Friday, April 07, 2006

Variety of Thoughts...

Tyra Banks fainted? Keifer Sutherland was drinking? What is going on with our stars of today? Do our canadians know that Mario Lemieux and Pamela Anderson are 2 of the richest canadians we have? Yeah I think it is her breasts. I like that she is going up against Harper and our animals though. You go girl!
Looks like we may get lucky and have a new superstore here in Victoria BC. Has anyone heard about the lady who got a call about wanting to know if she wanted her husbands ashes and she thought she had got them 4 years ago? OMG I would just flip right out!
Oh I have to say I am proud Eva Longoria from Desperate housewives talking to cosmopolotian about getting a brazialian bikini wax and that it gives her better sex with Tony Parker. She thinks everyone should try it. Uhm yeah no. Shaving maybe but waxing OUCH! I agree it's probably alot better in bed and she rocks for being cool to going out in public and talking about something like that. It pisses me off how people get all uptight about something like shaving or sex like it should be kept taboo and in the closet. Grow the hell up!!!!
I have to say I HATE AVRIL's NEW BLONDE HAIR!!!! Get a grip girl go back to your natural color.
Sucks like hell that aerosmiths concert was cancelled apparently had something to do with his throat. Motley Crue is going to be here I could cry I wanted to see them so badly. I fricken love Vince Neil!
I have to say yeah to the television for having Vanity Insanity on last night. We need more shows on that talk about men and vanity issues because I think alot of men feel alone. I couldn't believe Buff from WWF that he had calf implants and his body rejected them and he actually for a second wondered about how he could keep his legs without having them cut off.
I'm having really hard times finding canadian women soccer things for Sarah. Really gets on my nerves that it isn't easier to find canadian female stuff because it is so huge for her.
Mary has gradually been getting worse and worse over time and just so out of control I feel like I am going to totally loose myself.
DJ is doing really well his marks came up so well in school and he is just doing really good. He is grounded for two weeks cause he has pushed boundries a couple times but for the most part he is doing really well.
Has anyone heard about the Jesus Letters? I am really curious about them. I only caught the tail end about them on dateline which is one of my can't miss shows.
LOL Mary is ewwwwwwing right now Sarah has been bugging for a fish and I got Sarah a grow a fish so she couldn't get on my nerves anymore and she can't kill it. OMG I am gonna go crazy. I miss the peace and quiet in this house.
Oh last week asshole Chris told Phil he looked forward to seeing Phil at karate and then called him and told him Sarah and him could no longer train under him. When Phil tried to call him he went on like an ass. Last night he agreed to let them come back. I personally think Phil deserves better and that Chris is a pompous ass. He deserves nothing but shit and I despise him.
Grrrrrrr I don't know how people deal with the hell like I am dealing with at this minute. If you could hear this kid, grrrrrrrr!!!!
I am not usually into watching extreme makeover but have really liked this show extreme makeover after the storm. I have always always always wanted to go to new orleans. Maybe one day :( So far one of my favorite people were Big Momma.
So Phil and I are doing ok, I am just ticked about the whole Chris thing. Right now he is collected a bunch of micor and mini transformers and there is alot of them. He posted alot of his transformer pics on his multiply page.
I did get some transformers for him for easter. Mary wants Phat Farm shoes I told her to talk to her dad. Speaking of Michael he has been great he's already getting her signed up for stuff for when she gets to Chilliwack. He has her all pumped up for moving there. I am pretty happy about the whole transition right now. I mean he does piss me off but with Mary lately he has been really great. He can't take her cat but we talked to her about it cause my therapist told me too and she actually took it it ok. So I am glad I took her adivce.
Which reminds me I am on a new med so far I cannot take respiridal it makes me violent, I cannot take epival makes me sick so does wellbutrin, cannot take zyprexa it makes me not be able to breathe and I swell up, and Lithium I projectile vomited it took a week to get better from the effects of Lithium. So all those are going on my allergy chart so now I am on topiramate and still taking celexa and zopiclone. At first the topiramate made my head feel wierd and my body feel heavy and fingers tingly but been on it a week now and feeling slowly much better and no more tingly sensation. Apparently a side effect is loosing weight and can also help with migraines oh God I can only hope so because I suffer huge with migraines. I am still also suffering huge with my teeth they hurt so damn bad.
I saw a shirt at bootlegger I want it so bad says I been bad I need to be punished. I so love that shirt.
I went to La Senza Girl the other day holy crap they just brought in a whole bunch of soccer outfits. I so wish I had the money to buy them all. We went finally to soccer world even they had no real abundance of female soccer stuff.
Oh Michael's parents payed for Sarah to go to bible camp in the summer so that will be fun and she is enrolled for one of the soccer camps and hope to get her in another one, crossing fingers. Soccer is hella way more expensive than I ever thought it would be.
I made chicken tonight with the new shake N Bake in the shakeable container which you pay more for. Is not like the packaged stuff at all. If they are out there they should put the stuff in the package in the shakable container and a cajun one would be awesome. My kids love cajun. Sometimes I just sprinkle cajun seasoning on chicken breasts other times I lighten some chicken fillets in a pan and then prinkles tons of cajun seasoning in the pan with it and cook till lightly brown and serve with lipton nooldes and sauce herb and butter or lipton noodles and sauce and corn kids love it and Michael taught me that.
Did people know there is actually blog awards? OMG I almost died when I heard that. Apparently one of the most popular is one called Girl with a one tracked mind Well Duh I am right there with her. I think my meds make me less like that than I used to be. Another blog that keeps coming up is the monk blog
Apparently this site Overheard on the street has become a hugely visited site. I don't know I think it is okay but definetly not one of my favorites you could check it out and see how you feel about it:
I think this site is very cool, you can send in your secret on a postcard and it is posted. I mean if you really need to get something of your chest this rocks
Anyhow one more site I wish we had for canada but I only know for the usa is it is a site where you can look to see for free if you might have money somewhere that is rightfully yours. It was on dateline one night apparently millions of americans have money out there and it is unclaimed. Why not take the few minutes to see if you might have money out there.
Oh a site I recently got stuck on but now am in love with and am on as LadyIllusions is I love it and has some cool people on. If you know any cool places or anything to do with bipolar, osteoarthritis or soccer or canadians post it on my blogs. Chat later
Holy crap we are watching American Inventor and Angela MacCray is on way too close to my name . I have to say if anyone is watching this show my vote is for the lady who made the edible snowglobes. This Angela person SUCKS! Human centerpiece I don't think so. I would buy up tons of the edible snowglobes though for anyone and everyone. Would love to see lambs and soccer and transformers:) Ok laterz....

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