Monday, December 07, 2009

Facebook | Angela MacRae

Facebook | Angela MacRaeI"m havin a bad day I haven't slept for 2 days and a cousin died of cancer today yes another 1:( Plus I missing the innocence of my children when they were young & needed me, when my youngest one clung to me & right now she's just lost in darkness somewhere & I don't know how to help her. Our holidays will suck. I remember always complaining of setting up the tree well this year there is no tree no decorations, I can't afford gifts. I have good days and bad right now it just feels so overwhelming... I feel so so alone. I think of Someone and wish for just one night ....We're trying so hard to replensh what we lost clothes are huge ... See Moreright now it's damn cold.We don't even have linen or pots and pans we're even looking for a single bed for Sarah. I mean I see people out there going through harder and I haven't stop thinking about that lady with cancetr God Bless her she deserves so much more than us. I'm just havin a bad day I just need some rest uh...

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Nadya Suleman Mother of Recent Octuplets: In My Opinion:
I just wanted to give my 2 cents worth about this headline. As some or some of you may or may not know this lady is a single mother to already 6 children. She does not have a job or or a significant other. She doesn't have alot. Because of this she is getting tremendous backlash. Isn't it funny when the couples had 7 babies everyone was laughing and having fun and everyone wanted to help. This lady they want to know who the irrisponsible dr was that implanted her with the 8 embryos, they think her children should be taken away. Dr.Phil is doing a show on it tomorrow. Apparently she grew up an only child and she wanted a big family. Of the 6 children she had before these ones There is a set of twins.
I wondered why she didn't wait until she was finished school and had money coming in. Apparently the dr told her if she wanted more kids she had to do it quick because her parts wouldn't be good much longer. I wanted 6 kids. I lost 3. I lost one do to a traumatic trauma just before I had Sarah. I was 2 months along and the dr said I might have needed surgery if the antibiotics didn't clean up the infection I got from loosing the baby. it's the only one I went to the dr for I was in so much pain and it just hurt so bad. He told me not to try again for 6 mos but I was so devestated I just wanted to replace that ache, that emptiness right away so yeah everyone knew I was trying when I got pregnant with Sarah. Dr was not impressed with me but he knew why I got pregnant. It's odd DJ he looks just like his dad, and Sarah she too looks just like her dad. Mary is the one who everyone says omg you look like your mother.
Anyway yeah Nadya's babies are so tiny, so cute. I just don't know how she is gonna raise all those babies alone. I think her older kids are going to end up taking some of the brunt of parenting. Apparently Dateline has taken on hate mail from people because they interviewed Nadya. What is wrong with people. Sending her death threats. Hoping she dies, wishing her ill will? What is wrong with people. Do you realize she has been a mother for years already and you wish these kids to not have their mother? Yeah she has maybe not made a decision that we may not all agree with what she did but it's done and there are much worse crimes than to have children. Your anger can be better placed elsewhere like pedophiles and rapists don't you think? I don't know that's just me...