Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Today Is ANother Day

Today I did all the new questions on my Tickle account. That was fun, haven't done that for awhile and did my mood Swings thing. The answer was no surprise moody and down, gee omg really? noooooooooooooo...I have a doctors appointment tomorrow see what the blood tests say. Need to get some meds for bladder infection too odd to joy :PI made steak today with potatoes. I am guessing my potassium is low again because I am on a potatoe kick again. I don't get why I get low on potassium at times. But I do know I don't want to go and have an IV and I refuse to eat bananas so hopeful this potatoe thing is working. Soccer championships is this weekend. keep the positive thoughts that we kick some butt this weekend:) I also did a quiz on Chatelaine this was the result:Quiz: What’s your secret strength?You've got strengths that you don't even know about. Take this quiz and let your inner invincible woman fly you to new heights of success and confidenceBy Stacey S superpowers are:passionPassionLike a chili pepper, your intense red-hot energy kicks it up a notch. You are rarely reserved—instead, you let your emotions steer your big bold reactions. You are enthusiastic and exciting to be around, trusting the fire of your desire to lead you. Dedicated to living everything to the utmost, you give yourself wholeheartedly to the people and projects you believe in. Pump up your power Sure, some may struggle with your drama-mama tendencies, but many others will find all that out-in-the-open emotion intriguing and inspiring. Fan this flame. Take on various leadership roles and become a motivational maven.Superpower sucker When your mood turns stormy, let's face it, you can be a lot to handle. To avoid overwhelming others, keep one eye on the context and the other on your volume. Ending all your comments with exclamation marks isn't the only way to be heard. This is no surprise to me either is it it to any of you readers of my blogs? They said I could make it better if I added some flexibility, oh gee ya think? I guess I can at times be a little 2 faced. I don't like looking like a bitch in public but behind closed dooors yeah I can yell and say bad things, hurtful things. However I do HATE HURTING ANYONE, anyone who knows me I would hurt myself before I would hurt anyone else. I wear my heart on my sleeve and I hurt deeply. It kills me to see anyone hurt. Always has and I know it always will. Being yelled at in publkic has always and will always bring tears and shame to me. That's all I will say about that for the moment!oh I am curious how people thing about women who get it on with guys who are just legal enough to sleep with. I myself have always always always been atractted to men my age or since about my 20's older men. The oldest being Doug who was 10yrs older than me. But I know people attracted to 19, 20 21 and say I don't know what I am missing, are they right? Cause my response was but my son is 16yrs old only 3 yrs younger. They said don't think of it like that. I mean I am not saying it's wrong either way I am just curious how many feel the same as the ones who have told me it's great?TO MY READERS AND THOSE WHO ANSWER MY BLOGS THANK YOU SO MUCH YOU DO TOUCH ME SO MUCH, YOU REALLY HAVE NO IDEA HOW MUCH! IT'S NICE TO KNOW PEOPLE CARE I AM OUT HERE YA KNOW?

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