Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Thoughts Transferred From Paper

RCMP-Project KAREI am interested in this case of Justin Barber being prosecuted for killing his wife on the beach April Barber. She was shot once in the cheek in never exited so bounced around in her head and she died he was shot 4 times, left shoulder, right chest, right shoulder/neck, and left hand. I myself have no belief in the fact that he would shoot himself that many times and then go get help. No he didn't call 911 and he drove nearly 10 miles before getting out of the car to waive down help. But hello he was shot loosing blood not thinking and in a very desolate area. People this is I think a waste of money to try this poor man. Telus Mobility/pay & talk is NOT USER FRIENDLY! I am sick of trying to reach a human on the phone & not being able to top up an account in a fast & easy manner. Grrr I hate telus.Terrorists caught in Onatario asked the court for a publication ban on publication. 14 of them of them were in the court on the 11th. I say screw a publication ban we have a right to know what was up and how and why. Still shocks me. The investigation and procedings against the motorcycle club Bandidos in canada is still going on. They put very little tidbits about it in the news.Is it just me or do other people think the "sporster" motorcycle is not near as gorgeous as a real Harley Davidson Beauty? I know it's the same name company but to me it comes off as a wanna be cool but can't quite do it so I'll settle for this bike. My teeth are still hurting so damn bad. My left upper back molar hardly has anything left, filling is only thing holding it in. Right back molar hurts, about half of it is left. Every once in awhile it tastes like something is draining from them it leaves a yucky taste in my mouth. Saturday night I wasn't doing so hot and it would appear I had yet another fall only reason I know is because my head, my shoulder and side of face are puffy and sore. Can't even touch them. Waiting to see brusies. We figured I fell hard and knocked myself unconscious as Phil found me passed out on the floor. I just wish I could remember. My balance does seem off as of late. Sucks.2 and a half weeks left and counting till peace hopefully will be abound. The countdown is in effect. I am drinking alot of milk lately but not eating much more than crackers and soup. I drank almost 10 litres in 3 or 4 days. It's skim milk. Nothing else seems to taste good to me. The creamy cold smooth taste just feels so good ya know? I do only drink dairyland, island farms sucks it has an off taste to it.Nice to finally see the Susan Polk case coming to an end eh?Britney speaks out on Dateline tonight and you can always check her out on http://www.brinttneyspears.comI have to say I am a fan to Max Kellerman. He always seems so well spoken and really keeps my attention. Even when I don't always agree with what he says. Not too bad looking either. ADDERAL is a prescription Drug for your brain given out in the USA mostly taken by college and university students from what I understand. WTF? People get a grip already. I agree with Tucker Carlson glad to see he doesn't see the point of them either.Phil surprised me this weekend he brought me home a long stemmed red rose, can't remember the last time I got anythingIs it just me or did Nancy Grace get a haircut? I love it.With my meds I get really bad dry mouth anyone got any ideas for dealing with chronic dry mouth?I so would love to go see Just For Laughs in Montreal canada. I just watched Tracy Smith she is hilarious.Not to bell Mobility Canada I love the beavers commercials but am disturbed by the shaving commercial!I get the idea but it is still disturbing!http://sfaproductions.com"If I had a faith that could move mountains but had not love than I have nothing"I hate the yo yo roller coaster emotions I've been on lately, withmy meds my moods slowed down. But with the emptiness & hurt of loosing DJ & in just over 2 weeks other changes are coming. Phil is way out of control of his emotions I am just so off and on.Ok I started this then been procrastinating but am back and hope to get this caught up and not fall back again,,, so here we goJune18- http://www.mensfacts.com apparently an atheist wanted to file a lawsuit as they believed it was against their constituational rights to have "In God We Trust" On their coins. Of course the judge rejected it. Godd God people give me a break! People will really sue over anything.2 cops patrolling a beach in an SUV ran over an IOWA sunbather killing her. She was there for her sons wedding. The 2 officers in california are on paid leavepending an investigation. One word from me is-HARSH! Insurgent sites on the web claim USA air strike that killed ABU MUSAB AL-ZARQAWI was a stroke of luck.My heart goes out to the mother of the 2 girls who were apparently taken forever by their dad in the murder suicide how horrendeous. London Ontario. Stephanie 12/Ashley 15. Dad-John in head on collision.I think it's wrong about the 21yr old lady who was recently arrested because she refused to deploy with her unit WTF?Not sure what is with me lately but I basically am only drinking skim milk & bottled water. Chicken breasts, premium plus salted top crackers, & chicken soup. I do eat other food but not really into anything else except that I already listed. 