Friday, April 14, 2006

General Thoughts & Other Facts

Revenge is a dish best served cold. Sicilian proverb a quote Phil and I were discussing the other day for no real reason so why not start out there eh lol?
Oh for those who know not what hydro is, it is that which runs power, electricity and sometimes water. Been waiting all day for the jury to come back on the 3 police officers who beat up Frank Jude Jr.Bartlett, Spangler and Masarik I am sure are on pins and needles waiting for the jury to come back. I figured with the long weekend and easter being sunday they would come back tonight. I guess they still could. I mean they did ask for dinner. So maybe they will get through it. For lunch today the jury had pizza. I do have to question why the other police officers were not charged and taken to court as well, that makes no sense to me.While all this is happening Frank is not even watching the case and only was in court to testify for himself only, because he had parole violation and beat up his mother. Not a cool thing at all. Still he did not deserve to be beat like he was by those police officers. I mean he had a red pen stuck in his eardrum and had his pants cut open with a knife and kicked in the groin with boots, that is some serious problems, he'll be lucky to ever produce!
Ready for easter done all the shopping, hope everyone likes what I got them. I hate being the damn fricken easter bunny.
My skin picking has picked up real bad again. my chin is bad and my one arm sucks I peeled about half of it:( Everyone has been more than a little stressed because of miss perfect. Phil is high strung and his calmness is not so calm last couple weeks but sure he will calm back down. Think we all just need some breathing room. Summer can't get here soon enough.
There's a family in vancouver I feel bad for. They are millionaires and yet all the money in the world can't give them what they want right now. Their son. Apparently 23 yr old Graham Mymnn with no criminal background was pulled from his car.Update he is back and missed a couple of exams and is hoping they will give him a break and let him get them done anyhow. I am relieved to give that update:) Congrats to the family:)
To tell you how wonderful our canadians are, an ontario police officer Elliot went above and beyond the call of duty. A lady from New Jersey had rolled her car when there was snow and had written and asked if when the snow melted if he could go back and look if he could find it. Flashlight in hand he went out and found it in the mud. Now there is a lucky lady and a cop who deserves a pat on the back:)
I'm sure Duke University is probably smiling hoping the exotic dancer will never make it to court with the recent 911 call revealed on TV with the police officer revealing she was drunk and passed out. Apparently there is no DNA match yet either. Well he somehow thought something was wrong because she eded up at the hospital had bruises on her legs and did a rape kit. Apparently her friend who had gone with her had called in from a store a little bit away from the house. Apparently police have tried to talk to and go into the rooms of the lacrosse players but they have not been at all co-operative. Listen just because she is an exotic dancer doesn't make her a guilty you know what!!!!
Lots of Crime going on in the states eh? Jesse Dee Wise is being held for blugeoning and strangling his grandmother and 5 other family members in a small pennesylvania amish town. who does that to their grandmother any why?
Pamela Anderson & Pink are working with PETA on a campaign called Kick the The Bucket which is a campaign again KFC. Now I will post this site but I will not say I am pro against KFC because I happen to like KFC and not sure if stards are different here in cada than in other countries but I cannot help that we in this family do love chicken, steak and roast. So anyhow if it is your thing hey it's your thing and here is the link:
I guess everyone has heard about yet another teacher sleeping with her students? Yep and they think she may have even had plotted with one to try to have her husband killed. You have to wonder what is going on with them today. Sharon Rutherford is accused of sleeping with 4 of her students and possibly more. So if you have watched the other stories like this I am sure this one will get alot of publicity.
Was sickened to hear the couple who decieved so many people in the USA saying they were having I think 5 or 6 kids she even gained 40lbs and it turns out she wasn't ever pregnant at all. So far the only charges I know of is stealing by deciet. Yeah hi I know they can come up with more than that.
In Alberta a grade 2 student apparently was attacked when they they went to the bathroom by a guy hiding in there. They say he was black and around 30. That's why I like the buddy system teachers sending kids in 2's it's not a perfect system but it's better than just 1.
