Wednesday, February 28, 2007

So What Happened

So what happened you ask? Well Saturday started out great. Went to my daughters soccer game, got to spend the day with her and my nephew. Even got to see my son. My daughter and I got our hair done together it was just good fun and all in all it was an ok day. But yeah most of you guessed right I was left alone all night for a drunk party with drinking games, and then got huh a new cell phone the next day is it just me or would you think that was a gift out of guilt? Yeah I said don't come home cause I asked you to come home because you want to. But apparently a bunch of drunk chicks is more important.
Oh but that's just the beginning oh yes I got tag teamed oh yeah someone else decided to let me know I am just lower than dirt and not worthy of scheduled time and plans , even though for them they have never had problems having others arrange around their schedule. I guess I was feeling really vulnerable because for the next few days I pretty much had a big breakdown and apparently went somewhat catanoic. Just lost any words any thoughts. I just shut down.
Today is the first day I have been up and normal again.
A person can only take so much before they break. I still feel so hurt and betrayed. But whatever. I now know how worthy I really am right?
Tomorrow is March and snow is falling. Life brings unexpected things and you just gotta take the rolls with the punches. This is the first time I seen my brother so worried about me though. I hate that I worried him because I let a couple of people hurt me so deeply, I am glad he somewhat snapped me out of it and I see the dr again next week....

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