579 women were gunned down by their husbands in 2004 HOLYSHIT!http:www.ropos.com1 in 6 canadians are obese harsh eh? 213 live in a smoke free homes. 15% encounter second hand smokeGuantanomo 3 committed suicide. Do USA citizens want to be looked upon as the same kind of people as the taliban? Cause if something doesn't change there will be hell to pay and hell will come abd no will give a shit because it will be like the taliban. It's time a change was made TODAY!!!!Anyone know how to write letter of support to people in court and/or in jail?One thing I love about Canada is we don't have is the death penalty. Phil commented on how many die on death row in the USA which is supposed to curb crime in the USA. How ever that obviously is not working is not working. It was just said yesterday that last year, homicides, assaults, and rapes went up last year. Gee really? Go figure. Guess death row really does work huh?I found it interesting to see that alot of companies now don't do sizing of clothes according to real size now more based on the vanity we have called vanity sizing go figure...http://www.coolaid.orgCapital One sure has become huge on the TV circuit eh? So many shows are using them as giving out capital one cards. That has to say alot about the bank companyDon't ya just love the defense attorney named Jeo Lawless? LOL that cracks me uphttp://cnn.com/nancygrace"I USED TO LOVE HER" song from GUNS & ROSES is getting alot of TV time right now as it was on the barbers computer. God give the man a freakin break.Harsh Jerry Lewis had a heart attack. He is wished wellJune 14/06- Sweetinghams blog was following Susan Polk's Trial as we now know she was found guilty.http://www.broombusters.org http://tbshumourstudy.com.comxnophobic(movie hostel)I'm into the show, so you think you can dance. Nigel drives me crazy. But I really get emotionally into the dancing. I get teary eyed. I danced Jazz when younger. I wish I could get a partner to go to couple dancing & I still want to try pole dancing. I'm also watching Last Comic Standing. God I love stand up comedy. I especially love female comics. Fear Factor is all new right now too!If you haven't tried the Uncle Ben's Fast & Fancy Microwavable rice-Try it! My fave is oriental-2 mins and it is done and ready I love it!!!Do you think it is possible to have an aura that makes people turn angry & Cold around you?Does anyone out there actually watch Hell's Kitchen? The Commercials already have me loathing the man. I refuse to give a man like that any of my time. I don't think you should either!!!! He can choke on it as far as I am concerned!!!!Poor Hammy, Criss Angel's Cat who levitates. Ya know this episode with the monkey and elephants and birds Criss does not seem like himself. I feel a sadness around him. Like it's all around him. He seems to be trying to push through but I sense it deeply. I doubt he reads my blogs, but if he does: CRISS ANGEL I LOVE BEING MINDFREAKED & I HOPE WHATEVER IT IS YOU GET THROUGH IT!!! *HUGS*I love MAD DOG(EXCON) He talks to men going down a bad path. How jail life is. He is a hard ass & they need him. I believe he also talks to troubled teens on Maury I'd love to ask him a few questions myself!http://www.couponbug.com cry me a river-Justin TimerlakeMoonlight Bunny Ranch-Darren Mack was spotted atLike I said earlier Susan Polk Guilty of second degree murder. Jusry deliberated for 4 days. She asked for a state public defender wants to appeal. Faces 16 yrs to life.Duke rape case is loosing steam & support for the victim.What do you do when all you want to do is cry? When you have no one you can cinfide in and feel safe enough to tell everything to? What do you do when all you feel is dead inside & you can't talk about it? What do you do when there is things going on in your head that are disturbing about someone but there's just no way you can tell anyone because it could lead to trouble? How do you deal with a world that is crumbling down around you? How do you live when you feel like your thoughts your feelings are not worthy of space in the world? That to cry only is seen as a manipulation? Like silence is all that matters but even then you are a bitch? How do you know how to