Wednesday, September 27, 2006

My Ramblings...

Now that I did an update I can update all the things I had written down. Another of my mixed up thoughts all written on different things but wanted to blog about. Oh Phil finally got the Primus transformer he wanted and he has thus far I think 4 of the smallest titanium transformers and megatron and Ultimus Prime the next size up in titanium. He also ordered a few more transformers online. He bought me the mini robotronic robot I wanted I told him not to bother but he bought it. I want the jr and big huge one too. I have wanted the huge one forever. *dreams off in dreamworld for a second* [So remember how I asked if ya had a friend who wouldn't talk to anyone around her about what was really going on in her life because it was bad? I mean things like having to lock herself in a room to escape being yelled at and having to be asked if she wants him dead or to kill him. Even going so far as to leave her own home because she couldn't escape him at home and he still chased after her? I mean this is all hypothetical. I have been reading some interesting forums. But some people think well she's not getting beat up right? So deal with it? I think maybe that would be one reason she wouldn't say anything. It's a little unearthing.]Really proud of Sarah she scored the tie goal for her team for their first game. I am so proud of how good she is. I just wish my family could find an hour out of 1 fricken day to come out and cheer her on. None of them even came for her birthday or sent her even a card. I tried to call my brother to invite him for her he hung up on me. My sister could careless if my children and I drop dead. Oh wait yeah she cares about Mary. My mom will go babysit puppies in colwood but won't go to a game because a handful of parents are there. My dad said he'll go to a couple of her games. As for her bday Most of Phil's family said happy bday to her and she got some cards and a few gift. She more wanted just to see her family. But unfortuately I am the ugly, stupid, no good, bipolar, bitch, slut, hoare, bad mother to my family, so my kids have to suffer because they hate me:'(Ok I am getting myself worked up so am gonna just do my blog papers now, here goes in no particular order:I am thinking about seeing if I can get involved with the Victorian Society as I love that era so very very much. Plus I am getting ot alot more now and am slowly feeling stronger and less anxious around people. I may still need to get ativan for my panic attacks around bigger groups of people.Sarah and I colored our hair together. I was always against it but I decided it's just hair she is the one who has to wear it, so if she wants it colored I guess that's fine with me.On wifeswap I really really loved the Zemanek Family. Jill & John seem like really cool people and I love the name they gave their son Deuce. I love it! Their daughter Raven is sweet too. They live in Arizona. When they showed their house I was like omg I fricken love it. I love how they turned a coffin into a couch I so love that. God I would so love to get a room done up the way they had theirs set up. I think it rocks! I watch alot of MSNBC I will watch and rewatch and rewatch again the dark heart iron hand episodes. I love some of the things in the different jails they do. Like one jail does Macbeth with some of their inmates. It actually has been well recieved and is interesting to listen to a session. Certain crimes and prisoners have touched me more than others.Kevin McLaughlin In Wabash Valley Correctional Facility. He is a self-injurer. Listening to him talk about it I totally understood it. I don't think you can understand it unless you've been a self injurer yourself, you can try to understand it, but if you haven't done it screw you and all your I understanding crap!The Movie: The Riverman was interesting to watch. I liked not just learning about the greenriver killer but Ted Bundy. Who couldn't even call his vitims women no he called them "entities" It's kinda cool that he helped them find the riverman. I saw the wedding band on in the movie and looked it up. I hadn't realized Ted had gotten married and had a little girl. I think the police failed alot of women. Gary Ridgeway(riverman) could have been caught long before he was. They just did not follow up like they should of and did not keep ontop of him when they talked to him. I truly feel some women died because police were behind the ball. What's sad about Ted well God he could have had such a great life, he was so damn smart and alluring. I really feel for him in my heart. Dying was probably one of his best days. I think him dying was such a waste of a life that could have been so different and so much better. It's disheartening!Kentucky Prison known as Kentucky Castle