Saturday, February 23, 2008


By: Angela MacRae
Remembering the days when you had grandmas soft hands hold yours? That even with those soft tender hands you felt lit up and safe inside. There's something about a grandma that touches us deeper than other family. How they keep a family tradition going, family getogethers are synonomous with grandmas house. Grandmas homemade cooking, sewing and knitting. The wonderful stories they tell us of our parents youth, as well as their own. My generation is not keeping up with many of those things and I often think about how my grandchildren will be affected by that. Grandmas have that soft flowery smell that just makes you want to cuddle with them for long periods of time. As you look upon their slowly withering and soft wrinkling ("laugh lines" my grandma once told me) on their face you melt. No one on earth can make you feel what a grandmother makes you feel. It's like once your a grandmother you begin to grow your angel wings. To see pain in their eyes brings tears to yours and you would give your everything to see that look taken away from her. So when grandmothers slip away into darkness, when they see you; but no longer know you, you know that pain is deep. I have 2 grandmothers in which darkness has come to take them away. This darkness called alzheimers is taking my grandmothers away. One's in a home, another on the way. It's hard seeing my grandmother so beautiful a person, so happy. She looks at me and I look at her searching, hoping somewhere she sees me. My heart is screaming out-WHY? Why can't you remember me?Why are you here in body and not in mind?I won't cry-must hold back tears grandma wouldn't understand would only add confusion. If only I could make 3 wishes, I'd bring you back to me My sweet, loving, hilarious, honest, inspirational grandmother...

I don't want to cry, especially over you
I don't want to cry, I'm long done & through with you
I don't want to cry, you don't deserve my tears
I don't want to cry, You've already wasted so much of my years
I don't want to cry, yet I cry and cry and cry
I don't want to cry, for all you ever were was a lie
I don't want to cry, but I'm afraid that's not the case
I don't want to cry, these tears burn down my face
I don't want to cry, I need a brand new start
I don't want to cry, it's time to heal this heart
I don't want to cry, I'll wish on a star tonight
I don't want to cry, someone new will come to me I'm done with you I've finally saw the light!

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