Monday, April 10, 2006

Lots to Say...

Well canada has a new Bill 25 letting the goverment and hydro watch your hydro usage hoping to bust people using it for illigal purposes. I guess on one level that is great but apparently it is going to affect legitimate hydoponic businesses, so not really sure if there is a way they can reword that bill or rework it so it won't affect them.
Also apparently Ontario is putting things like sudafed and other decongestions(sp?) behind the counter because it contains a drug called pseudophedrine which is contained in meth. Uhm ok I think that is going a little far. Which apparently BC and I believe it is alberta is saying we had like 30 mom and pop robberies which is not much. I personally am really pro but give me a break putting this stuff behind the counter.
Parents out there check out this site while I think of it the way to protect children and families from the dangers of illegal Internet pornography and sexual predators. Dateline did a great story on how alot of kids are becoming predators on so I talked to my son about it and talked to him about how "Matt" the cop brought up facts on there that they may not have thought about, I definetly love the show dateline has to be one show I try never to miss and I have seen all 3 to catch a predator shows. Surprised to see it moving the USA goverment to get involved now though too. Sad it took that much to concern them though!!!
I am interested to watch the show next week on The Return of Jesse James Hollywood.
I like their Mank Blog. Their story on the Jesus Letters By Michael Baigent really has me wanting to investigate further!!! I also want to look at the book The Passover Plot.
You all know how I love CSI I want the video by ObieTrice called SNITCH he did a stint on CSi and it's awesome song and apparently he is Eminems Protege. Kinda cool ya gotta admit and I have to admit I really do like Eminem and I think I recently heard is he getting divorced from his wife AGAIN? I hope not cause that would be such a sad story.
Does anyone know if it is only in canada or not that at DQ they took away the reeces pieces blizzards? I know they used to be in the top 5 blizzards so wtf? They do have the peanut butter cups butter grrrrrrr!!!
Has anyone watched the show Rescue Mediums? They are two women who are very good and I would love to meet. I am always very entranced by their show. Very good and worth checking out. In canada it is on the womens network.
I recently joined a site I am still unsure about just newly joined so we shall see called
I also had my kids force me into trying these new hersheys kissables I had 2 and I say YUCK!!!! They are a cheap wanna be M&M!!!!
I had a lady call me about Puggles I so wish I had more money cause it's like someone putting it in front of me and then saying nope ya can't have one they are excellently priced. Her name is Shanda she is in the states and she said I could let people know so here is some info for you to reach her she says she has lots. Check her out. She gave me the price range of $415-750US I live in BC and would cost me $280 to ship here and can be emailed at so if you do have the money I think that is an excellent price and she says she has tons and more to come so what do you have to loose? I do know alot of people wrote me to ask if I had heard anything so there ya go I also had this lady write from Canada and since she is posting in canada I am guessing I can post some of it: I just posted an ad on that site. We like in Sask, and are puggle breeders, live on a farm One female just sold to Vancouver. Shipping isn't that bad... for example $125.00 from Regina to Vancouver which includes the puppy kennel. Our price is $1200.00 plus shipping. Caroline so you can check out that site :) I envy you if you get one :(
I saw this infomercial last night for Yoga Booty Ballet OMFG has anyone actually ordered this thing? I think I would rather go to a pole dancing class which I seriously would like to go to but would love to go with someone to cause I am now having anxiety attacks being around people that I didn't used to have :(
Not sure how to spell his name but I hope I spell it right Josh Manciewietz he is so cool I love listening to his things on dateline, yep dateline again I am telling you it is one of the best show on TV!
Has anyone heard about the blog ward between Jason Garfield and Chris Bliss? Like OMFG so what you two juggle different amount of balls who fricken really cares? Like the whole internet is gonna get online and have a big todo about one juggling 3 or more balls.
So how am I doing on my new meds? Grrr the topomax? not sure if that is how to spell it or not it apparently is making me loud and excitable. I am constantaly being told I am loud and getting excited which eventually does get to a person, makes you feel bad about yourself ya know? Apparently is not helping my wrestless legs either as I am forever rocking them and the heaviness and tinglingling in my fingers I had is completely gone. So not exactly sure what will be done next. I don't want to go off them as I am not violent and I am not out of it and most importantly I AM NOT SICK!!!! OMG Lithium makes me so sick.
Poor Phil lost his wallet, like he was never meant to have that wallet, I bought it for my dad to make him at christmas and he made it with DJ's name so he cut it out and put Phils name and was gonna fix it later but now he has lost it. Guess I will be buying a new one AGAIN and this time will have his name on it and not cut into like last time. Costly when you lose all your ID though. We had to call the police, his work the companies, all ID in there OMG fricken harsh!
In the meantime my wallet broke I been using it not being able to zipper it. I SOOOOOOOOOOOOOo need a new wallet.
Going to Phil's mothers on saturday she does a yearly easter hunt for the kids which my kids love. This year Colin will be there and my kids love Colin and JC they think they are hilarious and fun. Little apprehensive with all the problems Phil and I have had I feel kind of out of place again. Feel unwanted and unliked but I guess I should be used to that.
Does anyone know if cats have feelings? Cause Casper has gotten really fat and Phil insists his feelings are getting hurt by only being called fat ass by everyone. Today when someone told them they loved him but he is really fat he got down off the chair and ate when they left he got back up on the chair and slept. I was like hmmmm maybe it is hurting his feelings. But how do you know? I mean he's a cat*sigh*
Oh Does anyone know how to authenticate a David Beckham apparently autographed picture? I would have thought there has to be a certificate of authenticity. I really would have to hate to pay again to authenticate it. But anyone could have just signed it for crying out loud right? I am talking about the soccer player.
Oh my mother pisses me off. She is taking me daughter away this summer for a couple weeks and I can barely afford crap as it is and she expects me to get her a whole new fricken wardrobe and then some for when they go. Screw that. I have alot more things to think about.
At least things are not as hecktic as they were and alot of plans are now in place and supports and I feel better about that.
Phil and I are talking more. I just wish he hadn't gotten himself in the situation he has. But I guess we all go through those periods in our life.
Teeth are hurting more and more, my one tooth has broken AGAIN not sure how it is still staying in my mouth but it does hurt :(
Anyhow think I have talked people bored so am off for now....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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