Wednesday, July 04, 2007

So That Didn' Constitute The Police?

Okay so today(I haven't been to bed yet) But July 3rd I was in downtown Victoria BC after an appointment.On the intersection of Douglas and Johnston Street close to 4pm a young man it would appear had some kinda of huge breakdown. Out of nowhere he began just freaking right out. He first started to yell and jump on his backback which got people's attention sure enugh. But then he decided that whatever had him pissed should get the drivers invoved, he began to unpack his backpack and throw all the items from it onto the road into the intersection, just hurled them. Everyone just stood around and watched. Calling 911 guess what their response was? Well we're kinda busy down here maybe some nice citizens will take it upon themselves to pick up his stuff off the road. Too busy? leave it to our citizens? Holy crap woman. Whatever...
I did after he left and had picked up maybe a couple papers and left everything else including his backpack behind, decide to try and clear the road of some of his stuff. Some fricken lady came up to me like I was fuckin crazy and asked if I needed some help with something.
I turned to her and said I am taking it upon myself to try and get some of this crap off the roads that some pisshead left on the road. Maybe not in those words but grr that pissed me off. What the hell is wrong with people? I did take pics.
On June 30th at Tillicum mall when we came out from Silver City we also ran into 3 fire trucks I believe being there. Apparently there was a small brushfire. Apparently there is forever being brushfires there.Oh to Joy....


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