Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Alot of Thoughts Today

It is a beautiful sunny day today and the windows are wide open allow the fresh air into the place. Phil cleaned up the downstairs and he did a most wonderful job. I have been rather lazy the last couple of days with a migraine that just won't go away. He has gotten on my case about eating. My brother is gone to San Fransicisco. Hopefully he is gonna remember to get me a button:) He and Phil have really gotten on my case about my lack of eating. They think I am not eating enough food in the last couple of months. I say I don't look as if I am starving so leave me alone :(
Question out there would you people out there like to add to my button/pin collection? I have been collecting them since I was in grade 3 and I would love it if you would add to my collection and they are not to expensive to send me. I would love you forever if you sent me some. You can email me for info on how to send them to me
tenderone@shaw.ca They are pushback buttons and pins any will do. I actually want to get them hung up again I need to get some cork boards to get them hung up again. Actually any soccer stuff sent here would be awesome too especially beckham stuff, my daughter would go crazy. I wish we could authenticate the one picture we got iut is suppose to be his signature but I somehow think we might have got ripped off. I can't find anyone to authenticate it. Does anyone know if it is true he is coming to Vancouver BC canada? If he is when, where? How long? For what? I would love to get her close enough to see him:)
Last night we were told that Anna Nicole Smith died of drug overdose. I cried. I am not sure why I feel so close to her story. I just feel so sad for her. She apparently had a concoction of 9 meds. in her system. topomax, valium and ativan were just a few. Also chloral hydrate.She had absesses on her buttocks from needles. Obviously someone was giving her shots. I also have had shots, no way I could do that myself. I am not convinced it was not foul play :'( They did say she would have went to sleep and felt no pain died peacefully. I am glad she had at least that. I do wonder about the bruises they found on her shoulders, which they explained away by falling on her back the week before. Something doesn't sound right to me there. I don't buy that excuse. I can't believe they would. I think people just don't care and so they are allowing this sloppy investigation slide. My heart aches for her it really does. Now the investigation on her son Daniel is on and I bet they let it pass quickly too. Oh they also say Anna had a bacterial infection influenza. It's all just so sad.
A new Season of Gene Simmons Family Jewels has begun. I love this show. I so wish I had money. They are having an auction on ebay to win time with them
http://www.ebay.com/AETV I want to meet Nick Simmons. I am not usually into young men like him, but he is funny, and charming and cool, very down to earth. I love how he teases his dad. I admit I have a huge crush on him. Just one kiss from him would make my life:) :( I wanna win the auction :( I hope Shannon Tweed is pregnant I think it would be cool for them to have another baby. I hoped we would find out this first new show but we didn't :( Grrrr AETV your killing me here....
I have to say I got alot of people who answered my last post Society and Mental Health thanks so much for writing me and answering me. I don't want to say what happened to me and for you my readers I know that is something your not used to from me. I am usually quite open about my life but this was especially hard for me.
I am curious what people think about me sharing as much as I do here online. Because my brother thinks it is an aweful lot to share. Phil absolutely hates that I share so much. My friends they keep up with me by reading my journals. Phil thinks I twist things alot. However What I am doing is not twisting it. It is how I feel and how I see it and think it and view it. How he might feel and view it might be different that doesn't mean what I say is wrong. Does it?
I have a question for my audience out there. Phil has never known his biological family as his 2nd dad adopted him and then he was raised by the dad he has now. He is now 36 and more than ever would like to piece that part of his life together. He would like to find his father Richard Osterlund 1931 July, Robert Osterlund his son , sisters Crystal and Wanda, other family: Winnie & Anthony Emmerick(Osterlund) & Genie White(Emmerick). If you think you might be related or know any of them please email me at
Sarah now has a video of her telling her favorite joke online:) 'Thats A Worm Son'
Sherri and I went to Moxies for dinner I had mushrooms and teraki chicken rice bowl, Sherri had a burgery. Then we went to the Sticky Wicket. She showed me Big Bad Johns. Wow that is a naughty place. How is that a place worthy of a halth code inspection. If I had a sweatshirt on I probably would have left my bra but I had a low cleavage shirt on so I didn't. I did get a picture of me there though:) We phoned Doug and asked if he wanted to come out but he was on his way to sidney. Roger came and met us for an hour or so. I had a 2 shark attacks and a rum and coke. There were alot of preppie people there. Not used to being around preps much. We went and checked out an irish pub, that place was pretty cool:)
Sherri and I are planning on going to a POF function with Doug soon I am looking forward to that. Doug says it could get ugly but I think it will be just fine. I mean we're all grown ups not children right?
Man I need a massage like so damn bad. My shoulders neck and back are just killing me. Phil is not really into massages and for some reason my feet and calves are back into being really stiff and hurting again. It's like my feet want to curl up it is just a pain I can't really describe but a long massage helps but most people are not into giving feet massages ya know? I also need to get more tiger balm. I swear by that stuff.
www.nedic.ca wow what a distubing commercial. The girl is majorly putting herself down and it says something about a majority of 10yr old being on a diet. What is going on with out kids today?
I don't know why my ex Michael doesn't get it but he is feeding Mary chocolate and peanut butter all the time and oatmeal to go bars at 300calories a bar and 3 bars in a go 3 times a day she is gaining weight big time right now. I know he can eat till the cows come home and not gain weight but she has weight in females on both sides of family and he had me gain alot and now her. She is only 14 and I hate her having issues with weight already I didn't think it would happen :( What do we do?
One day, the father of a very wealthy family took his son on a trip tothe country with the express purpose of showing him how poor peoplelive.They spent a couple of days and nights on the farm of what would beconsidered a very poor family.On their return from their trip, the father asked his son, "How was thetrip?""It was great, Dad.""Did you see how poor people live?" the father asked."Oh yeah," said the son."So, tell me, what did you learn from the trip?" asked the father.The son answered:I saw that we have one dog and they had four.We have a pool that reaches to the middle of our garden And they have acreek that has no end.We have imported lanterns in our garden and they have the stars atnight.Our patio reaches to the front yard and they have the whole horizon.We have a small piece of land to live on and they have fields That gobeyond our sight.We have servants who serve us, but they serve others.We buy our food, but they grow theirs.We have walls around our property to protect us, They have friends toprotect them."The boy's father was speechless.Then his son added, "Thanks Dad for showing me how poor we are."Isn't perspective a wonderful thing? Makes you wonder what would happenif we all gave thanks for everything we have, instead of worrying aboutwhat we don't have.
I am using a calendar which reminds me of my friends birthdays.Could you complete my calendar, I don't have all of your details. Just use this link:
http://www.jippy.com/?N6mibBD36X3hnZKN%2fahdYQ%3d%3dAlrighty I guess that is it for now, until I write again.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I really like your blog!