Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Winter Will Come...

Man it has been so cold out, my jacket I got last year just has not been keeping me warm. Tonight when DJ got home he said that the jacket he wants his friend told him was 30 dollars at Old Navy. I told him yeah right but we'll go look. Yeah hi it was 69.00 down from 90. Well his clothes are still paid for he gets a monthly allowance from his foster care so he got it. Phil needed one and they are water resistant so he got one too. Phil was gonna buy me something there but I said no way prices are just too much and he is living on credit lately. I did agree to look at Walmart and yeah I got a jacket there for a much better price. I also got a sweater because I have mostly t shirts right now and it's so cold I need warmer clothes. I also got some socks and thongs. Sarah got a little monkey. DJ bought his foster brother Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and his foster sister a monkey for her first bday from all of us. Sarah got a little stuffed monkey and yeah I got a stuffed german shepard. I am on this kick collecting german shepard stuff now. I already collect pushback buttons and pins. I collect skeltons and skull stuff and wizards, dragons, and angels. Yeah I like the mystical. I also collect cat ornaments. I also love windchimes. Anyhow looks like my birthday will probably suck, but I should be used to it. I hate birthdays as it is anyhow, so why should this year be any different?Phil did get me a leather jacket is just a plain casual one we got for less than 40 dollars. Not my dream jacket that I can't stop thinking about, but I should be happy. I have to say I should be a little more thankful for the things Phil has got me. I mean it is on credit and it's sweet. I just hate him putting himself into debt with credit and I told him that. It's just not worth it. A few more weeks before our hampers should come. That will help with food.Speaking of food, only person not having a hard time eating solids lately seems to be Phil. Although DJ's appetite seems to be picking up and I am glad to see that.Sarah has been eating soup for a few days now and I am still living on chicken soup for about almost 2 months now. I do eat solids here and there but always end up feeling super ill when I do. Only good thing about that is loosing the weight I had put on. Thank goodness I make awesome homemade healthy chicken soup and I been eating that. The rest of the time I been eating Primo's grilled chicken and wild rice soup. It's really good with a bunch of pepper. Thing I like about my homemade soup is I put alot of ginger and garlic in it along with 10 other types of spices lol that do help my stomach be at ease.Phil got a transformer today that canada post told him a few days ago was lost and they were taking off the trace. Idiots. I cannot believe they did that. Traces were on both ends and he was so choked he got it replaced. Now he's just going to sell the double. Still had canada post done their job properly, grrrrrrrrrr....My brother I guess is upset with me because I am being blamed for loosing the dog he had from Alden. I have cried so many times last few days and I cleaned my basement to nothing, even knowing I gave it to him. Why would I not give it to him? I remember asking if he put it at her grave as I thought that was why he wanted me to send it to him. I wish to God I could reproduce it, but I can't and I am just beyond words upset about it. I saw him yesterday when we went and dropped off Support for Mary who I also saw for about 1 min when I did drop it off. Glad I have the reciept for when I gave money, or apparently that would have been denied. Anyhow how come kids get out of school on rememberance day? We went to school that day, but perhaps that was because I was in a base school. Not sure if my sister and brother did they did most of their years in city schools. I never went to a city school till WJ Fricker grade 7.Who started Jr High in grade 6 and who started in grade 7? Who agrees kids should only start highschool in grade 10? Phil and I argue about that all the time. I did Junior high in gr 7 and * and high school in gr 9 to 12. I think that was perfect and it should be that way. He thinks it should be elementary from k-6 Jr high or no he refuses to acknowledge junior high it's middle school PERIOD something else we disagree about hugely anyhow he thinks that should be grade 7-9 and then high school 10-12. I try just to shut up now because when it comes up and I say anything we don't just disagree we fight real harsh. Even if I quickly relent and say FINE. So just curious how others view that.Phil actually didn't go in when they asked him to work on his day off. He always goes in now so was shocked. We went and watched SAW 2 my opinion it SUCKED. I guarantee you this is going to be just like the movies we in the 80's grew up with sequels up the ass. I actually called it from the beginning of the movie. Phil thinks I would be an awesome profiler as I seem to always profile people pretty quickly on the crime shows and movies I watch. Once in awhile I have to wait to see what they come up with, but for the most part I can tell you what is what and why. I also am good at diagnosing mental disorders before they tell you too. Now if I could get through first year psych I would seriously love to go into those careers but I failed that class bad only class I failed too. Way too much crap that I didn't care about as it had nothing to do with anything. I am interested in the real stuff. Kind of upsets me but guess that's me, meant to fail even that which I love.Anyhow not feeling too hot and back is hurting sitting here so long, so off for now. Laterz.....

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