Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Did The Idiot Have His Eyes Shut?

I am so damned pissed right now. I wonder how often this happens. I am 34yrs old and I get what my kids call granny packages. My meds are put out in weekly packages and the pharmascist puts them in daily bubble packs and breaks each pill into it's package. Well the idiot who put this weeks together put pills where they didn't belong and even beyond that forgot to add my meds that help me FUCKING SLEEP! Am I pissed yes just a little bit. Did the guy fricken close his eyes as he did it? I mean all the meds are marked right on the top package. Old people might just take it and think something isn't quite right. Me I am not so nice. Trust me I will not be a happy camper when I see the pharmascist tomorrow!!! IDIOT!!!! I saw Doug today and fricken crazy lady Penny interrupts our nice conversation. She better watch herself because I tried to call her she is damned lucky she never answered that phone because I had more than a few words to say to her and I am more than ready to kick her motherfuckin ass!!! Get it through your head bitch he wants nothing to do with you. He despises the looks and sounds of you Penelope so fuck off before I make you fuck off. Don't cross me bitch! Really when you start stalking a guy and leaving messages like "you'll be sorry" she actually said that in her high pitched horrific voice, I wanted nothing more than to show her who will be sorry. I am sick of women treating him like a fucking doormat. Like he thinks he has to join a gym work out kill himself so he can take pictures to send these bitches of his built body. Get over it. They don't deserve you seriously.I saw a pic of Cindy. She's pretty, pretty in his past. Another one I would like to tell where therefore. God he can be really cold the things he says about chicks when he doesn't like them anymore.What I don't get is why Kath is giving him the cold shoulder I mean how do you turn on someone who stuck by you over so many many many years. I don't think that will last. The pic he has of her is pretty too. God he has a soap opera of life going on around him it's hard to believe he is going on 45yrs old. Was nice to see him though and I have really enjoyed our conversations as of late. He gets me and he listens to me and he doesn't make me feel stupid and it was nice to hear him tell me I looked real pretty today. I shouldn't have said I didn't feel pretty but I don't feel very pretty anymore. Phil is frustrated his work hours are cut down. He is wanting to work more. He seems to be a little more clingy as of late. I am not sure what to think. One minute I feel like I am fungas to him, the next he tells me he loves me. I just never know how to be around him. It always feels more aqward than natural as of late. He just seems to dislike so much about me, and then in the same breathe says I love you. Love what, what about me you hate do you love? I had a talk with my brother tonight. He pointed out to me that I used men as a drug and the hyperness at one point as a drug and the attention with friends as a drug and it wore off and now I have lost what I had found as a drug. That's why I am letting life pass me by and if I keep going the way I am I will die from the inside out and it will be a long painful drawnout death and that is what he sees for me right now if I don't find something to grab onto. Everything before was all a drug and this right now is a sort of drug but I have held onto alot I can pull up at any minute or time a hurt or past thing and feel it like that moment and when I get mad at teachers it's not the kids teacher but my past teachers. I admit that is somewhat true. He also pointed out some of the ways I am with my daughter and I reneed to think how I say things to her and about her and around her. It's easy to say it hard to change it. I want to change it. Doug said I am much more subdued and not bubbly anymore, everyone says that. Hard when your told how horrible you are daily. Really is. However I grew up hearing it and managed to do it. I don't know, I know I do angry the best. I do sad real well. I hurt deep and I envy those who don't but I can't figure out how you all get past that hurt and sad feeling, that would fix everything...

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