Sunday, April 23, 2006

The World Still Spins

Okay so I tried this once and computer shut me down grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr pissed me off so let me try doing this quick run down style cause I so do not feel like typing it all back out. I am pissed to see the 3 police officers aquitted of beating Frank Jude Jr and hope the black ministers who are asking for it to be relooked at and doing protests continue to look at doing this and more is done. Keep up the fight.
Go Nancy Grace for telling the guy who tried to say money could be a factor in the Duke University Lacrosse team Players rape case has absolutely nothing to do with this at all. I have read what people have said about Nancy Grace go suck a lemon Nancy Grace is hard and strong and gets the work done and we need more women like her. I love her!!!! Another women getting this case out there is Rita Cosby Go woman go. I hate her voice I really do but lately when she is on no one can interrupt me. She has showed the taxi driver alibi Reade Sullivan he called the taxi driver at 12:14 and then went the ATM and got a burger I don't think he did it however I think the other boy may have. I believe she was raped I believe she was drugged. I am astounded they made their 400, 000 bail in cash right then and there. They have had search and seizure a few times now and not taken anything of all that importance. I think this can still blow wide open.
I am astounded Natallee Hollay's mother is not more excited about this boy being arrested in connection to her daughter gone missing in fact she seems more disturbed by it then happy. She seems more intent about the past 3 other guys being brought to justice than someone new. Who happened to apparently have a shirt in connection to Natallee and may have been on security patrol that night but is still to be seen.
4 men and 1 lady were arrested in London ontario canada for shooting 8 men in the motorcycle club called the bandidos all are being charged with 1st degree murder and is being called an 'internal cleansing' of the bandidos. Everyone shot and who shot were in the club. So anyone into that scene might want to keep an eye on that story.
I think the Susan Polk murder case is a joke I cannot believe they are letting her defend herself and letting her question her children the way she has. That lady is a loon and needs to go to get some serious serious help. I don't even know if she knows what day it is. How did she end up with such great kids? well at least a couple great kids? Her husband did not deserve to be stabbed to death.
The case I been curiously watching the sentencing of is Halder apparently he got 196 guilty. He held a 7 hour game of cat and mouse shooting anyone in his site because some guy he thinks erased most of the files on a site that was his becoming livelihood. The students had made a site called He was a ibelieve 62yrs old. His reaction was if he had to do it again he'd buy a better gun. OMG buddy. It was at Case Reserve University Ohio. HE had 2 semi Automatics. His Lawyers wanted to plead insanity but he said he was not insane. 3 therapists found him not insane and one found he had personality disorder which apparently and unbeknownst to me is not anyway insane.
I found it a little curious that in all the mens documentaries in their prisons I never saw it being a big issue on the men having self mutilation issues but apparently in HMP Holloway Prison for Women it is a very huge issue. Which makes me curious if it is that way across the board and if so why women and not men? Did you know this prison was once built like a hospital but was really bad so had to be restructured? Interesting eh?
I would like to a documentary that talks soley on how the mind works on munchausen syndrome by proxy. When I watched the case about Kathy Bush and how she was convicted in 1999 of child abuse and munchusuasen syndrome by proxy I was really confused. I didn't see how locking her up was really dealing with the issue at hand. I also did not understand how she had two kids before and never hurt them they were healthy and haooy had great relationships with their mother. It really baffles the mind. It leaves me wanting to understnad it more. But I don't agree with jailing someone. I believe it needs to be dealt with medically. Something isn't right inside if your doing something like that.
I'm sure everyone has heard TIVO lost in a 75 million dollar lawsuit. I'm not sure of the details but I do know alot of people are talking about it.
A story I wish we knew more answers about is Stephen Marshal who is from Canada who died of self inflicted gunshot wound to the head in boston on a bus after killing two pedophiles who were listed on a sex offenders website in maine.
Everyone here has been choked about our gas prices going up again. Up to 1.15 a litre and told it will go up again even more by summer. Said to be caused by some of the USA's relationships with other countries like Iran and wealth of China now.
On yeah Big congradulations goes out to Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes on the birth of their new baby girl Suri.
I am a little curious about this belief in scientology that Tom keeps talking about because John Travolta also believes in it Scientology I don't really know much about it. I only recently learned there is different levels. I am a HUGE Travolta fan I LOVE that man!!! He is hotter all the time!
I like Michael J Fox because he is canadian is was a base brat like me. He even is pictured at EW Norman in North Bay On. with like a shaved head. Apparently was a good kid even then. Anyhow he is apparently a lobbyist for embryonic stemcell research for parkinson's disease. I myself want to know a whole lot more about this before I would say I agree. I just have a hard time saying yes to anything that says embryonic.
Counting down the days till the Davinci Code comes out I cannot wait to see it. I had no interest in seeing it then Entertainment Tonight did a thing on it and it was awesome. I was like OMG I have to see it. I want to know all there is to know. It seems like it is a huge puzzle mystery I love it. Pretty sure it is one of the few films I will buy to have at home.
Phil is taking me to see Silent Hill next week, he tried to take me to a mvie last week but there was nothing I wanted to see everything looked stupid. I did not realize Silent Hill was a video game kinda ruined my want to see it but then DJ found out more info on it and got me reexcited about it. So excited to go see it again.
Who the hell came up with 4/20 being national weed day? What the hell is wrong with people thinking it would be cool if our teens thought that would be a goof proof day to smoke up? Seriously I think this world is going to hell in a handbasket.
