Friday, October 21, 2005

This and That

Well we got princess a doghouse today. I really wanted to get her a crate, but Phil through a fit about it. But it's a nice dog house. Now she just has to get used to it. Yesterday we went shopping, I got some new shirts and a piglet nighty:) I love piglet so much:) Got Sarah a few new shirts, got DJ silk boxers and got some other things as well. Phil got 5 new transformers. Yep he loves to play with his toys. Don't think I have talked to Doug for about 2 weeks now. I miss him so much. Hope all is well with him. I worry I haven't seen his car at work either.
Today I got a couple new shirts one says it's only funny till someone gets hurt then it's hilarious and the other says housework is evil it must be stopped. I had to have it. Sarah's new shirt today says I can beat every boy in the neighbourhood and Dj's new shirt says I taught your girlfriend that thing you like. I know he'll love it. Would love to know where the hell he is though grrrrrr.
Also picked up a little lamb for Mary, got Phil and I each a keychain that says I love my german shepard. Phil now has 2 black eagle windcatchers, one for the bedroom and one for the car. He bought Sarah her white princess costume. She is ever so happy with that.
Teachers are still on strike. I was hoping it would soon come to an end. I mean I fully support their reasons but I miss the regularity of school for the kids.
Phil's moods have been getting really bad for about 2 and a half weeks now. Getting so I don't know how to be around him anymore. We pretty much live completely different lives. Ya'd never even know we were together most days. I just want to cry all the time ya know? I hate life I really do!!!

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