Even his friends apparently have commented on his harshness. Sometimes I really do contemplate on so many of the decisions I have made in my life. I also think about the things I want to say to Bryan about his son. He knows what he did but it was yrs ago, he was 17 hormoes make you do stupid things and I don't hate him for the past. It hurts it scarred me but DJ is a beautiful man and despite how he came into this world he is a part of Bryan and he looks like Bryan I see it and sometimes it's like looking right into Bryans eyes. I just feel like peace will never come until he faces his son at least for me. It's fun I can still remember every single moment and to this day almost puke and burst into tears if I can't escape hearing the song "we didn't start the fire" That song haunts me. I bet he doesn't even remember it. Anyhow I think alot about Bryan this time of year only because it's the turning of age for DJ. I've been told Bryan recently got married and his parents sold the restaurant and retired. I see they still live in the same house though as they always did. A beautiful house by the water. I still remember that place clearly as well:)Hmm got a movie on TV Looks good "Love Thy Neighbour" 2005 Alexandra Paul, Gary Hudson (Mystery, Suspense).The Show Cold Case last night where Lilly investigated a young mom being murdered after having her baby girl in an unwed home had me just crying my eyes out. I don't believe the girl who murdered her ended up being charged though but it wasn't very clear but if she was it would have been PTSD she didn't really know what she was doing. That was why I was crying. Those kinds of shows really get to me. Specially when they are so well acted out. I love that show :)Below are other sites I am on but they are up to you to join *hugs*http://ladyillusions.blogspot.com You can earn money just by having friends here cool place to check out One of the most popular sites on the net and even talked about big time on many TV shows and commercials. Tagged a site everyone seems to be on, I see alot of family has been joining, Phil and I are both on here My weightloss surgery site a site for people who have had or are considering weightloss surgery A place where I can post my favorite link, I update this periodically Frappr a very cool site, lots of cool groups and maps and pictures, a huge amount of us are on this site Multiply a very fastly growing site and quite a few of us are on it, tons of groups, pics ect Hi5 Another very popular site with videos, pics, blogs, groups ect Yahoo 360 a canadian site blog, very actively answered MSN Space Friendster Bebo A nice little site with quite a few things being added quite a bit and lastly Livejournal my friends and I have been on this site for years:)K I am Off:) the text quoted here automatically.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Join My Website

I'm a CARE Corps Online virtual volunteer.Please visit my Web page at and show yoursupport on behalf of CARE. The fight against poverty can't be won alone, so I invite you tojoin me in taking action on some issues that are very importantto me. Please feel free to pass this message along to any of yourfriends who might also be interested.Sincerely,Angela MacRaeVisit my personal page at:

Maybe Coming To?

Well I am writing this on Mar 3 and today was a long assed day. Considering I have not really slept. Phil and I spent alot of the night fighting. Then I had to stay up to go to the soccer game. Wow those girls played so well and so hard, that other team needed to be taught how to play for sportsmanship not to hurt people to win is all I have to say. It was nice being at the game but I kinda felt like an outsider around the other parents and they have by the way it sounded and looked money I could only hope to have, and my girls dad only has cause he gets it from mommy and daddy. who needs a sugar momma or dadda huh? I've never had one of those, but I do seem to know quite a few who found their money pockets. Some I think more money than love which is sad isn't it?
Ok I really could give two cripes about what people say but I truly believe Anna Nicole loved her husband and not his money. Hi he found her, she was a playmate for goodness sake she could have her pick, she knew Heffner hello?????? Is everyone stupid? You know she is just better off from her small time past and people were envious and jealous. If you have to belittle her to feel better have at her. Rest in Peace dear sweet lady and may your mother trip off a cliff if she continues to try and desicrate you by digging you and your son up. Soon Anna soon all this will be over and the angels will be all that is remembered.
So I lost my engagement ring, almost lost my other diamond ring too, what the heck? Can my fingers get any fricker smaller? my engagement ring was already a size 4. At 16 my finger was a 5, hello?
Oh I am curious has anyone ever heard of anyone having the symptom of smelling blood on a consistent basis but there is none? Also someone who has always had perfect skin for the most part having bumps appear on the chin along with a dry rash and sometimes itching only on the chin. cutting open the bumps results in a small tiny like pebble and clear fluid being released. Only to grow back within a couple of days? Painful as well? If you have any known reason for what this may be?
Is there anyone else out there who collects the "CLAIRES" trinket boxes they have been putting out for at least a few years? I been collecting them since they started with 90%angel and last year got every box but one, I am so choked. I had missed 2 but one of the store girls gave me hers. Which rocked. Just curious if anyone else has them like me might have the one I might be missing. Some months I buy a few because they relate to my girls. Actually my nephew I gave him my frog one so I replaced it:)
I am not sure what is going on with Brittney Spears but I have to say I do feel for her. I really hope she now gets the help she needs. I think she just had too much too fast and she broke. Different people can take so much right? For those kids of hers I hope she gets well soon. MY thoughts are with her and her family.
Anyhow I will go, this is almost a normal post huh? LOL
I wanna say thanks to my brother for standing behind me when I broke and you know I will break again. Thanks to Sherri for sticking me out all these years. She is the one friend I have known since I was in elementary school. now she has seen some crap:) Lin for still being there to reach out to, and Doug for putting up with me when I get impatient with you, your friendship means alot!
K I am off to watch America Justice :)