Sunday, August 17, 2008

I Love Corey Haim Baggage & All, & About Corey feldman

Feldman the thing I am upset about is Feldman going on about how fat he thinks he is. Then goes and has liposuction. That's gotta be putting out good vibes to men and women out there right? suzie thought he looked good, I know his admirers did. His mom was pretty hard on him, God he grew up in a hard home. I'm surprised how well rounded he turned out after hearing out how life growing up was. Corey F. you were fine the way you were and I am sorry you grew up with a mother making you feel low about your looks but you should not feed into her streotypying with such a huge following you are doin the smae to your followers showing them that even your body is not good enough for TV let alone yourself. I hope your happy with your surgery but you did not need it!

Corey Haim I have loved him since he was in lost boys and all his other movies. When he recently admitted he has been a cutter I was like wow he and I have so many things in common. I cry sometimes in the past few episodes of the two Coreys I can see how frustrated he is. I know what it is like to self destruct. You just get that fear and you blow it ithought consciously knowing. I do think he definetly has some chemical problem in the brain like I have bipolar and he does need his meds but sometimes it's hard to not want to just wanna shut things out. I have never take street drugs to do that but I have been at points where I took too many pills just to shut things up in my head. drinking too. I have sedatives that shut everything down at night or I'd be awake at night. seeing nelle cry that was hard but I know she is having a hard time confronting corey H.
I seriously really hope that Corey Haim doesn't crash and burn any further than he already has. I freaked when I heard about the car accident. Wow the world would loose a really special man if we lost him, I am seriously concerned for him and think about him alot, he is in my prayers and thoughts. I am glad the accident was able to be of small measures and no one was hurt let's pray there are no more accidents. We are out here Corey Haim we love you:)

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