be?Rainforest Reptile Refuse Surrey BC Paul Springat has not taken a day off in 3 yrs. Yikes he can have them. However I would love to have an iguana!James Hicks was 600lbs lost weight from Dr.Phils Book. Did a triathalonTook Phil to Clinic yesterday16th his side has been hurting for days. Dr thinks he has bruised muscles. He never told her about constipation issues though I got him to ice it and use heating pad though which helped a bit! Have called Michael every day for a week and not reached him & he hasn't called back either. Nice to know if something happened to the girls he would be so damn easy to reach. Man that PISSES me off!!!What upsets me too is when Phil gets mad at me for not talking to him. Yet when I do talk to him I irritate him and he makes me feel stupid. If I cry I am trying to manipulate him. I talk about things he doesn't care about. I'm always feeling so stupid & ALONE!http://www.lifemates.com http://www.truthdutyvalour.ca http://www.mrchristie.ca http://www.isafe.org Watching a documentary on gastric bypass surgery. My first 8 weeks were hell only I think because I got the superbug at the same time. Alot of other people were fat all their lives I wasn't, I was not super thin but was thin enough. I only gained weight after having kids & then I ballooned up to 330lbs. Surgery I lost 191pounds. It's not easy, it's not a magic tool. It took me a couple years to be able to eat & look like I am eating almost normally. Phil finishes most of my meals for me. You really do miss your best friend, you don't realize ubtil you can't eat like you could that food was such a best friend. You don't realize how often the way you eat and drink comes up either! I have ended up anemic, I do have osteoarthrtis in my spine, but still I would do it again. Before surgery my thyroid became low, my asthma was real bad, I was getting pneumonia, I was borderline diabetic, I was still tired always, never full, this gave me some ability back!Finally talked to Michael, amazing. He frustrates me to no end. His mommy and daddy always make sure he doesn't go without, he has the best of everything but if it comes to making sure I have what I need for his kids it's always like pulling teeth. We definetly do not get along, we speak because we have kids and for no other reason!http://www.procedetv.com http://www.911seniors.com/868 (lifealert-I need this)What is it that is going on with asking Korea not to fire off missiles?http://www.stickupbulb.com Stays cool & non shatters 19.99 looks pretty cool & you also get the owl light with it.Am I the only person in this world truly afraid of midgets? Phil thinks it's funny. I DO NOt! tHEY REALLY AND TRULY DO SCARE me-is this a fear with a medical term?June 21- New rules on myspace.com- really don't see these new rules doing alot to change things and working but we shall see. At least it is a step in the right direction!http://www.headandshoulders.com http://www.biggulp.com http://www.stridegum.comAmerica's Got Talent- My favorites so Far are: I LOVE LOVE LOVE Bobby Badfingers, At Last, Sydney"The Kid" Park, Uhm Interesting but not a fave but putting him here anyhow cause I loved Hasselhoffs reaction lol is The World's Oldest Stripper Bernie Barker, Alexis Jordan, Kevin Spencer who is a ventriliquist with Clyde & Matilda, Kathy Kavanaugh(harpest they voted her off), Vladmir Michikin (sp?)), Nathan Burton(magician)), on the side about Holy Cow lol, Migel missed his last name juggler.My 10 pics for Big Brother 7 all stars are: Season 2- Will, Season 3-Lisa, Marcellas, Danielle, Season 4-Erika, Alison, Season 5-Jase, Season 6-Howie, Ivette, JamesIs it true Keith Urban and Nicole Kidman are getting married?Darren Mack is the all time biggest idiot taking out his wife and trying to take out the judge the way he did hello FBI top 10 fugitive, see ya on the other side!Phil has been pretty angry lately even going so far as to spit when he is angry. He seems to enjoy fighting with me alot It leaves me always unsure of what to say or do. He says he is not leaving me on one side of his mouth & asking me if I am trying to make him leave on the other. I just don't want to fight but love him. Things are hard right now and the kids leaving is hard and I think we're really struggling because of that.Well gotta love that 3 fugitives are on the loose: Callahn, Messer and Byes.K not sure what I wrote here but here it is:Ld Dr.Roy Berkowitz-Shelton is changing to femaleJeff Gardere-Psychologisthttp://www.babycenter.com http://www.msnbc.com My bad boss Contest http://www.workingamerica.orgSome guy threw out his car window thousands of dollars. Damn where am I when this stuff happens? I believe it is in the UKGreyhound is talking about shutting down some sites & buses here on vancouver island. What a load of crap that