seems to be run pretty well. They have wild kitties outside in the yards the guys love them. The cats are like family to them. 2 prisoners I believe are there that I thought were cool were: Fleece Johnson & Victor Hiatt.. I have written here Moral Recognition Therapy I believe that is a program run there.Teshawn Solomon sang a really nice song in L.A. COunty Jail. Documentary. Lockup in LA County MSNBC in jail for 12 yrs I believe they said but was awaiting a transfer.John Karr now that guy reminded me of BTK not so much for having same crimes as they were totally different. I mean in how BTK came out after he had disappeared because some guy was getting attention for a book he was writting on him and he got pissed and so came back out to put the attention back on himself. So now we come to John Karr who claims to have killed Jon Bennett Ramsey. I was like he so didn't do it. But people are stupid and they believed him so what did he get MEGA FRICKEN MEDIA ATTENTION AROUND THE WORLD!!! Exactly what he wanted. However when DNA came back what did we find out. The ass is a big huge ass wannabe. He is a sick perverse pig and we know he is getting charges but not for what he told the world. Good riddens John Karr. Soon you'll be forgotten about and that's all you deserve!!! I do have to say this Baby Tristen Buckett I do hope that little boy is alive. But I do despise what the media has done to his mother. I totally blame the media for the crap they have said about her. You cannot base guilt NANCY GRACE on the fact that she had in the newspaper an ad for selling that car seat. There could be any number of reasons why she was selling one. Ever heard of a bus? I never put my kids in a seat on the bus? Maybe she was never using that seat in the first place maybe someone was driving and they had a seat they used. Maybe she was so hysterical about loosing her son that she just couldn't think in a rational mind. This girl was pounced on by the media you give her less than 30 secs asking up to 5 questions all at once. I just think things should have been handled alot better than they were. Also using what she wrote in her blogs what a fricken load of crap that is. Alot of people write to just vent or be another person who they can't be in real life. You can't base shit on things people write. I mean God there are people out there who have blogs in character of cartoons for God sakes. I feel sad for both the little boy and a mother who felt she had no where to turn but to kill herself. The media can be great and I am a fan of Nancy's but I think she was too hard on Ms Buckett!As for the teacher Debra Lafave sleeping with a 14 year old student and then saying she was bipolar and manic at the time. I am bipolar. I would never sleep with a 14yr old and I certaily would never blame it on bipolar. It is true being bipolar for some will make you hypersexual I know it took many years and many many many med changes to realize that was not normal that was my bipolar. I am much more relaxed and laid back now. I wish I had those meds as a teen:'( Anyhow She says he wanted it and she gave it to him. Says he pushed her up against the board in the classroom and pulled up her top and she told him to stop it one day with his friend there. I believe that is the day he told on her, but not 100% sure. Her ex-husband and her looked so good together and she is so beautiful what the hell was she fricken thinking. Then she just gets house arrest? If a male teacher had done the same he'd been in jail. Beauty should not equal freedom. She did a bad thing and should serve the time!Not sure why I have it written but I have KIMVEERI also wanted to say my heart goes out to the families at Dawson College in Quebec Canada. *hugs*Give to the Carol sund/Carrington FoundationWant to read the book: Violence in Our Lives Dr. Elizabeth Caril PH.D.Bilbo the Lifeguard saved a life recently, gotta love man's best friend:)Oh this guy that does taxidermy, he'll freeze dry your pets for ya. OMG they look so real. I love his work. You should check him out! Mac's Taxidermy he was on Primetime I believe he quoted $1000 for the first 10lbs and then $150 for the next amount of pounds not sure which amount that is.World Church of the CreatorThe Turner DiariesExtremists Documentary ChannelPolice use C.A.R.F.Wow can you fricken believe PLAYDOH is 50yrs old? Man I would so love to spend a week with Dr.Jane G Medical Examiner(show on Discovery Health), she is really sweet and thorough. I am interested in autopsy but would like to spend a week in actual autopsies seeing what it would be like to be there and to assist.I am so saddened for Anna Nicole Smith loosing her son while welcoming into the world a new child. Her emotions must be all over the place. She must be hurting. I wish her the very best. And