Saturday, January 27, 2007

Panic Button

So yesterday I went all by myself. That was really hard. I was in walmart and all of a sudden the isle got smaller, noise got louder and my head began to spin. I felt so stupid all I could do was stand still and hold my head trying hard not to cry. I don't generally go anywhere alone anymore, and that is exactly why. While I was there Phil called asking where I was I told him and he said he would meet me. He calls me almost predictably by clockwork. Right before he gets off work he phones to see where I am and invites himself to where I am. Like he has to check up on me and know where I am at all times. So he met me at mayfair mall and what do you know he's there with Ashley. They just happened to run into one another. I responded by saying"so I see" he said I love you and I said " I have to go look around later..." He says I am way too insecure. But when I met him he lied about sleeping with Michelle, and then he lied to me about this lady Deb. Meanwhile I told him my sins against everyones advice knowing he could leave I told him. *tears* I just don't know how to feel right now. I just feel so dead inside.
2 nights ago we got into a fight I can't remember about what but he thinks I should say I love you if he demands me to say it. If I am pissed I am not going to say it. He got right on top of me and yelled at me in the face calling me a manipulative, ungrateful bitch. Last night Sarah wanted to stay up and draw and to read a book. I saw no harm in it but Phil was here so I told him he could make that choice. He chose no and neither of us understood why. He said because it's bedtime. I think if she wants to read don't discourage that :'( He was so mad he took her lights, her tv and something else, but eventually gave it all back but that's because we were both bitches. He just chewed me out and told me how bad a parent I am that I let get away with too much. It goes on and on and on. I tried to fight back but he started to yell at me that I was a baby, I think called me a baby like 10 times and a bitch a few times.All over my agreeing with my6 daughter about reading her book.I don't know it was 10:30pm maybe he had a point. He gave me shit for crying too told me to stop with the fake tears :'(
Hey if any of you out there would like to buy me a webcam, a voice recorder, and videa recorder I can post it on here and then you can tell me what you here and see. See if I am just being overemotional :( Not to mention I would be more greatful than words can say. Not to mention maybe if he saw the way he acts or hears the way he acts he might stop.I can wish right?
My baby boy's bday is coming up, a very special bday, he will be 16yrs old. No baby anymore, he is almost a man now:) No day goes by that I don't think about DJ. He truly was a miracle child. I was young, almost lost him a few times before birth and then he was breech and at months he almost died of whooping cough. I believe he is detined for great things. He is very intelligent. I am proud of him.I got his present today, some people were trying to discourage me from getting his present I pretty much told them to shove it.
Well it's 12am and once again Phil is not here. No one is here. Phil is apparently out with Ron but I can't stop thinkig that could be a cover story. I hate that I don't trust him like I should. I hate it so much, it hurts so badly.
Lately it feels like I am standing still in time and everyone else is moving in time rapidly all around me, it's a horrid sensation and when I go out it's much stronger. Sometimes I have to close my eyes and hold my head still just to try and shut out the noise and stop everything from moving so fast around me.
I noticed the other day even my smallest jeans are getting too big. Apparently I am loosing weight again. Probably cause once again I barely been eating and when I eat bad food I dump which I was told goes away after a year or two. Yeah hello? Not I, I have to watch my intake. I also have to still struggle with leaving food on my plate I always take too much and then I get full. I want to eat more but I can't. I was raised with a mother who never gave us any real seconds of the good meals we loved and so yeah I hoard food. I still get worried I won't get anymore, so I pack it onto my plate. Those kinds of habits stick with a person :(
Many of you know I have taken a huge interest in crime, I have watched quite a few movies and documentaries. I have to say they intrigue me ya know? Jeffrey Dahmer he did some bad things but I think inside he did have a heart. He seemed real close to his dad. I liked that he was willing to talk and he wanted to try to help to bring understanding. However he really didn't understand it himself. I think it is so very very sad the way that man died. I realize he did some horrific crimes but I don't believe he deserved to die the way he did. Just breaks my heart :(
