Sunday, February 04, 2007

Forgotten What Happiness Is

Before I begin I have to say Phil about freaks on me for every entry I put in here. He says my entries are warped and one sided. Well hmmm considering it is how I feel and think it should be one sided. I can't begin to think for others now very well can I? Pretty sure everyone writes from their point of view. I write from exactly how I see it and feel it and if he doesn't like it maybe he should rethink how he is with me. We talked the other night. I told him I do believe he knows love, oh he does. He loves his transformers. He commits each one to memory he never complains about their cost and upkeep. He dedicates time to them each and every day. They are in his heart, his mind his life. That is love. He truly loves his transformers more than I have seen him commit love to anyone or anything else. In fact yesterday he bought another transformer without a second thought. I even failed myself and bought him two tiny classics the other day. I know I know I swore I wouldn't. But it's the only time I see his eyes light up and he is so happy and there was only one of each of them. I should have stayed away from them. I was doing so good. I put them down 4 times before finally giving in. I had 3 but bought 2. He is really into collecting the classics. The movie comes out this summer man the colling is going to go crazy then. I got him the movie optimus for christmas. I think it says 6 things and I believe it is a classic but I am not quite sure.
I got a shirt that has grumpy bear on it says get off my cloud:) I love grumpy bear I want one but we can't seem to locate one in any of the stores, like do they have something against grumpy bear or what? I want to find the lamb friend too for my daughter cause I collect lambs for her, ya know for the name Mary had a little lamb. I got her one lamb that is a little girl dressed up as a lamb that sings the song. LOL it's kinda creepy:) It's not easy to find lambs they are easier to find around easter,m the rest of the year they kind of disappear. I wish I could find her a kitchen and bedroom set for her hopechest:(
Sarah collects soccer stuff she has some pretty rare soccer stuff, as if I see something different I buy it if I have it because soccer stuff tends to disappear quite quickly. DJ used to like Bob Marley stuff but not sure if he still does.
I collect pushback buttons and pins and have been collecting them since I was in grade 3 I have lots from all over canada, parts of the USA and England London. I wish I could get alot more. I mean it's cheap for people to gert them for me, most places have them free somewhere. Or a couple of bucks. I also collect victorian stuff, vampire stuff, skulls, I have one of each of the characters I like except I have a few left like grumpy bear, the grinch and a few others. I like to do felt posters. I love cameos but am more interested in the blkack and white ones which I am having a lot harder time finding I like the smaller ones. I really really really really want a black and white ring a small one and even on ebay have not found one:(I had earing but when Phil moved out he "lost" them I was so upset I am still hurt deeply over that those earing meant the world to me they were white gold black and white small cameo earing and he "lost" them :'( I never got over that and never will :'( still makes me cry. We waited so long for them to come in Man I miss those earings :'(
Friday I went out alone. Yep alone. Oh man I was so wet and soaked, I felt like the world was all closed in but I did it. I did it to go get DJ's special bday gift. I had to go pick it up from being done. I so hope he will love his gift. I miss him so much. I cannot stop thinking about DJ. It's hard to believe my baby will be 16 so soon. I wonder if his dad is realizing his son is 16 yrs old soon. Bryan really should reach out if not now at least in a few years when he reaches age. DJ needs to know his dad. He deserves that. DJ has not had the easiest of lives and I think about that all the time. Through so much he is a wonderful young man he really is. Gorgeous too :)
I am worried about one of my daughters she is dealing with some bullies at school. What is it with females and bullying in school now a days? I can't help but worry on a daily basis hoping each day everything will be ok. That today won't be a bad day that it won't get really out of control. It's just not right!
Yesterday Phil was going to go out but not know what time he was going to get home. He wouldn't take Sarah. I decided I would get up and we would all get up. Phil took us to Boston Pizza that just reopened from renovations. We were not impressed with service or anything else to say the least! Then we went to Tillicum mall and we got 10 for 10 dollars and 2 of the new collector containers. This year is cupcakes with birthstones in them. I have been collecting the containers from CLAIRES since 2000 and something the first one I collected was 90% angel and been collecting them ever since. Last year we got every single container but one. One lady gave me the teddy bear container and that has left me missing 1 container. That so chokes me. So I guess we will see if we can collect them all this year. They made it this year you have to buy 10 dollars in stuff or pay 6.99 a piece if you buy $10 in stuff they are .99cents. A new one comes out every month. My kids love CLAIRES so we do frequent that store ALOT!
