Thursday, November 17, 2005

Happy Birthday to me

Well last night Doug and I kinda got into it. We have never truly had a huge fight or anything, however we do have our tiffs. Last night was pretty bad. I don't know we will be talking again anytime again soon. He was supposed to coome over last night but I ended up making that not happen. On a happier note Phil took me out to dinner last night because he is working tonight. We went to Moxies and ran into Colin. We were supposed to go watch a movie but I just wasn't up to it. Phil tried to change my mind but I don't think I could have sat through a movie last night. He surprised me with a cellphone for my bday. I cannot even begin to say how happy I was to get that. I also have an ipod and leather jacket coming. He got them on ebay so were good prices. Not the jacket in my dream entry but my whole family has had leather jackets and I always wanted one so I am happy. God Phil can be so incredible sometimes. Today he got me a cake and we had subway for dinner. Well he had got subway Princess ate mine. I am choked about that. DJ bought me the CD Eurythmics Ultimate Collection CD and his card was so loving and sweet I cried. Mary called this morning but only to talk to Sarah and not me, so that made me cry. But whatever.So I guess my birthday didn't suck as much as I thought it would. WIsh Phil had, had the day off but that's life right? Been doing laundry and trying to get that done. Not sure how all the blankets got down there but at least they are all washed and clean now. I see we need to get more bath towels though. Not sure where they all disappeared but with everything clean there is just not as many as there should be. I was cleaning my room too. I still need to do the dresser, under the bed and wash the floor. I guess ya can say my energy is slowly finding it's way back. I guess that happens when your less stressed. DJ has such a bad habit of not being reachable that we decided he needs cell and his allowance is going towards it. Telus has a deal where we can use Phil's now older phone buy the setup for 65 dollars and then set it up online and get 75$ of airtime. How good a deal is that? Phil asked twice and the lady said alot of people question it because it is such a good deal. Half DJ's allowance will be going to his celltime every month. He's a little upset because he wanted a flip phone I told him to save up if he wants one. Be Happy to have a phone right?I have to say my friends are wonderful. Sherri called me, Doreen called me, Michael sang happy birthday to me until I had to talk to him about family maintence I don't even want to go there about what was said then:( Anyhow Vickie sent me a card by mail, Phoenix sent an email card as did my grandmother. I got so many online friends who sent messages, and ecards, truly if one of you is reading this it meant alot to me. I hate birthdays they always make me cry. I know I can't be the only one who gets so depressed about bdays.I was soooooooooooooo happy yesterday my counsellor called me and because it will take awhile for me to get into group she and my psychiatrist have agreed to see me until I can get in. Thank God because I need a review of my meds. My meds are making me feel ill now as is T1's for that matter. Ibuprofen doesn't kill my pain. Any suggestions?Is anyone else watching Martha Stewart Apprentice? I was so not into watching it but nothing else is on in that time slot. Funny enough it has captured my interest and I find myself interested in it now. I am in respect of team matchstick. My favorite one was when they did Tide to go Joe for Tide to go stick. Because of them I actually want to get a couple of those pens. One for me to keep with me and one for Phil for work ect. You have to love the economical price too. Hey to my candian friends do you all know about ? I love that site because they send you coupons and with my needing to save as much as possible I wish there were more sites like that.K this is html not sure if it will work on here but if it does cool:" height="40" width="240" title="HUGS">
give'>">give LadyIllusions more *HUGS*
Get'>">Get hugs of your own

As per usual I also have a couple sites you can check out that I joined/signed lately. ONE: The Campaign to Make Poverty History. Your voice DOES make a difference!lend your voice to help beat global AIDS and poverty. Sign the declaration now at ONE by ONE, we can make the difference.We are seeking 80,000 people who are willing to be part of an experiment to see if we can shift the world's perception of "good and evil" to a perception of love. It won't cost you any money and will take only seconds a day. We believe we are all one mind and that if enough people (critical mass) could shift their own personal perception--change their minds--about the existence of evil, then the whole planet could shift into a perception of love.We also believe that world peace begins with each individual achieving a state of peace within themselves. We can begin to do that for ourselves by becoming aware of the "negative" influences in our lives and choosing consciously to eliminate or shift those influences.What we propose is a two step process as follows:STEP 1: Whenever you perceive that a negative event is occurring, either by witnessing it in person or hearing about it in the media, say the words "ONLY LOVE PREVAILS." This phrase sends "positive" energy to the perceived negative event as you stand as an observer in non-judgment. It will also help shift the perception that for good to exist, evil must also exist (polarity theory). As your perception shifts, you will perceive less and less negativity. This process therefore acts as a barometer to measure your own sense of inner peace. The less negativity you perceive, the less you will find yourself needing to affirm "Only Love Prevails".STEP 2: Become aware that the news media has a profound impact on your perception. Do whatever you need to do to protect yourself from exposure to "negative" or fear-based stories in the media. This might mean that you filter your exposure to the news media and become very selective about what you do read or watch or listen to or it might mean giving up watching or listening to newscasts or reading newspapers altogether. Just bringing your awareness to the negativity that permeates the news media, however, will help shift your consciousness.We feel that if enough people (critical mass) stopped exposing themselves to the "negative energy" generated by the news media and repeated "ONLY LOVE PREVAILS" whenever exposed to a report of an incident that appeared to be negative that we could shift the consciousness of the planet to a perception that ONLY LOVE PREVAILS. This would be a giant step toward achieving a state of inner as well as outer peace.In order for us to know when we reach our goal of 80,000, we are keeping track of number of people who are participating as well as the demographics (how many in each country).If you would like to participate in this experiment, we would love to hear from you. Please fill out our online form at: This experiment began in December 1997. As of November 2004 we have had over 21,000 people from 146 countries around the world officially participating with every state in the United States represented. We encourage you to join in this world changing experiment and to tell your friends. Together we will create a world of peace where... ONLY LOVE PREVAILS.With all the negativity around I think that is so great. I am curious what the results will show. Anyhow off for now....


Cassandra said...

Happy Birthday!

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