John Wayne Gacy now he was a character and I have a truly hard time believing his wife did not know what was going on. Come on now the smell of rotting bodies decomposing under your house, you can't believe that was something else, no way. I believe he probably killed alot more boys than the police ever found and that is sad. I find it humourous that Gacy seemed fine with taking the blame until it came time for the chair suddenly he was the wrong man. Alrighty there John sit back this will only hurt for a second. He did allow them to take his brain for testing after death, apparently they found no abnormalities. My belief is maybe you can find them while they are still alive and well. My view of the death penalty is it's wrong. Who are we to choose who lives and who dies. Who died and made you God. Now look at cases where DNA has turned someone free and had that not come out, what you would ok with putting innocence to death?Send them to supermax life without parole but abolish the death sentence it's not right!!!
Ted Bundy to me his story is one of sadness. He was highly intelligent. He was educated and dressed well. I mean this guys life could have taken him really far. But instead he chose to kill women or as he called them "entities". My heart just sat in a lump watching documentaries and movies about him. How could someone with so much potential throw it all away? Apparently it just wasn't enough. Do you know he helped assist the police in finding Gary Ridgeway or Better known as "The Green River Killer". They went to him figuring same type crimes he might be able to get into his head. I think Ted really got off on that. It was giving him a power, even if from behind bars. It did work though. But he came awefully close to screwing with the one officers head. I have to say Ted deserves a medal for his master skills of manipulation.
Gary Ridgeway. when I watched some of the more indepth documentaries I was kind of pissed that they didn't get to him sooner. They had talked to him he was in the files it just wasn't followed up on it was put back into the file. He is definetly not a criminal I feel any sympathy for. I refuse to believe there are just some people bad to the core. I am sure he has a heart it's just really deep in there. I found it odd when he said he put the women in clusters to make it easier for the police. He thought he was helping the police getting these women off the streets. Killing them was not the answer. I don't buy that reasoning for a moment. With everything I have watched with him I have only seen him cry for a moment and that was when one of the dead womens mothers or grandmothers stood up and said I forgive you you can't hold me anymore. I smiled when she said that, how strong she was. He needed to hear that more!
BTK yeah buddy he really had some issues going on. Control issues. It showed up in his place of work. Showed up in his neighbourhood. Like in the hell did he think he was. He goes into murderer retirement and some guy writes a book about BTK and he goes into a child like fit. OMG someone else is taking my crown. So he comes back out of retirement and announces it making sure we all know he's back and ain't nobody going to steal his thunder. Yeah well buddy you should have stayed quiet , but hey thanks for not staying quiet cause now youre ass is BUSTED!!!
Moving right along, how many of you ut there know who Traci Lords is? When I was with my daughters father Michael we watched ALOT of adult movies but 2 were my absolute favorites and I had copies but someone stole them. One was Curse of the Catwoman not sure the names for that one. My absolute Favorite Was Hidden Obbsessions starring Traci Lords. I have searched all over the net and in the movies stores. All I was able to find out is that apparently some of her movies were made with her being under age she used fake ID and they were all destroyed. She sure didn't look under age in this movie. I really would love to see it again :( Would love to have my Eddie Murphy Raw and Delerious as well I am so choked those were stolen they can make me laugh when I am feeling my very worst!They do say laughter is the best medicine.
Oh the name os DJ's dad that we are looking for is Bryan Larence Miller. I believe his bday is july 28/1972. Born in Ontario. Used to be a camp counsellor every summer. Went to Schollard Hall to grade 12 and then went to France for gr 13 and then went to The Western University of Ontario. I believe in Schollard he played football. He loved sports. His Parents I believe are Mary and Donald and they owned the McDonalds in North Bay Ontario. I know he has a older brother Kevin , a younger brother named Mark, and I think a sister named Andrea? DJ deserves to talk to his dad and family. He has questions he wants answered and in a couple weeks he is 16. So any info would be great. tenderone at shaw dot ca
Ok anyways I am exhausted, so bye for now....

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