I've added a whole bunch more links on my msn space
Oh you know how much negativity there has been about myspace. I am proud to say because of myspace people are safe today. A school plot was busted 7 years after columbine. 4 Kansas teens were arrested and a 5th was being questioned for planning a school shooting. Youth between 16 and 18 were found to have guns and more. One of the boys apparently revealed the plot to a lady on The school was Riverton, Kansas.
You better believe monday the 24th on A&E I will be watching Ronald Defeo Jr. who after 31yrs, the amittyville killer (made 10 movies about) speaks abput murder. He is serving 25 to life, convicted for killin his family. He now says not just he did the killing.
Does anyone else enjoy watching Bill Kurtis on American Justice? Don't you think the way he tells the story just adds to the program?
I was really sad to see a news story last week in Naniamo BC Canada a local merchant is closing his business because of street people and drug users. All I could think of is those people are given such a bad name, they used to be somebody's baby, no they are somebody's baby and all people want is to see them gotten rid of. It just upsets me so much.
Another woman apparently her and her husband had their car stolen and the guy rode over the woman with her car, how harsh is that?
Not sure if anyone cares but the price of gold apparently is on the uprise right now too:(
Now as for me I got into the mood disorders clinic really quick I go next week. See what that will do. My meds have been upped. I am not getting the tingling as much as I had. I do only take them at night, generally when the kids go to bed.I remember growing up I hated my dad for forcing my mom to do things and yelling at her. I sometimes don't know how Phil deals with it. My moods are so yoyoing. One day I am happy next I am up and down one week I am great, next week I can't be around anyone, or I can be up and down all in one day, it's crazy. Motivation is something I lack alot of.
It's funny out of 3 kids My sister is a spendaholic, I am well bipolar and my brother he has his issues but I would say of the 3 of us is the most normal. My sister would totally disagree and if ya asked us all about how we grew up she would tell a totally different story I don't know it makes me angry. So I try not to think about it. Dad was hardest on my brother and he was angry when younger yet somehow he figured out how to cope as an adult, I however have held alot of anger in and have issues with holding in memories and anger with things that happened to us. My dad used to ask me if I wanted to be like my mother he meant fat, I don't think he meant fat. My mom wasn't dignosed with bipolar until a few years ago. Would I think have meant alot to us if she had been diagnosed when we were growing up. Anyhow we're working on my meds. Am still on topomax and only side effect that is huge is vivid dreams like wow are they vivid. Last week or so alot of bad dreams. Phil has woke me up a few times and calmed me down, today he woke me up and calmed me down. He's not here right now. Just me Sarah and DJ.
Sarah went to Karyn's the other day had chicken and came home super ill. I think she had a bad piece of chicken. Mary went over there so been nice and quiet. DJ had his friend over here and they were so quiet it was not even funny.
I found a hard lump in my upper thigh painful to touch at first I could barely walk. I asked Phil to feel and see if he felt it and he did. Then I was like shit. I looked it up on line and it fits the description of a sebacious cyst and I am not going in and letting a doctor drain it. No fricken thankyou I will suffer. So I been putting a heating pad on it. It's a little less painful but still the lump is there:(
I have bought 3 new transformers for Phil since easter. An Alternator called Sunstreaker that he has been obsessed with getting, a motorcycle called lugnutz and override that we couldn't find at easter. I think he got 5 at easter. It sometimes feels like he really doesn't care how much I care when I go out of my way to get a transformer he wants. There is 2 he wants Primus and some other one. Then he came to me today and said there is 2 other ones he also wants.
I hate that I have always suffered from really hot hands. I put them on something cool only to have them leave marks and need something else to cool them down. Turns out one of my kids now has the same problem. We get it in our feet too. For the last almost year now too I have really bad tightening in my toes, feet and calves likes their curled up and I can't unclench them. I asked the doctor about it once she said it could be the iron deficiency causing it, so never asked again. Sometimes I massage TIGER BALM into them. Once in awhile my hands cramp up too it totally sucks.
Believe it or not I have had all these thoughts written down to try and remember them for my blog. So almost through it all if ya have stayed with me this far I am almost done thank God cause my back is killing me.
I wanted to remember to say I still want to see WolfCreek, Dick & Jane and also Underworld-Revolution. I am intrigued by anything to do with vampires, fallen angels, demons, & reapers always have been. Oddly enough I have a drawing to some part of religious beliefs as well. I believe abortion is the murder of an innocent child. I believe marriage is sacred and should be forever. I believe in the power of prayer. Those religious values stuck with me. I believe adultry is wrong it's against God. I believe in communion and baptism. I have alot of dark thoughts and beliefs but those religious beliefs stuck with me and I believe always will. I don't believe in cloning people I don't believe it is in us to play God.
I am a covergirl makeup girl. I love the lipstick and I intend to get the lash exact.
I want Touched By An Angel to Come Back I love John Dye, Della Reese, & Roma Downey
My last thoughts this house loves Pert Plus shampoo. They told me in hairstyling school that it is the worst stuff for your hair but the oilfree one works great and fresh scent works for everyone else. Phil he sticks to his shampoo Vive Thickening shampoo for men they just need to come out with a conditioner to go with it. If anyone is listening they need an electric razor for men with sensitive skin. Phil has psorisis and can't use an electric razor because it does havoc to his skin. We have to pay rediculous prices for high priced ones just because of his skin. I was gonna buy a new quatro shick for women but 16 dollars for replacement blades not a chance in hell! nope I will stick to my daisyfresh razors thanks! I love my aloe strips:)
Anyhow back is killing me gotta go. Catcha...

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