Sunday, December 24, 2006

First Holiday Thoughts...

So I have done all the christmas shopping. Once again was pretty much left on my shoulders. I bought for both sides of the family and with my money for the most part as well. Now I am also left to wrap it all which I HATE!!!! Will be so glad to have the holidays be over. I know this christmas was already gonna suck but everyday I knowe it's gonna suck even worse than what I already thought it would. Do you know christmas is the highest time for suicides that and new years? The top age group for suicides is seniors? Interesting statistics eh? But I can totally understand it! I have told everyone if I ever end up from drowning or suffication or soemthing painful someone did it to me. If I die and there is no note I didn't do it. I am so paranoid that I have always felt like letting people knowing that. I mean cause sometimes I feel like I am being drugged against my will but can't prove it, but I can be paranoid at times, but yeah I would want a toxicology report done.
I am so envious of the people getting to go see Meatloaf makes me want to cry so unfair :(
Mary is home her friends threw a surprise party for her and are spending the night and Sarah is having aparty with her friends as well, so it's been loud and hectic here. Let's see 24th we are having christmas dinner at Phil's sisters because his dad is tired from having his surgery and he can go downstiars and relax when he gets tired. Then Christmas day I have no idea what we are doing which is a new one for me:( Then26 his sister is having a boxing day open house we're going to that and get rid of girls after a couple hours there cause everyone is gonna be drinking ect. The girls are gonna go out and spend their christmas money with a group of friends and then sleep over at a friends. Then the 27th Sarah got lucky and made it into a special soccer thing that was first come first served. Then we are getting family pics done. Then the 28th is Kai's 3rd bday party and we are going to that as well. So we will be busy bees.
Christmas is so depressing to me I can't remember the last christmas I have had without my son DJ. I cry and cry thinking about it.I love him so much and I just can't be angry with him or resent him. Yes I am upset with his ultimatum to buy him a PS3 but he wants one so much. The Playstations have always been something that mean alot to him. He says I broke his PS2 because when he was grounded from the internet I did not realize you could connect to the internet through a PS and he snuck onto the internet when grounded on his PS2. I went upsytairs and pulled out his cable cord. I never even picked the thing up. I just took the internet out. I can't help but question if maybe I did break it, but my dad and mom and Phil and a few other adults said it just doesn't seem possible that I did. It seems more likely that when he threw his tantrum that he broke it then blamed me.See the thing is I fully expected to buy DJ a PS3 for christmas this year but then I saw the price and the fights, we went on ebay still very expensive. Then I had thought I would ask his nanna/pappa, uncle Roger, maybe Karen, maybe aunt Judy, Phil, Granny, Oma/Opa, JC/Colleen, Colin/Nikki, and his foster parents to help put money towards one to get one. However even with all of them it still would not be enough to buy one and now everyone said my getting one now would be the worst thing to do because it would happen again, he would do it again. Which broke me down into tears. He destroyed a plan I really wanted to help him with. Cause I really know he wanted one :'( I DID SEE DJ A FEW DAYS AGO AND GAVE HIM $50 DOLLARS IN MAYFAIR BUCKS, he was in the van with his foster dad and said what's this I said mayfair bucks he said oh and he took it and that was the end of that. I had to stop myself from crying, no thankyou no emotion just took it without any greatfulness. Oh well I am just thrilled he took them I could not go throughout the holidays not giving him something. He loves alot of the stores in there. Now I wish I had given him 100 dollars like I had planned to in the first place :'( Yeahknow he looked really awesome and gorgeous. Short hair cleaned up. Did my heart alot of good to see him like that. No matter what has happened I will always love my kids and I think there is always room to work things out. DJ is right I put too much on his shoulders I gave him way too much info for his age. My brother and I have had a few talks about that. Just because DJ will listen and try to help and is good at talking back does not mean I should pull him into adult conversations. I'm sure that must have been stressful.
Sometimes I think I am such a screwup as a parent. I wish there was a manual, and a warning thing built into us to shock us when we say or do the wrong things. I so always wanted kids and I always wanted to be a good mother but it just doesn't seem to happen I keep fuckin it up and it hurts :'(
Phil and I have been fighting pretty extremely lately. His self destruction is getting worse. More than punching a door, a drawer, a wall, he has now started to punch himself in the face leaving vicious red marks on his face. It scares me so much. He says he does it to toughen up so when the world goes to hurt him it won't. He has had some trauma in his life and he needs counselling in a huge way. I saw a documentary on msnbc canada channel and they said there is a group therapy run by Don Wright and I was wondering how to get ahold of him, because I think a contact like him would be great for Phil to become in conact with. Of course Phil is fighting counselling because he says it won't work and he thinks if he goes I win, like it's a game and he is only going because I want him to:'( But it's not at all like that :( I care about his life and until he deals with this anger and memories he will never get over the anger not ever! And every relationship he has WILL be affected!!!!
Phil hasn't been well either 2 months now of coughing I did force him to go to doctor but his doctor gave him robitussin and for a bit he felt better but now he keeps me up all night coughing. It's not a cold cause he has no other symptoms.I think it could be walking pneumonia. I am having a helluva time getting him back into the dr for medication which his dr told him to do if after that robitussin was gone and he still was coughing.
I've been talking to Doug on and off again. Did I mention he is seeing some chick named Cindy in Sooke? He said he for the most part falls asleep on her because he is so tired but doesn't deny they are intimate. I thought he was gonna try though and I am not that fricken stupid!!!!
I still have not gotten ahold of the lady to do my SIDS tattoo which is a little upsetting to me. I am actually very upset I want this damn tatto. I am starting to think about going to other shops and seeing how much it would cost in other places:'( Or maybe getting ahold of Wade to do it he did my dingo paw tat:)
Anyhow that is it for now, hope everyone has good holidays :)

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