Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Happy Halloween a Little Late

Well for halloween we had a busy day. We went and picked up Sarah for her reading help. Then we had some issues we . Things calmed back down and we picked up DJ from home and went to mom's to show her Sarah dressed up. Took her to the mall to do some trick or treating. Then Phil bought pizza our halloween tradition and hot wings. Then we got home and Sarah went trick or treating with her friends and family. Phil went and layed down because he doesn't have a comp and I was on mine. So DJ and I were down here, he was doing his homework and handing out candy. As I figured not much kids came by. Sarah came home early so DJ took her back out for an hour more. What a sweet older brother :)
Oh yes I found something upsetting today which Phil and I had to discuss with DJ. As Phil warned me he is a teen and he may tell me alot but he definetly doesn't tell me everything. Twice in a week I've had something big to deal with him. But for the most part he's a good kid. He is also fine with the consequences of his actions. As is Sarah when she rarely misbehaves. Wish all 3 kids were that way. Only issue with Sarah and DJ is they are both lazy. However money seems to motivate.
Isn't it funny what money will do? Someone does something to help but realizes hey we can get a hella lot more money let's get as much as we can from every facet. Nice eh? Teaches one that everyone is not always what you think they are and the best thing to do is always keep your guard up and trust no one, especially those you would think you should trust most!!!!
Anywaysince then I have been doing laundry and cleaning up a storm. My legs feel like jello and my back hurts so bad no words can describe but I wanna get things done and everyone has been busy. So I am trying to get things caught up. Slow and steady wins the race right?
I've talked to Doug, that boy is working working working. Busy as a bee. Can't even remember the last time I saw him and when we talk it's very short and to the point.
I also been thinkin about some things and I had to discuss those things with DJ as well as they affect him, surprisingly he was willing to go with what I have been thinking so I am feeling a little more happy. Cause I just am feeling like I've been caged and now I feel like doors are opening so that's cool.It's so nice having DJ and Sarah and they get along so much better than what I was used to. Maybe it's cause they both keep busy and are involved with their own things so...
Sarah is super busy with soccer, karate, skating lessons, girl club, violin, and I'm signing her up for a few other programs pretty much she has something everyday.
I saw a real life scorpion today, after talkin to the guy I am seriously considering having one. DJ said he'd take care of it as I just wanna look at it not anything else lol.
Phil is working tonight called in because of halloween, as he does every year.
Hopin to go see a friend soon for a couple days. Will be nice to get away even for a couple days. Things are so busy now it takes alot to organize anything.
Anyhow I am off got more to do, see ya....

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