is!BC FERRIES is upping their prices again, I wish they would go to bloody hell!http://www.vicauctions.com http://cca.kids.com http://www.venus.uvic.ca Canada is changing the age of consent for sex to age 16, all aspects including touching ect. There is however a 5 yr clause. I would like that clause to be less than 5 yrs!http://cfpsa.canex.com Support our troopsGot Phil 3 more transformers for Fathers Day. 2 Beast Wars 10th Edition & Scionwho is an alternator van looking thing. We need 1 more of the beast wars 10th edition. DINOBOT to finish building my guy TANS MUAT. He is so cute, but to build him you have to get all the beast wars 10th edition transformers his last piece is his arm and he will be so greatful to have his arm Unfortanetly we have yet to have seen dinobot in any of the storesThe Stanley Cup was here on the island this weekend I wanted to go see it but Phil said no so we didn'tPhil says I am not allowed to predict hockey games anymore cause I am always right. I predicted Vancouver would loose the stanley Cup and they did and the same the night Edmonton played and they did. Days before even I predicted it. Sorry boys! Phil swears up and down Edmonton got paid to loose the cup!!!Harsh the show 99MOST BIZARRE now that is a show to watch wow...http://www.goodnews.comI really got into that movie Dead Awake on TV the other night but sedatives kicked in and I fell asleep It stars Steven Baldwin. I want to see it again.I don't think it is right that people should be able to profit from death. Like paying for funerals ect. Everyone dies and people get torn up and destroyed by it. It's just not right to get money from that!Had an experience with a commissionaire at Mayfair mall the other day, The security guard there I believe was harassing these 3 people. Even hitting on the one girl with the 2 guys with them. I did not see anything they did to deserve the action he took towards them. When I complained to Phil he stepped in and asked why he was harassing them and they laid their hands on Phil in front of my kids. Which was harshly upsetting to them and to me. Apparently this one commissionaire has harrassed these 3 before and God the guy even followed them beyond mall property, it clearly was an abuse of power. I did call the head office and complain. But it is security officers like that, that give others a bad name! Clearly he should not be doing security, at least not there!!!! I do have to say the guard he called for back up did seem to take awhile to get there and when he was there looked like he did not want to be there. Just my observation.This week is the new trial of Andrea Yates. She is the mother accused of and convicted of killing her 5 children by drowning them in a tub. She asked to be put in a mental ward during the case happily the judge said no. She is claiming mental illness. I am a huge huge huge supporter of mental illness and Lord knows Phil and I one of our hugest fights is about mental illness especially when it comes to women because he thinks we women use it as an excuse and men are bad women are just ill. I can't get him to see it any other way. Regardless I know alot of people men included who yes I have said I don't see why they are jailed and no jail is not where they belong. I have payed very close attention to mental illnesses and cases involving them and I think Phil has somewhat of a point that women get mental illness easier than men but still... In this case I do not find that she was mentally ill. I really do believe she was guilty of murder and she knew what she was doing and that saying it was not her in her right mind is a load of BS. I'm sorry but on this rare occasion I am on the side of the prosecution.June 23-Cried last night cause I was missing DJ. You know what I do love about having teens? More intellectual conversations. I miss some of the talks I was able to have with DJ. I'll miss those talks with Mary. It'll probably be a long while before my youngest and I can talk like that I don't really open up to anyone else anymore. Don't keep in touch with anyone anymore. Probably why some of my blogs are so long winded. *sigh* However what I hate about teens is their obnoxious, hurtful, cruel words & self-centerednessYUCK-BASEBALLS BEST BURGER: 1/4 pound Hamburger Patty, sliced cheese, 4 strips of bacon in between lightly browned sliced crispy creme donut(can we say heart attack on a bun)I want to make a suggestion to the makers and judges of America's got talent: NO PUSHING THE OTHER JUDGES BUZZERS!!!!!Book: You-The Owners Manual Brainage is selling in huge numbers believe it is made by nintendohttp://www.abcnews.com God it is getting upsetting to me at least once a week now I get a new big bruise somewhere. I am falling alot, tired alot, dizzy alot, & bruising alot, and