I am going to write everyone i know including the police if my mothers full amount of money into her account right away! I am so tired of people taking advantage of people like my mother who is a senior! Your claims are bogus as well! Dr Oz has said over and over not to take these things seriously as he does not sell pills or anything else for that matter! If you cannot tell i am hugely Angry!! I am going to post this on a bunch of my pages now, and let them know how you guys take advantage of people but even worse seniors! My mother cannot afford any of these BS Pills! And she wants the entire amount of money back not just one hundred and something but you guys took over 200$from her account and NOW she cannot afford anything else! Not even food! You should be ashamed of your selves! If you can take out her money in less than a few minutes there was no reason when she was balling her eyes out last night you couldn't have put the money directly back into her account You just didn't seem to care and why are there 3 of your guy's account! This is also bs they have the original one she reached out to Blood Balance! Then this one customer_support@primehealthzone.com and then this one Pureshop Supplements its total bs i mean it that i will make an inquiry to the police if it is not back into her account!! My mother is Dorothy MacRae
Sincerely Angela MacRae