Sunday, August 31, 2008

Damn I Wish I Was Your Lover...

Close your eyes imagine me by your side. I can feel your breathe on my skin, your hands as they rub my shoulders and move down my back, something magical is happening. How do I stop this feeling, your getting me flushed. I turn and our eyes meet I can't stop it our lips meet omg you make me melt. I haven't been to this place for such a long time. I'm not sure I remember where this place leads to. I am not sure I can stop, I'm not sure I want to. Your hands touch my skin and a fire begins to burn on my skin. I touch your skin and the look in your eyes is soft and yet a touch of fire within your pupils. I can see myself in your eyes and I begin to remember what this used to feel like. I tiny shiver runs up my spine as I feel your fingertip trace up the small of my back. do I dare go further from this place? I feed off the hunger you make so obvious, the scent of your cologne teases my scences and only pulls me closer to you. Something I've gone so long without sems like yesterday with you here tonight. Our shirts fall to the floor and I smile as we fall onto the bed, any nerves I had you've shattered, tonight I wish I was your lover, tonight we will become lovers as our skin burns into one another, as our hands entangle and we become one wild animals leaving all inhibitions on the floor. Yesterdays fears and tears are forgotten and gone, as you tear deeply within me, as I scream out your name and our breath becomes deep and in sync, damn I wish I was lover, and tonight I will be, leaving all inhibitions on the floor...

Friday, August 22, 2008

Bring Back firertalk

years ago I used to be on a program online called FIRETALK. A program I just couldn't have imagined not ever coming into. You talk live and in person as a group of people in a room. Now I know there is other programs that try to be like it but none have ever come close to the way it was on firetalk. I made some awesome friends, real life friends. We laughed together, cried together, and grew together. I think we were like family and many of us still talk and see one another today. But the reality is we still lost some of them. I really believe the feelings and emotions in there were real time and true. No we didn't always get along hello it was real life yes we fought too but that how people who love one another are. Somehow we all always worked things out. Some fell in love, some fell out of love. Some became tighter than others but we were all family knit. We want that back, God knows I want that back. I actually grew to really trust these people I could be myself. I didn't have to be someone I wasn't, and online that is huge these days cause too many people are something their not. I refuse to be something I am not. take the good with the bad or don't take me at all that's how it all comes. Trust me firetalk could be an application you could truly benifit from. If you agree it would be great if you would sign the petition to help us try to get it back, and pass it along....Bringing Back Firetalk
Let me know your backing me up so that if it does come back you and I will hook up on there ok? *hugs*

Sunday, August 17, 2008

I Love Corey Haim Baggage & All, & About Corey feldman

Feldman the thing I am upset about is Feldman going on about how fat he thinks he is. Then goes and has liposuction. That's gotta be putting out good vibes to men and women out there right? suzie thought he looked good, I know his admirers did. His mom was pretty hard on him, God he grew up in a hard home. I'm surprised how well rounded he turned out after hearing out how life growing up was. Corey F. you were fine the way you were and I am sorry you grew up with a mother making you feel low about your looks but you should not feed into her streotypying with such a huge following you are doin the smae to your followers showing them that even your body is not good enough for TV let alone yourself. I hope your happy with your surgery but you did not need it!

Corey Haim I have loved him since he was in lost boys and all his other movies. When he recently admitted he has been a cutter I was like wow he and I have so many things in common. I cry sometimes in the past few episodes of the two Coreys I can see how frustrated he is. I know what it is like to self destruct. You just get that fear and you blow it ithought consciously knowing. I do think he definetly has some chemical problem in the brain like I have bipolar and he does need his meds but sometimes it's hard to not want to just wanna shut things out. I have never take street drugs to do that but I have been at points where I took too many pills just to shut things up in my head. drinking too. I have sedatives that shut everything down at night or I'd be awake at night. seeing nelle cry that was hard but I know she is having a hard time confronting corey H.
I seriously really hope that Corey Haim doesn't crash and burn any further than he already has. I freaked when I heard about the car accident. Wow the world would loose a really special man if we lost him, I am seriously concerned for him and think about him alot, he is in my prayers and thoughts. I am glad the accident was able to be of small measures and no one was hurt let's pray there are no more accidents. We are out here Corey Haim we love you:)

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Chef Ramsey

Don't ask me why but I was just sitting here and was thinking what would it be like for a woman to be in in Chef ramsey's life? can you imagine it? Every second word the man uses is fuck. I rather like the show Kitchen nightmares, he'd probably eat me for breakfast lunch and dinner. He'd probably have me crying in about 2.3 secons or less. No way I can watch Hell's Kitchen he chews them out and reeats them so he can spit them out again. I don't know how they get through the abuse. I think to watch Hells Kitchen you have to not have been abused in your lifetime or enjoy abusing or watching abuse of others seriously! Cause me I break down for them I just can't do it, he is one of the harshest men I have ever seen on TV.
Then my mind started to think about some of his softer moments. Some of you are like say what? lol no seriously if you watch his shows you have to have seen when it has come down to health and family ect he actually comes down to earth and is realistic and kind. I think he truly does have a very soft side, he just doesn't show it very often on TV and I think that's how the producers want it to be.
I think I would love to meet him but not for anything more than to just meet him the real him. I am second generation canadian my grandmother is from englad and I don't like the way the english are coming off in alot of the tv shows over the past couple years. My family are not like these judges and stuff and I think that needs to be fixed. Anyhow wierd that I was thinking about him but there ya go.