Then Phil took us to Silvercity and we watched "The Messengers" AWESOME MOVIE, VERY WELL DONE 4 STARS, 3 THUMBS. I am very picky with movies I love this movie. I want to see the new movie Jim Carrey is coming out in "23" That looks really awesome. Phil told me I was wrong it wasn't him and doesn't look like him and still insist it doesn't but HAHAHAHAHAHAHA it is Jim Carrey! Looks like a really awesome movie:) I want to see "Ghost Rider" too it looks good. Of Course ZODIAC is coming out as well. I am a lover of Robert Downey JR whew hoo been waiting for this one. Not to mention I have watched so many things about the Zodiac Killer. I am fascinated by Murderers I like to know what makes them tick. I wanna know what it is that they think and why do they think it. I wonder more deeply though. I wonder about their families more about their mothers. I really truly believe the way a child relates to a parent has alot to do with how they relate to others when they grow up. Has media shown people how they always trample down the parents door of the villian. I mean always and not just a parent of someone who adopts or fosters they always have to track down the blood parents. Like somehow the blood is the key.
Being a parent who has struggled with parenting I wonder alot will that happen to me? Will I have to try and defend myself? Will I have to try and concieve of a reason why maybe something happened with one of mine? I often find myself feeling bad for the families of these villians but also find myself crying for the villians. I refuse to believe anyone is all bad. I just refuse to believe it. My dad knows that about me. He used to tell me that would get me in trouble one day. He told me not everyone is good and I can't save everyone. I refuse to believe that. There has to be a logical reason for everything, I truly believe that.
Just like with Phil there is a reason why he clings to this child like quality. The reason he plays with these"toys" is because he is stuck in a place he refuses to come out of but believes he is out of. I can't say what it is but trust me if you knew more about him, his life you would understand some of his child like behaviour. Like most men he won't look at things like many of us women do. That's all I have to say about that!
I heard from Doug the other night on MSN. I was SHOCKED! I told him I was shocked as I understood it things with him and Cindy were fantastic and as far as I was concerned he wanted nothing to do with me. So I had no intention on writing him or calling him. He said that would never be true. Cindy apparently is like many sag's she is onto the next new thing. Yes Doug and I are very much into astrology we are both scorpios. That is one of the reasons I much enjoy just talking to him for like ever because we talk about astrology, just talk and talk and talk about astrology. I mean we seem to have always been able to talk about anything and everything because we seem to agree about a variety of subjects. I have always found him so fascinating that I could never imagine any lady not being intrigued and lured in by him. I can understand why Penny is so relentless. He can't seem to shake her off at all! So I am not sure what is up with Doug, my msn is not working properly so after he went to forage for food I didn't talk to him again.
It's funny I went out yesterday only because I pretty much figured I was expected to say no again and I did at first. But when Sarah was refused. I decided to go. Phil said it was a pretty good day. No fighting felt pretty good. I told him I only went because he expected me not to. I also said had I seen DJ then it would have been a good day. Till then my days pretty much just run in together. Phil said I can't think like that. I have other people to think about. Maybe I do but that is how I feel most days. I went out. I did try to have a sort of happy aura but in my heart I wasn't happy. My heart has no light on. Someone is there but the lights are off:(
Pain is becoming too much for me. I have so much pain chronically now in my feet, my lower legs, my shoulders, my lower back and my hands and from inner elbow to inner wrist. I never know from one day to the next if I am going to be heaving. I some days am so starving which is rare and then go days can barely eat or drink. I am always wanting something for pain. Codiene 1's are my friend. Gravol now as well because T1's are now making me feel ill. I am way more tired than I ever used to be. Some days it takes all I have to get up. When I do go out I am so exhausted by the time I get home. Phil asked me if I didn't feel good being out all day I was like NO I am so tired. I mean it is nice to have the air on my face and be out with my kid be among people for a bit but I get so exhausted. He doesn't get it. My brother doesn't get it. The differenece my brother doesn't get on me. He actually only says things to me when I do something positive. It feels good. He applauds me just for getting up. I know it sounds stupid to some but actually makes me feel a little better and brighter. Phil rarely does that, he pushes me to do more, if you can do this do this and this and this. I understand he is frustrated he is doing alot. I do mean alot. I can only imagine that frustration.
