Monday, June 11, 2007


Well Mary is coming home in less than 2 weeks. I am excited, but nervous. We bought the girls cell phones early bday presents from all of us. I just feel safer with them having them. I would like to see if I can get them engraved.I was out the other day and my back hurt so bad I mean so badly like never has it hurt this badly before. The pain was so bad that I passed out from the pain. Does osteoarthrtis really get this bad? two days of that kind of pain. Was so bad I couldn't even cry. I think I took a little more of my painkillers than I meant too because it hurt so bad. It's pointless to go to hospital because with chronic pain it's not really anything they can do. What bugs me is when I get put down for being in pain. Like any of us grows up to say yeah when I grow up I want to be disabled. I hate being on disability. I hate chronic pain. I hate that it kills me to try and carry a few groceries only 4 blocks home, that takes everything out of me. I'm 34yrs old I should be healthy and vibrant. I'm not. So being told no one else would want you if they really knew you kills me. Maybe they wouldn't but do you have to yell that at me and make me feel that much worse?Anyhow it turns out I have this hernia that is blocking my stomach and reflux which is why I am constantly puking. This is what is making eating a problem. So my surgeon wants to go in and have more of a look with the scope. I'm sure I will get the date for that pretty quick. Oh lucky me another scope. He wanted to give me pariet but that shit has done nothing to alleiviate the problem. So I said no. What is the point if it is doing nothing? More drugs I don't need. Yes me saying no to more drugs. As much as people think I like all these meds I don't. I am sick of all these freakin meds. One does get tired of swallowing pills day in and day out. I wish it could all be done with a shot once a month that would be great!I envy people who are healthy and happy and never in pain. Envy people who never have to know what depression/bipolar is like. I do have to say though seeing all my old friends on here. Having people remember me and know that people out there do care all because of facebook, that has done more than anyone realizes. Odd how something so little in life can make such a big difference to a life in reality!

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