Sunday, November 13, 2005

Sleepless at my Place

Well yep I have not slept. Back on the few days of no sleep. Pretty sad. I mean I do get tired, but I lay down and the racing thoughts are just too much. Ya know I would like to know how people get over betrayal. I mean the whole Deb thing with Phil happened this summer and it got stopped before it went further than maybe it could have gone. However the open lies has made me very mistrustful. Guys never seem to hold on to that mistrust. Some women are able to let go. So tell me what are their secrets to doing that? Cause I can't seem to let that go and I can't seem to believe anything now. I hate it and it eats me alive. All the reassurance in the world by him doesn't seem to change my doubts. Ya know I know this post is gonna be all over the place. But I also thought last night about what Christine said about how my Aunt Judy and cousin Tiffanie spend days and hours googling my name and hunt me down on the net. Like who the hell does that? Who has family so spiteful that they look for shit? Who fucking cares. Like God do we have such a piss poor life you have to try and destroy others? Almost makes it fun for me lol. I truly don't care what people think about me, I was not put on this earth to make anyone happy. Plus I never have made anyone happy why should that change now? Geepers. Just makes me shake my head. Gotta be proud of having a very disfunctional family. LOL even workers have said and written in remarks how I have one of the most disfunctional families they have ever come across. Gee don't have to tell me that. Dj is on his way home only to be going out again with his gf for awhile. Sarah is at a bday party. It's pretty nice out, so I have Princess outside for awhile. I sent my Aunt Karen a bday card it's her bday today. She is cool, a little different than the rest of my family. A scorpio too so there ya go. Scorpio's do rock right?Anyone else have a dog with a dog house they won't use? None of us can understand why the hell our mutt won't go into her house when it is raining or cold. Thankfully she is almost 100% trained, she whines to go outside now and paces. She never used to alert us. Now I just need to get the stuff Doug told me about to take the smell out of her one spot upstairs. He says it is really strong and no smell will be there for her to recognize again. Whew hoo. My hair is finally growing back to it's original thickness. I lost alot when I had all the surgeries. I mean ALOT! Plus it's not always falling out in handfuls anymore.I still humming and hawing about getting the flu shot. Year before last I did well with it but last year I got really super sick. I don't want to get like that again from another shot. I have roast cooking for dinner ahhhhhhhhh smells good. Making it with gravym mushrooms, baby potatoes, baby carrots and hoping to also make yorkshire pudding as well. We all love them alot. Can never have too many. Everyone loves my roast and I am pretty proud of that. I like it because it is made in the crock pot and it is so soft and tender it just falls apart. People liked my roast pan roast too but this is even a little more tender. Of course I use lots of Garlic. I have to be thankful I had a mother who made good good food. She was and is an awesome cook. She taught me to cook and I am thankful for that. Wish as kids we could recognize how lucky we are to have parents teach us things like cooking. I know so many people who couldn't or still cannot cook. It's sad. It's been nice talking to friends from the day we could have fun. Things have changed alot for some. Hmmmmm. Anyhow am watching Just for laughs. Ahhhhhh too funny, I love this comedy channel...I do again have a couple links to check out, would be great if ya did. Until laterz...Click on the link below and please enter your birthday for me. It will take less than 1 minute. I am creating a birthday list of all my friends and family. Many thanks Angela (LadyIllusions)This is a great idea! Go to and click on the button that says, "Climb to End Breast Cancer." You'll be one of the first people participate in the largest virtual mountain climb in the world! With every click, (or "step") you generate a donation to eliminate the environmental causes of breast cancer--for free. Sponsors pay for your click and give the money to The Breast Cancer Fund's programs focusing on environmental links to breast cancer. It only takes a second! Click here: I also like this site, may be interesting to some not so much to otherswww.waketodie.proboards45.comOh yeah I am excited to say I found DJ's Uncle Mark he is pretty happy. I am happy for DJ but we'll see how far it will take us to getting in contact with his dad. I really hope for DJ's sake that Mark will help him. He really wants to talk to his dad. So wish him luck...

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