her new little one.OK OK OK OK NBC I AM SO SUCKED IN AT LEAST FOR THE MOMENT TO THE NEW SHOW HEREOS!!!!! But can someone explain to the stupid part of me how that girl seeing another of herself in reflections works? I take it she's protecting her? I am confused on the reflection I don't get it.Question anyone give me a clue on where I might be recognizing the lady head detective from on THE CLOSER? I know I know her from something.Another show I love now is HAUNTING EVIDENCE, John Oliver & Karla Baron are 2 different types of psychics but they are so right on the money I mean BANG ON! Seriously you have to see these two in action they are phenomenal.CELEBRITY DUETS is ok I watch it because there is nothing else on it's time slot. But I do LOVE LOVE LOVE did I say LOVE HAL SPARKS!!!!!OMG when he came out singing from Twisted sister and playing that guitar, singing-We're Not Gonna Take It. I was screaming right along with them. WHEW THEY ROCKED THAT STAGE! David Foster said he would take him to his studio and make him a singer. DAVID FOSTER YOU BETTER!!!! I want an album to buy whew hoo:) is something I read up on in our local paper. It's an experiment to create a blog to communicate with our youth. There is also a coloring contest for elementary students.I watched a biography about Dr. Heinz Lehmann a psychiatrist of north america/clinician a really great man. Helped to bring in medications into North America for people with mental disorders. He was inducted into the canadian medical hall of fame. He taught at the Douglas Hospital. He did alot of tests for different things I caught that he did one called a dandilion test. Our goverment gave money for him to have round the clock nurses for a handful of the worse case senerios patients. They didn't talk, dress, spread feces on the walls ect. What he wanted to see is if they had round the clock personal care, would they change. First they played with mud to emulate feces, then to finger painting, then drawing, eventually they started to dress and dance and sing and talk and they were doing really well. But after 6 mos the money ran out and they didn't give anymore funding and they went back to the way they were. Shame on the goverment. I was really saddened that so much came out of that and then to take it away how cruel was that? Another thing he pointed out. Our asylums are all closing down families have to care for the mentally ill now. Because there is meds, but meds does not fix it all, some can't remember to take it, or need help to take it ect. I know they said one asylum used to have 2500 now there is less than 200 eventually there will be none. In the old days you could put your spouse in one and divorce them on those grounds. But when they got better they had no where to go. That is incredibly saddening to me. What happened to the wedding vows till death us do part and through sickness and in health? *a little teary* Anyhow he died inApril 7, 1999. The National Mental Health Institute is in Washington USA. I do like a theory they are looking at they have taken identical twins and like the ones we saw one had schizophrenia and one did not. A gland in the brain was small it was normal the other way bigger he was the one with schizophrenia. They are theorizing that it might not be gentic after all but that at some point we become vulnerable to a certain virus and that is what causes the mental illness. That one day we may have a vaccination to prevent mental illness. If you have it already you'd be too late. But wouldn't that be great for people down the line? I've always wondered why I can't just get a couple shots a month I hate fricken taking meds I hate it!Oh I bought this medical buffer I thought it was great. Sold by a small stand in the mall called Temptation from the dead sea. Actually I sulked at Phil to get it for me. Phil wasn't impressed but I was a sucker. So you get this medical buffer with 4 sides. The normal black emery, then a white side, a grey side and a pink side. You buff your nails and the last color when your done your nails are naturally shiny, that is what got me suckered. I loved how shiny it made my nails look without polish. Then you get cuticle softner for the last thing and moisturizing Body lotion. Well all Summer I was like holy crap my nails are so long I love it they finally are nice and long. A few days after I used the medical buffer my nails BROKE every single one of them and keep breaking:'( You can check out their products: I do like the smell of the lotionwe got Thursdays Embrace.If you have not yet tried any of the Clairol Herbal Essences Shampoo's you so got to. No one is allowed to use mine. The one I LOVE isHELLO HYDRATION in the blue bottle with a fusion of orchid & coconut milk

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