Thursday, September 21, 2006

Is It Fall Already?

So Summer was getting over my stupid burn. Getting shirts made Summer of Spillage 2006. Threw a suprise Party for Phil and mixed it with a party for his mother which off pretty great. His family helped out with getting him a great bike for his bday. As there is now no car. Went to Keg for dinner where I forced myself to eat my escargot as it was so bad that bad is the understatement of the year. I cried it was so bad. I love escargot. Marshal McSheffrey a friend of mine got me started on them and I have loved them ever since. I really wish I could track that man down. Last I had spoke to him he was just getting out of jail in sasketchewan. I used to live with him and my ex boyfriend Warren(shadoe) in Agassiz BC. He was such a great friend I must track him down!
Anyhow my friend Derek McKay who works with he calls a "mind machine" tracked me down he had got together with a lady I believe on monday magazine he says they credit me with their relationship of 2 years. He had given me his number and email addresses and I got burned that same week and lost that info. Now I can't find it anywhere. I could just cry. He was alot like Doug. He was the one other person I trusted to tell anything and everything to, that I knew would come running if I needed anything. We only have a few people in our lives we know we can depend on and he was one of them so when I saw him I was so happy and excited. What I love about Derek is it has always been platonic as well. Just really good friends and nothing more, so I can be myself!
I went to salt spring island for the first time and met some people with AWESOME tat's and have decided that is where I am going to get my tat's. For my bday I already talked to the artist and she is going to make a special loopy writing for ALDEN's name and the ribbon I'm finally getting it done. I know I'll probably cry the whole time. I've wanted this done for a really long time. Alden is my deceased niece who I think of always and recently felt her close to me in a time when was probably not the best of times and that was hard. But I guess those times happen.
I have a special bracelet I wear for her and it never ever comes off!
Sarah had 3 parties that went very well and has now started the soccer season. Mary is happily doing her competitive cheerleading:) Decemenber will be the decicion of trial over or not. I saw Dj on the bus a couple days ago, talking didn't go well it was hard. He reminds me so much of my mother and my brother!!!
Finally got a BBQ earned with points, so it's been awesome having bbq food.
I lost the 2 sizes I had regained and then lost more. I struggle with eating though. I also get bad rashes from the extra skin, so bad I have screamed in pain and had to go to hospital. They gave me a cream and some kind of medication that helps the pain and puts me to sleep.
As for my other meds they were recently slightly uppsed and I now used blister backs and get them weekly so doing ok with those.
I also want to do a petition online and in r/l for MADD to change the canadian law about temporarily giving drunk drivers licenses after a 24hr suspension of drunk driving. This past canada day I allowed a child of mine to go to the beach with a friend of theirs to the beach because their mother was taking them. She was sober and said would be back in a few hours. Hours later my child came home saying the police brough them and their friend back. The mom was arrested and taken to jail. Not only did the officer not contact me it took me a couple weeks to reach the officer who then yes verified the mother had just finished drinking a wine cooler when they found them in a road stop. Was taken to the station 24hr suspension and then 3 month suspension. What I did not know is you get 3 weeks temporary license before that 3 months comes into play. I keep thinking what if my child had been seriously hurt or injured? Apparently in Ontario and quebec it is 7 days temporary. I also have come to learn by word of the kids mouth she has been driving despite the 3 months suspension. But if I don't see that for myself what can I do? It makes me so livid. My Child is no longer allowed to go anywhere or sleep over there anymore.
I am excited as all hell that all my shows are finally all new:)
[Here is a question for you. What would you tell a friend who is closing herself off from those around her because she does not want them to see or want to slep about what she is going through. What if you are the only one who knows she and those she holds closest are being yelled at, have hands laid on, have had walls and doors beaten in. That they are scared of it getting much worse but they refuse to tell anyone what do you tell them?]
Oh I finally saw Doug the other day. Went to starbucks I had water he had some type of coffee. Phil was still in bed, although was doing laundry when I got home and YES HE KNEW! He also came back over that evening for a bit before he went to work that night. YES AGAIN PHIL KNEW. His teeth look really awesome. He looks really awesome. He is trying to meet women right now. I do have to say for God sakes what the hell is with you women out there? Do you have to be so fricken nasty. No he's not the tallest guy out there. But ya know Phil he is only 5'4" and size in height is not something that should be an issue. Glasses should NOT be an issue. Is it just me I thought alot of us women liked our men on the bigger side. Part of what I loved about Doug was when he wrapped his arms around me they were so strong and hard. I mean his chest is hard and his arms HARD as rocks he is hard ladies. Never a problem in the bedroom, if there is one I guarantee it's not him it's YOU!!! He is single right now and he deserves someone who is not a bitch and who loves the old fashion kind of man because he is the type that just isn't out there anymore. He is a hard worker and close to his family. Yeah I do love him I am sure that is obvious. Always have and I always will. That is why I am saying it takes a special kind of bitch to be nasty enough to meet someone and say you short, glasses I don't think so your not my type your ugly. I mean guys have fricken feelings too what the hell? Have some heart I mean seriously women who do shit like that gives all women a bad name!!!
Anyhow we saved Bonnie & Clyde from being put down. They are 2 beautiful cats that were Colin's but he is moving as he is gonna be a daddy. (phil's youngest brother). They are 7yrs old.
So Far I am sad we only got to see Ray for a minute or so on CSI Miami, I loved the opening to CSI, I tried to get into Vanished and it drags on too much I stopped watching, I like the show Justice but they need to speed it up just a little bit. I'm liking Shark.
Anyhow am tired so off for now...

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