Monday, November 14, 2005

Emotional Me

Well Phil and I had a fight today. I am a little overtired and cranky today so I probably am more hard to get along with today. I think it's the fact my birthday is inching it's way here.I kinda am upset because Mary was the one child who would happily say happy birthday to me, she may not have been nice the whole day but she has always remembered and always said happy birthday to me. Lately I am starting to miss her more than I did. I still have fights with Phil over her I guess in a way I blame him for her not being here. Realistically I know he's not but I guess he's an easy target. It's nice to have been able to talk to friends. I was sad to hear one of them died recently of diabetes. Why does death have to be so abundant? I hate hearing that word lately it sets me off hugely. He was my age too, things like that should not happen. So why does it?Princess has been bad she chewed Phil's bike seat and pedal. Yikes. It's not like we don't get her toys to chew on and we play with her alot. LOL when she knows she is in trouble with Phil she runs into her dog house. That cracked me up, cause otherwise she won't go into it. Silly dog.I am frustrated cause awhile ago Phil got me a digital camera and everytime I out new batteries in it keeps telling me the batteries are low. So I may have to take it back and see wtf is going on with it. It also shows some pics up as dark. I am so happy to have one I want it to work darn it.Oh Feel free to join my yahoo 360 page. Would be great to have you on my friends list know talking to friends in Ontario I miss it more and more. I wish so darned much I could go back to ontario. Phil won't go and kids have all their family is here. I just miss it so much. Maybe if I went back to visit I would stop aching to go back there so badly. Cause sometimes it makes me cry. I think I just did't get to leave on terms I was ready for. BC is so nothing like Ontario. Have not heard anymore from DJ's uncle but I did give him his email addy my email addy and our address so maybe Bryan will contact DJ. I sure hope so. DJ really super bad wants to talk to him. Last I heard he was in Ottawa and it looks like his brother went to University there studying the same stuff Bryan studied. How do people think of teens being online with webcams? I have an issue with it. I just get scared bad things will happen or could happen. I don't know what is wrong with me I just want to cry today but am trying not to. Like my dad used to say what does crying accomplish? I just am being stupid crying! God I feel so alone right now. I am so weak ya know? I can't help but question what is the point of my exhistance?Ya know this link I am giving upsets me. One because it is in canada, I thought our country was better than this. Two these seals are babies and it's sport. How do these people live with themselves?Help protect baby seals from a cruel and senseless hunt subsidized by the Canadian government!When you click this link, sponsors make a donation to the help the International Fund for Animal Welfare buy air time for its public service announcements that will build public awareness of and opposition to the baby seal hunt. Forward this email to all of your friends to help support even more!Simply go to the site and click on the "Click to help" button. It takes one second. Remember, you're only allowed one donation per day, so tell everyone you know!Just click: Please care enough to help click just once a day this is so careless and cruel it just breaks my heartHaving been through domestic abuse I know all the help we can give this link is very important to me too:I just learned some really upsetting facts about violence against women, and I need your help: - In the US, a woman is raped every 6 minutes; a woman is battered every 15 seconds.- In North Africa, 6,000 women are genitally mutilated each day.- This year, more than 15,000 women will be sold into sexual slavery in China.- 200 women in Bangladesh will be horribly disfigured when their spurned husbands or suitors burn them with acid.- More than 7,000 women in India will be murdered by their families and in-laws in disputes over dowries.Here's what you can do:Visit this link: will generate a donation to Amnesty International's End Violence Against Women program. Forward this email to all of your friends to help support even more! Simply go to the site and click on the "End Violence" button. It takes 5 seconds. However, you're only allowed one donation per day, so tell everyone you know! Thanks for your help! Ya know what I found funny that the news said the other day? Not so much that canadian troops were being deployed out but by what the news anchor said "The SO CALLED war on terrorism" Not sure you would hear that statement in the USA or elsewhere but the other night he said it exactly like that. I mean what does that say about canadians feelings on the war? Any thoughts?Anyhow I am off for now...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Here are some things you can do to help your child develop. Show your child that you care about him/her and that you are dependable. Children who feel loved are more likely to be confident. Your child must believe that, no matter what, someone will look out for him/her. Give your baby or toddler plenty of attention, encouragement, hugs and lap time. Set a good example. Children imitate what ever they see?
Link to my site: child care dallas