What I wouldn't give to have a few days to surprise him and get a whole bunch done. I wish I could get a home maker. They don't give that to disability people anymore. They used to. I don't understand why it is gone now.
I am making cajun chicken, lipton butter and herbs and corn for dinner. Phil is apparently gone to work though till 12am. He said he wanted to stay overnight at the hospital and come home tomorrow but he is going to come here at midnight instead. But once again I am here alone. We're waiting on his brother and Nikki to have baby. She was due Feb 1st. But still no word as of yet. At the same time his dad is going to be having surgery at some point and he is going to need prayers. Things may not go as well for him. I believe he has angels around him though and God is holding his hand. He has come this far. I love his parents so much they are wonderful people :)
I don't know how the government works everywhere but I don't get why our BC government here in canada will force mothers to go after fathers for child support if they are on welfare. The only way not doing so is if they don't know who is the parent or if there is an issue of danger. You either go after them or don't get a cheque. Then you go to court you finally get a ruling are registered with family maintence the fathers are having wages garnished and taxes, so chances of not getting paid are pr4tty good. That's great. Well is it? The mother never really gets a dime because at least in BC the system takes that minatence off their cheque dollar for dollar. So the child is really no better off. Doesn't matter if your on disability either the rules still apply. On disability you are allowed to make a small amount of income but maintence is not part of that allowable income. Who thought this up? Who thought it would be great to have the mothers have the money for their kids taken away from them? Basically what it comes down to is dad is paying the government isn't it?
Another thing that upsets me is people labelling their children with things they don't have just so they can get moeny for their kids. One of my child has been found to have invisable disabilities and has to get alot of extra help in school. Her grandparents pay for help outside of school. Something she unlike alot of other kids is very lucky to be able to have. Apparently if you don't get a diagnoses from a doctor and queen alexndria hospital here where we are in BC canada under the umbrella of autistim or variation of that therof you pretty much cannot get funding. I find this really unfair. Me being Bipolar is also an invisable disablity, but has been proven very dibilitating to many people and their families among other mental disabilities.
My one child was hit by a car at school, but because my child has been in 2 other accidents we cannot prove that the injuries that my child suffers from now and continually suffers from are from this accident alone. We all know this accident is the cause. I have alot of anger concerning this accident. Nothing was dealt with properly and I hate seeing the pain even a couple years later it's ridiculous. It has only gotten worse and not better! We do have until age 19 to fight it and still might.
I forgot I also collect anything having to do with being a scorpio. I am a very proud scorpio baby, I think we are the sign to beat:) We so totally rock. If you read my blog enough you'll wonder how me and Phil get along as you'll know he is a VIRGO and those who unlike him believe like Doug and I in astrology Virgos and scorpios can CLASH! We seem to opose one another on everything. I like to spend, he only likes to easily spend on his toys. I am a die hard romantic, Phil thinks romance is for losers, I am so far from being a clean freak and Phil is a spotless cleanfreak IN EVERY SINGLE POSSIBLE WAY-USE YOUR IMAGINATION, I think sex should be long and thoughtout and wild and sex to him is clinical and an act to create children, I think you should have notyhing to hide with anyone, he thinks everything is secret and should be kept secret, I believe in astrology, he says it's bullshit, I believe in psychics and I believe I just know things and see things he says all of that is bullshit, I am unsure of aliens he believes they exist, go figure, He thinks he should always look fuckable to the opposite sex at any age, on any day, I think the right words will get you where you want to go. There is alot more but for now I am done. I gotta check dinner.

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