Saturday, March 04, 2006

Feeling Cold & Fluey...

Well I been super cold for like 2 days now, cannot get warm unless I have the heating pad on my back. Also feel like I had the crap kicked out of me. Not sure maybe it is the ribs healing in the back but where I had injured and bruised my ribs in my back its been hurting so bad it hurts to move. I also have really really really sore calves and there is no explainable reason for it. It has been months since I got my iron shot I am wondering if that could be part of it. Some of the pics I have taken I deleted because my eyes are so dark in some pics because of iron levels I don't want people seeing them :( Phil has not been feeling well either last night he yelled at his tummy lol. Siad he his tummy, yes like it has any control over him lol. He was so down last night and tired he never went to karate. I bought him a couple of new transfomers just to try and bring a smile to him. I hate when he feels down.
Its so hard with him some days because he is so down on himself lately and some days he is so distant I don't know what to say or do. I mean I still ahce in my heart, I hate the way things are you know? I just wish I knew the magic combination of words and things to do because I would do it.
I made tuna casserole again the other nights went so fast its not even funny. I use whole wheat macaroni , mushroom soup, miracle whip, sweet baby peas, then I add some milk, sometimes ginger, garlic, rosemary, sage, celery seed, lemon pepper, seasoning salt, paprika if I have it to put on top, onion flakes if I have them it tastes really good and of course a few cans of tuna. Tastes so good.
My steak I made the other day I got from a guy who was online as MadRoj only I adjusted it a little bit. I use eye of round marinating steak you brown each side just slightly. Then you pour mild to medium salsa enough to cover it and sprinkle some lemon pepper ontop and cook for about an hour on low or until it is cooked. It is so tender you barely need a knife to cut it. What I like with it best is yellow boiled potatoes or mashed potatoes and corn. OMG it tastes so good my kids love it well 2 do lol and so does Phil.
Mary said Christine tried to make it and did a really bad job of it lol. I was like how do you screw up such an easy recipe? She said Christine and Roger cannot cook they mess up everything. Hmmmm I have a hard time believing that I mean c'mon now...
The thing my kids love that I make is cajun chicken which Michael taught me to make. You take strips of cut up boneless skinless chicken, you put it in a pan with a little butter and cook it just over medium and sprinkle on a bunch of cajun seasoning, I use alot and then you just keep flipping it until it is cooked all the way through. My kids really like that with Lipton Chicken noodles and sauce and cream corn. Very simple and very good.
Phil is on two rating sites for his normal pics. You can rate him there:
So far our camera has no watchers and no buyers:( We may have to relist it. Sucks too one guy who ended up with the most expensive transfomer to have bought from Phil has not written him or payed him for his transfomer. Tick me off. Now Phil is looking to replace grimlock and I told him he has the dinobots its what he wanted does he really need to get another grimlock because the one he has is not in the best condition. He does this alot. I think it makes more sense to go for the ones you don't have at all get replacements for the others later. I do agree he should get theblue grimlock as he doesn't have that one.
You know when I met Phil I told him I could not have any more kids. I was very strong in telling him because I did tell him I did not want him in 2 yrs coming to me angry and wanting to leave because I could not have his kids. At that time I borught it up alot because I really needed him to be sure. But now suddenly it is an issue he doesn't know he can deal with and what hurts is there is not a damn thing I can do about it. Nothing at all. Part of me wishes he would just go out and have a kid with someone, anyone and still be together. That is so wrong for me to think that. I know it would hurt me too, I just feel so confused when it comes to it. I mean my kids love Phil and he is so good to them especially my youngest. But their not his and I do understand that. I wish they were because they have an ass for a dad!!! He has put more money and time into these kids than Michael has ever done. He also doesn't complain about it and Michael complains every step of the way. All he thinks about I swear is that his kids are money he has to pay and nothing else. Yet he complains about his GF and her ex with his kids. Talk about a hypocrite.
Oh we also got the luke skywalker transformer, apparently there is 4 or 5 more coming out. Hasbro really is gonna make a killing on them ya know. Transfomer collectors and Star Wars collectors are pretty serious collectors. I wish I could have the M&M star wars guys they are so cool. I also want alot fo Piglet things but I don't buy them. I don't need them though I guess.
Oh we looked at the shaw bill today. I am so sick of shaw I swear to good they have screwed up big time. I am so tired of their crap. We have struggled with our internet for a couple weeks now always have it shutting down on us. Have had some issues with the phone. I mean there has to be better than this for cable. Anyone know better people to deal with for TV, internet and phone? I do like I can call anywhere in canada or the usa anytime for free and Mary loves 3 way calling but I took her off of it there is no need for it. As it is Phil gets frustrated the kid lives on the phone for hours.
I did find a couple more things to sell on ebay. I have a collectable winnie the pooh cookie tin and I have a collectable tucan sam outdoor camera. I also have a few watches.
DJ is having a sleepover AGAIN, so is Sarah. Mary is gone to a friends for the night. Am I fricken crazy?
Phil's sister and brother(twins-my age) birthday is coming up in a couple of weeks. So we're gonna pick them up a cake and go see them that friday. We're hoping to get his sister a book for the place she is going away to and for his brother a canuck collectable. I ordered the cake already so at least that is done.
Mary had a party she went to on friday I bought her friend a keychain I think it said U Go Girl and a crystal that lights up. Sarah has a party tomorrow and I got her friend diva bath stuff. Everytime I turn around it seems to be someones bday.
I found another lamb for Mary it baaaaas too cute. Why is it so hard to find lambs and sheep? The dolphins are easy to find.
I was on ebay looking for a signed anything from David Beckham the soccer player. I cannot believe how hard it is to get his stuff from canada and even the usa. Looks like its easier to get things from yugoslavia and UK and even hong kong seems to be only place I can see a David Beckham bobblehead:( I did find autographed posters but what I would really love is a signed card any card but couldn't see anything like that in canada or the usa on there. Frustrating. Would be even more awesome to get a signed shirt.
Anyhow my fricken back is hurting so bad I need to go. I am off for now. Laterz....

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