Thursday, September 08, 2005

On Again Off Again Emotions

Well Phil and I are having some real communication problems. Just can't seem to reach one another.
Doug did call last night but I missed his call.
Roger and Christine came over with Mary and her bird was dead. I felt so bad for her. I checked on him and he was fine and Phil fed him. God. Now I am supposed to pack her room, her room that she destroyed oh lucky me. Ce la vie I suppose.
Hate life right now ya know. Only thing keeping me going is Sarah. We've been having family dinners with her, we talk with her, we take her out. Doing all we can to make sure this doesn't happen again. Anyhow also talked to Michael last night, he is not sure how he feels about the whole Mary thing, so we'll see what happens.
That's my life at the moment...

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