Saturday, February 24, 2007

Every Damn Time

Everytime I feel like the world is a sunnier place, like life just can't go any place but up. Like you can't do anything to hurt me anymore and I will smile despite anything, you always widdle me down. You work on me like a piece of dried up wood and chip away at me until you see there is nothing I can do to fight the knife that carves into me. I close my eyes and feel disgust with rememberance of the things I have let you do to me. So much anger I cannot cry. Not that my tears matter they are yopur trophies anyway and you don't deserve them. Once again you have left me curled up alone and in agony. Left in the dark with my thoughts and you out enjoying the laughter of my pain. I HATE YOU!!! dON'T YOU DARE READ THIS AND CLAIM YOU DON'T KNOW THE GAME YOUR PLAYING AND HAVE PLAYED, THAT YOU DO NOT KNOW THE PERSON YOU ARE, You know. You think your so smooth like the world is wrapped around your story of truth. God you deserve an oscar, you really do. For no one plays the part as well as you. The blade doesn't have much further to go and you'll have it all and no one will question if it was something you did, what a joke, I so fucking hate you, I HATE YOU and everything I let you get away with, God I hate you!

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