my skin is always peeling which leaves me picking more, so always have fresh new sores My mouth is chronically dry. My gums are going purple & looking like a couple places are growing absesses & in horrible agonizing pain as I have 2 very broken molarsGuys can drink more alchol than women because they have an extra enzyme in their stomach than women that absorbs part of the alcohol.Rimonabent been tested for weight control. Europe just approved it. USA so far has not. Apparently works very well. Book- Myths, Lies & Downright StupidityNot to bad a movie I watched- The Perfect HusbandYa know I can't help feeling sadness for Jeffrey Dahmer and his family. I really think he needed psychiatric help.Procede use once every 90 days. http://procededtv.comAeron Spelling died at age 83 he will truly be sadly missed. 1-800-petmeds.comDepression in cats? http://www.nobelsmile.com http://www.overstock.com http://www.cancerrecovery.com Another good movie: Past Tense http://www.keep-exploring.ca http://www.vonage.com The Rainbow Gathering in Pedro, Florida USA sounds interestingWow Natasha Ryan letting people think she was dead and now takingmoney now that she is alive and walked into court to show it. What a stuck up self centered, deceptive little BITCH! I cannot believe she let her parents believe she was dead for all those years. They grieved her, mourned her. All along she was living with her sister's ex boyfriend that is just sick! The search costed itself over half a million dollars & she has never publicly apologized.I think it's obvious Allan Quin the Con Man did so very muchto help catch Leonard Fraser, he deserves something!http://www.stjude.tvTo parents who are unsure about vaccinating their children, STP IT!!!! Our children can be healthier. The childhood vaccinations could keep them alive. My son was too young to have his 1st ones and got whooping cough & it almost cost him his life at 3weeks. In england right now babies and young kids arebecoming very ill due to measles. Why? Because their parents chose to forego the vaccinations. It shouldn't take a large outbreak for people to rethink that.Even our cats the feline leukemia and rabies are optional additional shots but I wouldn't think of not adding them.http://www.cancercenter.com http://www.wtbs.com http://www.rcmusic.ca What is with so many guys wanting to video tape sac sessions with women they are sleeping with? Have you ever noticed how you quite often see a guy walking down a street with a pizza box & many times eating from it, but never see a woman doing the same? Just one of those things that make you go hmmmmmmm....I love feel good stories & stories that prove there is still people with good hearts in this world. The Dateline Story "Rescue On Top Of The World" A rescue at Mount Everest made me cry happy tears, seeing Lincoln Hall saved while 3 others gave up making it to the summit. Those who passed him saying they did not know how to speak English should be ashamed very ashamed as we know they did. Karma will come to those people. Dan is a living breathing angelI am so glad I live in a country that does not believe in the death penalty. Everytime I see a show about someone put to death it makes me cry. IT IS SO WRONG!!!!! I do have to say I love NANNY 911 but the nanny I adore and love is NANNY DEB! She is much stronger & Hard but fun. I adore her! June 26- 4 more days in my count down WIFE SWAP is not a show I can tolerate often but omg this show I LOVE BELLA & I want her husband KENNY, good God he is the dream man. His hair his body his way of thinking He treats Bella like a Queen. He even has the kids love her like a queen wow he is so perfect! Makes me think a little harder about the lifestyles of the wicca.I hate the blonde bitch Bella switched with but she is well suited for her asshole husband! Bella & Kenny Thompson WOW!I do have to say Kenny breaking the plate shocked me. I hope they didn't change too drastically cause Kenny was alright by me and so was Bella. They rock!Oh I wanna go see Lady In the WaterTalked on the phone with Doug tonight first time in a long long long long time about a half hour conversation. I did talk it over with Phil first. I go over everything with Phil first. I feel unsure and scared that I will piss him off if I don't check with him first and I don't want to do that, I feel like he feels stressed enough right now and I don't want to do anything more to add to that. So now am all updated oh except still in pain with teeth.Phil did force me to go to dr today because I have a painful infection on my chest so painful I had a hard time getting to sit up today so reluctantly agreed to go. It's a pretty bad infection I got some meds, so hopefully will get better now. Laterz....

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