Oh yeah I am just full of info today. How about Felix Polk there is a name for ya eh? his wife Susan polk killed him she says "in self defense" She even said she broke the tip of the knife in him. You should see the drawing of all the cuts she put in him and where they all are, no way that was self defense. Not to mention she look liked she was ready to laugh although that could be being hysterical that does happen in traumatic situations.
Apparently Russia will be hosting another round of talks with the USA, European Union and China on the iran nucular program. How come Canada is not going? I don't get it:(
I heard somewhere that the Guardian Angels are coming to Canada that's pretty cool:)
People here in Victoria BC Canada are sad to have seen a lady close down her local small business Shady Creek IceCream. Apparently it was great gourmet homemade icecream.
I hear that Jann Arden and Michael Buble are going to do a concert together, OMG I think my heart would stop I love them both ALOT!
Does anyone knof the roaming gnome for travelocity is the same voice as the guy who now does the new subway commercials the voice sounds so damn much alike I can't get over it.
Ya know I had no interest at all in watching celebrity cooking showdown but then I saw Alison Sweeney is going on there (Sami from Days) I LOVE LOVE LOVE Sami and I can guarantee you I will be front row and center when she is on there. I watched her on Fear Factor too lol and watched him eat a cockroach so she would eat a worm or 2 or 3 lol. She really is a champ!
Oh and I must say last night I was deeply DEEPLy Deeply DEEPLY Disturbed by buddy who made BLADDER BUDDY uhm yeah hello NO no no!!!! That just was not right. He took this thing out that looks kinda like a shower curtain and cape in the same thing and put it on zipped it up relieved himself took it off folded it back up and then showed how it could get fancier and how for women he had a folded up cup kinda thing NO NO NO yuck omg NO! They did dis this one guy who I LOVED with The Therapy Buddy for Adults. I think there could be a couple things changed but great idea 1 don't say to take it places with you. 2 the therapist you use should be the voice used to say whatever it is that works to make you feel better. 3 use your kids/spous/family whatever as well added to it to so add a loved message to it to also remind you its ok and your loved and this time will pass. I would like to have a burgandy or red one. I wanted to cry for him I loved it and if they think I need help because I love his adult therapy buddy screw them!!! The lady with the ediable waterglobes truly sucked this time at her presentation which upset me cause I would love a few of hers they are one of the best ideas I have ever seen it's ingenious. Then the last one my vote is for is The Character Building Buddies I would buy this for any neice nephew godchild ect ect you teach a child about courage, heart ect by stuffing those pieces into this bear as you tell the story. That you know comes from a mom with a lot of love and a good heart I definetly would buy it. Simon Cowell has another great show on his hands I admit I didn't like it but it's growing on me American Inventor I would love to see a canadian one!!!Since everyone loves the sites so much here is a few I picked up omg the best pasta sauce ever I love it!!!! Except mine and my mom's lol!!!
I saw on the on the news the other day a very disturburbing story about how a child called 911 and the operator didn't believe him about his mother being sick but when someone did finally go there he was telling the truth she DIED. OMG I would want that operator in so much trouble I couldn't even begin to tell you. Here if a kid calls and its false they will deal with them when they get here. yes it could be taking from time but it can be real and we teach our kids to rely on the system how they can they believe in a system that lets someone down like this kid?
If anyone watches Criminal minds I think it is a really great show. I love that Shemar Moore omg he is so damn hot has stuck with that show and The Young & The Restless as well. I like that at the end there is almost always a quote as well, that is one of my favorite parts of the show and makes it different from the other law shows! I learned on one show Victim means Victima(sacrifice) learned in Victimology.
I caught the end of a show where a lady was mad because she got liposuction and a tummy tuck but didn't catch the rest did anyone else catch it?
Funny thing happened to DJ the other day I was dying laughing, our cat is fixed but every once in awhile he still sprays well he sprayed his bag and DJ was not happy. Thankfully washing it took it out. Was damn hilarious though!!!
Anyhow as you can probably tell my thoughts are all over the place more than normal as of late so I am gonna go for now. I am off for now...

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